1. We stood behind the lines
Gazing upon them through the loopholes
١. وَقَفنا لَهُم مِن وَراءِ الخُطو
بِ نُطالِعُهُم مِن خَصاصاتِها
2. And awaited a day like those days
And a night of misfortune like those nights
٢. وَنَرقُبُ يَوماً كَأَيّامِها
وَليلَةَ نَحسٍ كَلَيلاتِها
3. For the rod of fate, when it falls
Directs the course of events to their outcomes
٣. فَإِنَّ عَصا الدَهرِ لَمّا تَدَع
سِياقَ الأُمورِ لِغاياتِها
4. And the ropes are set up
So be not fooled by their slipperiness
٤. وَإِنَّ الحَبائِلَ مَنصوبَةٌ
فَلا تُستَغَرّوا بِإِفلاتِها
5. You have climbed their heights throughout the ages
So be patient with the distance of their summits
٥. تَسَنَّمتُموها طِوالَ الذُرى
فَصَبراً عَلى بُعدِ قَهواتِها
6. And he who was rained on by the sky of riches
Fell into the torrents of its settlements
٦. وَمَن أَمطَرَتهُ سَماءُ الغِنى
هَوى في سيولِ قَراراتِها
7. Oh how the world entices with hope
Yet turns away from them with its kindnesses
٧. فَيا لَكِ دُنيا تَريشُ الرِجا
لَ وَتَنحي عَليهِم بِمِبراتِها
8. And its gifts to the youth
Are a guarantee to him of its malice
٨. وَإِنَّ مَنائِحَها لِلفَتى
لَرَهنٌ لَهُ بِنِكاياتِها
9. While it says to him, here they are
Until it says to him, hand them over
٩. فَبَينا تَقولُ لَهُ هاكَها
إِلى أَن تَقولَ لَهُ هاتِها
10. Do you not know that your days
Are counted until their appointed time?
١٠. أَلَم تَعلَموا أَنَّ أَيّامَكُم
تُعَدُّ إِلى حينِ ميقاتِها
11. How then did you trust its years
When we are stingy with its hours?
١١. فَكَيفَ وَثِقتُم بِأَعوامِها
وَنَحنُ نَضِنُّ بِساعاتِها
12. Do not seek for them to stumble
It will come to them of its own accord
١٢. فَلا تَطلُبَنَّ لَهُم عَثرَةً
سَتَأتيهِمُ هِيَ مِن ذاتِها
13. The nights pass according to their course
And misfortunes occur according to their habit
١٣. تَمُرُّ اللَيالي عَلى نَهجِها
وَتَجري الخُطوبُ لِعاداتِها