1. The youth lives on though death claimed him away
The living's like the hidden 'neath the sand's disarray
١. بَقاءُ الفَتى مُستَأنَفٌ مِن فَنائِهِ
وَما الحَيُّ إِلا كالمُغيَّبِ في الرَمسِ
2. I see people coming to the pool of loss
Some miss the mark, some drink their full no less
٢. أَرى الناسَ وَرّادينَ حَوضاً مِنَ الرَدى
فَمِن فارِطٍ أَو بالِغِ الوِردِ عَن خِمسِ
3. For those now passed my tears ever flow
I weep indeed, but for myself I weep and know
٣. وَيَجري عَلى مَن ماتَ دَمعي وَما لَهُ
بَكَيتُ وَلَكِنّي بَكَيتُ عَلى نَفسي
4. Each living youth will soon follow who went ahead
And every morrow will join with yesterdays long dead
٤. وَكُلُّ فَتىً باقٍ سَيَتبَعُ مَن مَضى
وَكُلُّ غَدٍ جاءٍ سَيَلحَقُ بِالأَمسِ
5. So may God keep you from the path of those
Who lonely died and lonely, now in peace, repose
٥. فَلا يُبعِدَنكَ اللَهُ مِن مُتَفَرِّدٍ
رَأى المَوتَ أُنساً فَاِستَراحَ إِلى الأُنسِ
6. I say, though others said, he went his destined way
With no fuss or circumstance, he passed away
٦. أَقولُ وَقَد قالوا مَضى لِسَبيلِهِ
مَضى غَيرَ رِعديدِ الجَنانِ وَلا نِكسِ
7. As if the night's mourning did but darker grow
To see the sunshine banish all its weary woe
٧. كَأَنَّ حِدادَ اللَيلِ زادَ سَوادَهُ
عَليكَ وَرَدَّ الضَوءَ مِن مَطلَعِ الشَمسِ
8. Beside your worth all else to me's diminished
Naught can console me for the loss I've finished
٨. أَرى كُلَّ رُزءٍ دونَ رُزئِكَ قَدرُهُ
فَلَيسَ يُلاقيني لِيَومِكَ ما يُنسي