
Tell troubles to lay down their arms, for my troop is protected

قل للخطوب ضعي سلاحك قد حمى

1. Tell troubles to lay down their arms, for my troop is protected
And secured by Abu al-Khattab.

١. قُل لِلخُطوبِ ضَعي سِلاحَكِ قَد حَمى
سَربي وَآمَنَني أَبو الخَطّابِ

2. I have pinned my hopes on you, it was to none but you
That my appeal and request were directed.

٢. وَلَقَد حَطَطتُ بِكَ الرَجاءَ وَلَم يَكُن
إِلّا إِلَيكَ تَسَبُّبي وَطِلابي

3. O you who clothe me in old blessings, renew upon me
The freshness of their raiment.

٣. يا مُلبِسي النِعَمَ القَديمَ لِباسُها
جَدَّد عَلَيَّ نَضارَةَ الأَثوابِ

4. The abode of glories, you are its entrance,
So permit me, for I stand at the door.

٤. دارُ المَعالي أَنتَ بابُ دُخولِها
فَأذَن فَإِنّي واقِفٌ بِالبابِ