1. With resolve, not with efforts, honor is attained
The resolute walk with people even when they stop
١. بِالجَدِّ لا بِالمَساعي يُبلَغُ الشَرَفُ
تَمشي الجُدودُ بِأَقوامٍ وَإِن وَقَفوا
2. Time has brought about a temperament that does not last
Generosity and stinginess, fulfilling and failing
٢. أَعيا مِنَ الدَهرِ خُلقٌ لا دَوامَ لَهُ
البَذلُ وَالمَنعُ وَالإِنجازُ وَالخُلُفُ
3. With his aloofness, the lover hurts those longing for him
One day intimate, another day distant and flirting
٣. واطٍ بِجَفوَتِهِ أَعقابَ خُلَّتِهِ
يَوماً وَدودٌ وَيَوماً مَلَّةٌ طَرِفُ
4. My soul was amazed at the greying that afflicted it
While my censurer blamed my greying and sorrow
٤. راحَت تَعَجَّبُ مِن شَيبٍ أَلَمَّ بِهِ
وَعاذِرٌ شَيبَهُ التَهمامُ وَالأَسَفُ
5. The worries of the soul still knock
The messengers of whiteness interchange to the temples
٥. وَلا تَزالُ هُمومُ النَفسِ طارِقَةً
رُسلُ البَياضِ إِلى الفَودينِ تَختَلِفُ
6. When thirty and forty come to him
He fakes about his youth and turns
٦. إِنَّ الثَلاثينَ وَالسَبعَ اِلتَوَينَ بِهِ
عَنِ الصِبا فَهوَ مُزوَرٌّ وَمُنعَطِفُ
7. He has no youthfulness that a ruin is mourned for
Nor any passion that an honor is elevated with
٧. فَما لَهُ صَبوَةٌ يُبكى بِها طَلَلٌ
وَلا لَهُ طَربَةٌ يُعلى بِها شَرَفُ
8. Where are those who shot my heart with their arrows
And did not cure me of the disgust they caused
٨. أَينَ الَّذينَ رَمَوا قَلبي بِسَهمِهِمُ
وَلَم يُداوُوا لِيَ القِرفَ الَّذي قَرَفوا
9. The heart complains of their loss, which they wounded
And the eye weeps for them, which they made shed tears
٩. يَشكو فِراقَهُمُ القَلبُ الَّذي جَرَحوا
مِنّي وَتَبكيهِمُ العَينُ الَّتي طَرَفوا
10. How often fear came to me from what I felt secure of
And how often I felt secure from what makes my heart dry
١٠. كَم جاءَني الخَوفُ مِمّا كُنتُ آمَنَهُ
وَكَم أَمِنتُ الَّتي قَلبي بِها يَجِفُ
11. One may feel safe from an arrow that will hit him
And one may fear what turns away and veers
١١. قَد يَأمَنُ المَرءُ سَهماً فيهِ مَوقِعُهُ
وَقَد يَخافُ الَّذي يَنأى وَيَنحَرِفُ
12. When I saw your assumptions miss their mark
And your intentions toward me were lower than what I hoped
١٢. لَمّا رَأَيتُ مَرامي الظَنَّ خاطِئَةً
وَدونَ ما أَرتَجي مِنكُم نَوىً قُذُفُ
13. I turned my soul away from you while it was singing
And the soul turns away sometimes, so it turns
١٣. صَرَفتُ نَفسِيَ عَنكُم وَهيَ غانِيَةٌ
وَالنَفسُ تُصرَفُ أَحياناً فَتَنصَرِفُ
14. Neither despair nor hope shook your branch
Nor did seeing your abundance show softness or violence
١٤. ما هَزَّ فَرعَكُمُ يَأسٌ وَلا طَمَعٌ
وَلا مَرى دَرَّكُم لينٌ وَلا عَنَفُ
15. You have no outlook in the folds of generosity
Nor any succession in the backs of glory
١٥. وَلا لَكُم في ثَنايا الجودِ مُطَّلَعٌ
وَلا لَكُم في ظُهورِ المَجدِ مُرتَدَفُ
16. My honor and pride refuse for me
To hold on to a rope of delusion that has no end
١٦. يَأبى لِيَ العِزُّ وَالغَرّاءُ مِن شِيَمي
إِمساكَ حَبلِ غُرورٍ ما لَهُ طَرَفُ
17. Dispel the darkness of a night you grope
Though the darkness hides you, dawn will uncover
١٧. هَبها ضَبابَةَ لَيلٍ أَنتَ خابِطُها
إِنَّ الظَلامَ وَإِن عَنّاكَ مُنكَشِفُ
18. Look forward to the dawn, for the dawn is anticipated
And sunrise elucidates what nightfall rendered ambiguous
١٨. تَنَظَّرِ الصُبحَ إِنَّ الصُبحَ مُنتَظَرٌ
وَالفَجرُ يُعرِبُ عَمّا أَعجَمَ السَدَفُ
19. As if when I seek your bestowal
I am one begging from the deaf rock that scoops up water
١٩. كَأَنَّني يَومَ أَستَعطي نَوالَكُمُ
دانٍ مِنَ الصَخرَةِ الصَمّاءِ يَغتَرِفُ
20. And when I call you for marriage, I fear it
Like one calling out to someone the sea has embraced
٢٠. وَيَومَ أَدعوكُمُ لِلخَطبِ أَحذَرُهُ
داعٍ يُبَلِّغُ مَن قَد ضَمَّهُ الجَدَفُ
21. You were not like my swords when I brandished you
Brandishing the swords when I unsheathe and wield them
٢١. ما كُنتُمُ مِن سُيوفي إِذ هَزَزتُكُمُ
هَزَّ النَوابي إِذا أَمضَيتَها تَقِفُ
22. O shepherd of the lambs, you did not become among a group
The lambs are watered and the great gather honor
٢٢. يا راعِيَ الذَودِ لا أَصبَحتَ في نَفَرٍ
تَروى البِكارُ وَتَظما الجِلَّةُ الشُرُفُ
23. How wondrous is the crooked distribution fate makes
The abode is one, yet the meadows are different
٢٣. ما أَعجَبَ القِسمَةَ العَوجاءَ يَقسِمُها
الدارُ واحِدَةٌ وَالوِردُ مُختَلِفُ
24. If I am deprived of the sublime ones who were granted
I have certainly been ignorant of the vile ones who knew
٢٤. لَئِن حُرِمتُ مِنَ العَلياءِ ما رُزِقوا
لَقَد جَهِلتُ مِنَ الفَحشاءِ ما عَرَفوا
25. I will set out the camels, then make them kneel down
Where the dew has settled and honor has taken residence
٢٥. لَأُرحِلَنَّ المَطايا ثُمَّ أُبرِكُها
حَيثُ اِطمَأَنَّ النَدى وَاِستَوطَنَ الشَرَفُ
26. As if among the men of the caravan is apprehension
Shuddering with fear while the female camels bellow
٢٦. كَأَنَّما في رِجالِ الرَكبِ خاطِرَةٌ
تَعانَقَ الدَوُّ وَالنَأجِيَّةُ العُصُفُ
27. In an abode where most of what is promised is breach
For the hopeful, and in its rule there is no injustice
٢٧. بِدارِ أَغلَبَ ما في وَعدِهِ خُلُفٌ
لِلراغِبينَ وَلا في حُكمِهِ جَنَفُ
28. Where rights stand affirmed in their bounds
And every one who judges time is impartial
٢٨. حَيثُ الحُقوقُ قِيامٌ في مَقاطِعِها
وَكُلُّ مَن حاكَمَ الأَيّامَ مُنتَصِفُ
29. He who pleased with the matters in his early youth
His opinion is well-informed and his life renewed
٢٩. راضَ الأُمورَ عَلى أولى شَبيبَتِهِ
فَالرَأيُ مُحتَنِكٌ وَالعُمرُ مُؤتَنِفُ
30. The generous ones have come, children to him
As fathers to him preceded and went before
٣٠. يُحيي المَكارِمَ أَبناءٌ لَهٌ وَرَدوا
كَما بَنى المَجدَ أَباءٌ لَهُ سَلَفوا
31. O son of the foremost ones, they descended to find the lofty empty
Pearls are discarded while seashells are thrown
٣١. يا اِبنَ الأولى نَزَلوا العَلياءَ خالِيَةً
مَنازِلَ الدُرِّ يُرمى دونَهُ الصَدَفُ
32. The predecessors, so no leaning nor isolation
And the carriers, so no injustice nor feebleness
٣٢. المُقدِمينَ فَلا ميلٌ وَلا عُزُلٌ
وَالحامِلونَ فَلا جَورٌ وَلا ضَعَفُ
33. For me among them all are successors to every absent one
And perhaps the successor surpassed the limits of the predecessor
٣٣. لي فيهِمُ خَلَفٌ مِن كُلِّ مُفتَقَدٍ
وَرُبَّما جازَ قَدرَ الذاهِبِ الخَلَفُ
34. Every day you are a leader against an enemy
Driving away the cowardly for your aggression
٣٤. في كُلِّ يَومٍ عَدُوٌّ أَنتَ قائِدُهُ
قَودَ الجَنيبِ لِما عَسَّفتَ مُعتَسِفُ
35. In peace, pouring with harmless weakness
And in war, flashing with thundering might
٣٥. في السَلمِ دافِقَةٌ شُؤبوبُها خَضِلٌ
وَالرَوعِ بارِقَةٌ ذو رَعدِها قَصَفُ
36. From mountain paths, its waters covered with repelling
And from spear stabs, its wells collapse
٣٦. فَمِن شِعابِ نَدىً أَمواهُهُ دُفَعٌ
وَمِن طِعانِ قَناً آبارُهُ خُسُفُ
37. You rise up as if you and intuitions are soaring
Near to understanding the commoners' gibberish
٣٧. تَغدو كَأَنَّكَ وَالهاماتِ طائِرَةٌ
جانٍ مِنَ الحَنظَلِ العامِيِّ يَنتَقِفُ
38. As if the sword of old age is not a guest that
When it comes, refrains from heads
٣٨. كَأَنَّ سَيفَكَ ضَيفُ الشَيبِ لَيسَ لَهُ
عَنِ الرُؤوسِ إِذا ما جاءَ مُنصَرَفُ
39. So take up glory anew, while your time is green
As if time in you is a garden luxuriant
٣٩. فَاِستَأنِفوا العِزَّ مُخضَرّاً زَمانُكُمُ
كَأَنَّما الدَهرُ فيكُم رَوضَةٌ أُنُفُ
40. And remain lasting as the full moons in their emergence
Except the full moons, for the full moon becomes eclipsed
٤٠. وَاِبقَوا بَقاءَ الدَراري في مَطالِعِها
إِلّا البُدورَ فَإِنَّ البَدرَ يَنكَسِفُ
41. The young she-camel strives purposely and it has gained
The best of the flock's leadership and honor
٤١. تَسعى البِكارُ مُعَنّاةً وَقَد مَلَكَت
أولى الجُمامِ عَلَيها الجِلَّةُ الشُرُفُ
42. When we see the pillar of the faith riding it
No riders behind it can match the people
٤٢. إِذا رَأَينا قِوامَ الدينِ راكِبَها
فَلَيسَ في ظَهرِها لِلقَومِ مُرتَدَفُ
43. So say to one who hopes to catch up with them
Wait, for they have reached the heights and did not contend
٤٣. فَقُل لِمُعتَسِفٍ يَرجو لَحاقَهُمُ
لَبِّث فَقَد بَلَغوا العَليا وَما اِعتَسَفوا
44. If your father could see today, his eye would be amazed
The roots from what the branches produced
٤٤. لَوَ اِنَّ عَينَ أَبيكَ اليَومَ ناظِرَةٌ
تَعَجَّبَ الأَصلُ مِمّا أَثمَرَ الطَرَفُ
45. He gave up efforts, so he trained his efforts
Proceeding on the path of glory, not stopping
٤٥. وَنى عَنِ السَعيِ فَاِستَرعى مَساعِيَهُ
مُدَرَّباً بِطَريقِ المَجدِ لا يَقِفُ
46. Horses may outstrip their pursuers, even if
Many bolt on the day of racing and vying
٤٦. قَد يَسبُقُ الخَيلَ تاليها وَإِن كَثُرَت
مِنها الفَوارِطُ يَومَ الجَريِ وَالسَلَفُ