
No day like yours can comfort me after you are gone,

ما بعد يومك ما يسلو به السالي

1. No day like yours can comfort me after you are gone,
Nor did the thought of such a day occur to me before.

١. ما بَعدَ يَومِكَ ما يَسلو بِهِ السالي
وَمِثلُ يَومِكَ لَم يَخطُر عَلى بالي

2. How can a heart find solace when dire calamities
Strike wave after wave of sorrow and confusion?

٢. وَكَيفَ يَسلو فُؤادٌ هاضَ جانِبَهُ
قَوارِعٌ مِن جَوى هَمٍّ وَبَلبالِ

3. O heart, be patient, for patience is a high virtue
To which exalted men return after passion's rule.

٣. يا قَلبِ صَبراً فَإِنَّ الصَبرَ مَنزِلَةٌ
بَعدَ الغُلوِّ إِلَيها يَرجِعُ الغالي

4. Do not say that an early death left a man's goal unmet;
Neither the first to go nor the last is spared.

٤. وَلا تَقُل سابِقٌ لَم يَعدُ غايَتَهُ
فَما المُقَدَّمُ بِالناجي وَلا التالي

5. The passing days subtract far more from my life now
Than they detract from ordinary men each day.

٥. نَقصُ الجَديدينِ مِن عُمري يَزيدُ عَلى
ما يُنقِصانِ عَلى الأَيّامِ مِن حالي

6. Time inflicts its strokes on my body continuously;
Why should I worry if it takes my robe away?

٦. دَهرٌ تُؤَثِّرُ في جِسمي نَوائِبُهُ
فَما اِهتِمامي إِذا أَودى بِسِربالي

7. We're fooled into thinking we'll be spared from it,
As embers' glow tricks one who warms his hands thereby.

٧. نَغتَرُّ بِالحِفظِ مِنهُ وَهوَ يَختُلُنا
كَما يَغُرُّ ذُبولُ الجَمرَةِ الصالي

8. He whom I hoped in earlier days would come
To mankind's aid is gone - how vain my dreams!

٨. مَضى الَّذي كُنتُ في الأَيّامِ آمُلُهُ
مِنَ الرِجالِ فَيا بُعداً لِآمالي

9. Worldly affairs distracted me, but now that
My hands are empty of them, my pains have multiplied.

٩. قَد كانَ شُغلي مِنَ الدُنيا فَمُذ فَرغَت
مِنهُ يَدي زادَ طولُ الوَجدِ أَشغالي

10. I left them scattered to the winds' sweeping,
And drew away what remained of my train behind.

١٠. تَرَكتُهُ لِذُيولِ الريحِ مُدرَجَةً
وَرُحتُ أَسحَبُ عَنهُ فَضلَ أَذيالي

11. It's as if when I died and went below,
I didn't leave a single part of me on earth intact.

١١. كَأَنَّني لَم أَدَع في الأَرضِ يَومَ ثَوى
مُوَدِّعاً شَطرَ أَعضائي وَأَوصالي

12. Why can't I endure today with equanimity
Or banish patience and solace from my mind?

١٢. ما بالِيَ اليَومَ لَم أَلحَق بِهِ كَمَداً
أَو أَنزِعِ الصَبرَ وَالسُلوانَ مِن بالي

13. Waves of sorrow keep returning to me
With new sorrows following close on those now past.

١٣. عَواطِفُ الهَمِّ ما تَنفَكُّ تُرجِعُ لي
مِن ذاهِبٍ وَجَديدِ الوَجدِ مِن بالِ

14. I wanted a father to show me love, and children
To comfort me as my years went drifting by;

١٤. ما شِئتُ مِن والِدٍ يودي وَمِن وَلَدٍ
يَمضي الزَمانُ بِآسادي وَأَشبالي

15. Wealth for a time, and family for a season -
Nothing destroys a man like losing wealth and kin.

١٥. بِالمالِ طَوراً وَبِالأَهلينَ آوِنَةً
ما أَضيَعَ المَرءَ بَعدَ الأَهلِ وَالمالِ

16. I'd gladly do without it, slowly or quickly,
If that could help me, whether soon or late.

١٦. أُليحُ مِنهُ رُوَيداً أَو عَلى عَجَلٍ
لَو كانَ يَنفَعُ إِروادي وَإِعجالي

17. How strange is Time, whose days unceasing
Run after me and run away from me by turns.

١٧. ما أَعجَبَ الدَهرَ وَالأَيّامُ دائِبَةٌ
تَسعى عَلى عَمَدٍ نَحوي وَتَسعى لي

18. I love it though against my will, and bid it
Farewell, dispatched by Death, that tireless seeder.

١٨. نُحِبُّها وَعَلى رُغمٍ نُوَدِّعُها
إِلى المَنونِ وَداعَ الصارِمِ القالي

19. How many lofty peaks has Fortune undermined,
And from how many deep valleys raised up streams!

١٩. كَم أَنزَلَ الدَهرُ مِن عَلياءَ شاهِقَةٍ
وَشالَ مِن قَعرِ نائي الغَورِ مِنهالِ

20. How many great men among their tribes
She made food for assemblies of gossiping idlers!

٢٠. وَكَم هَوى بِعَظيمٍ في عَشيرَتِهِ
مِطعامِ أَندِيَةٍ طَعّانِ أَبطالِ

21. A man, tall in his enemies' eyes, watches them
Like a hawk surveying prey from on high.

٢١. عالٍ عَلى نَظَرِ الأَعداءِ يَلحَظُهُم
لَواحِظَ الصَقرِ فَوقَ المَربَإِ العالي

22. When the days drive you relentlessly away
From home to a place emptied of kin,

٢٢. لَئِن تَرامَت بِكَ الأَعوادُ مُعجِلَةً
عَنِ الدِيارِ إِلى مُزوَرَّةِ الخالي

23. No living soul can feel secure,
For Time is crooked and keeps no settled state.

٢٣. فَلَيسَ حَيٌّ مِنَ الدُنيا عَلى ثِقَةٍ
وَالدَهرُ أَعوَجُ لا يَبقى عَلى حالِ

24. Do not let my wealth or poverty disturb you,
Or whether I have little or enough.

٢٤. فَلا يَسُرُّكَ إِكثاري وَلا جِدَتي
وَلا يَغُمُّكَ إِقتاري وَإِقلالي

25. I see death's inevitability as uncertain,
So I reject it - how like water life seems to my eyes!

٢٥. أَرى يَقينَ المُنى شَكّاً فَأَرفُضُهُ
ما أَشبَهَ الماءَ في عَينَيَّ بِالآلِ

26. You were reviled, O house, despite the love we bore you;
You are more treacherous than a rugged valley.

٢٦. قُبِّحتِ يا دارُ مِن دارٍ نُغَرُّ بِها
فَأَنتِ أَغدَرُ مِظعانٍ وَمِحلالِ