
O how excellent above the sandy hill

يا حبذا فوق الكثيب الأعفر

1. O how excellent above the sandy hill
Are the spear-tips planted in the shadows of the sand dunes,

١. يا حَبَّذا فَوقَ الكَثَيبِ الأَعفَرِ
رَكزُ الذَوابِلِ في ظِلالِ الضُمَّرِ

2. And the place for tying every rational she-camel,
And the wide plain for every rain-pouring cloud.

٢. وَمُناخُ كُلِّ مَطِيَّةٍ مَعقولَةٍ
وَمَجالُ كُلِّ مُناقِلٍ مُتَمَطِّرِ

3. The riders descend on the sandy plain,
Wandering between being fully dressed and stripped.

٣. تَطَرُّحُ الرَكبِ الطِلاحِ عَلى النَقا
يَهفونَ بَينَ مُزَمَّلٍ وَمُعَفَّرِ

4. The eyes of the enlightened beholder are raised,
And the night is like someone standing confused.

٤. رُفِعَت لِعَينِ الناظِرِ المُتَنَوِّرِ
وَاللَيلُ مِثلُ الواقِفِ المُتَحَيِّرِ

5. A fire whose edges resemble tent pegs
That look like the dawning places of the white desert.

٥. نارٌ كَأَطرافِ البُزوقِ تَشُبُّها
بِمَطالِعِ البَيداءِ أَيدي مَعشَرِ

6. How many hearts shedding tears it startled,
And how many eyes pouring tears it made rain!

٦. كَم نَفَّرَت مِن شَجوِ قَلبٍ نافِرٍ
وَاِستَمطَرَت مِن دَمعِ عَينٍ مُمطِرِ

7. O God, what an hour when grief attended
And was hidden in hearts full of care!

٧. لِلَّهِ أَيَّةُ ساعَةٍ حَضَرَ الأَسى
فيها فَغُيِّبَ في القُلوبِ الحُضَّرِ

8. It betrayed the loyalty of faithfulness, but it did not diminish,
And betrayal is water not made turbid.

٨. أَجَنَت بِها غُدرَ الوَفاءِ فَلَم تَغِض
وَالغُدرُ طامي الماءِ غَيرُ مُكَدَّرِ

9. And horsemen who rode to deliverance and traveled
From a remote depth behind wishes and hills.

٩. وَفَوارِسٍ رَكِبوا النَجاءَ وَأَدلَجوا
مِن موغِلٍ خَلفَ المُنى وَمَغَرِّرِ

10. They passed leading their spears for a raid
While the rising stars had not pulled the darkness.

١٠. مَرّوا يَجُرّونَ الرِماحَ لِغارَةٍ
وَالطالِعاتُ عَنِ الدُجى لَم تُجرَرِ

11. So it was as if the Pleiades were a tribe of Ahlas
And for them the cluster had a separator that did not veil.

١١. فَكَأَنَّما الجَرباءُ لِمَّةُ أَحلَسٍ
وَلَها المَجَرَّةُ مَفرِقٌ لَم يُستَرِ

12. The neighing of their riding-beasts told the secret of the journey
Yearning, so it harbored in the inclinations of the sand dunes.

١٢. أَفشى حَنينُ رِكابِهِم سِرَّ السُرى
لَغَباً فَأَضمَرَ في نَزائِعَ ضُمَّرِ

13. With it they slaughtered the slaughter of desolation and overturned
The darkness upon a kindled sand hill.

١٣. نَحَروا بِها نَحرَ الفَلاةِ وَقَلَّبوا
قَلبَ الظَلامِ عَلى ذَميلٍ مِسعَرِ

14. And the wolf tears the cheek of every plain
And wipes out what the place of auction left.

١٤. وَالعيسُ تَلطِمُ خَدَّ كُلِّ مَفازَةٍ
وَتُريقُ ما أَبقى المَزادُ وَتَمتَري

15. And for many a coward his sword clanks
Against the neck of every clanking and chained one.

١٥. وَلَرُبَّ مُنذَلِقٍ تَمَنطَقَ سَيفَهُ
بِنَجيعِ كُلِّ مُمَنطَقٍ وَمُسَوَّرِ

16. And a blackened face whose loyalty it betrayed
Its pallor with the flames of the branching firewood.

١٦. وَمُسَوِّدٍ بِالغَدرِ وَجهَ وَفائِهِ
عَصفَرتُهُ بِشَبا الوَشيجِ الأَسمَرِ

17. So I quenched the bitterness of my soul from its sorrows
With a drink that lifts up from the streaming blood.

١٧. فَشَفَيتُ غُلَّ النَفسِ مِن حَوبائِهِ
نَهلاً يُعَلُّ مِنَ الدَمِ المُثعَنجِرِ

18. Its armor cast off modesty, and my swords
Cast off against it a bite that did not sever.

١٨. خَلَعَ الحَياءَ جُناتُهُ وَصَوارِمي
خَلَعَت عَلَيهِ يَلقَماً لَم يُزرَرِ

19. And I surely threw its conscience, fearing it,
With sharper than the edge of a spear and more penetrating.

١٩. وَلَقَد رَمَيتُ ضَميرَهُ مِن خَشيَتي
بِأَحَدَّ مِن طَرَفِ السِنانِ وَأَعقَرِ

20. And for many a herd I herded with horsemen
Who turned the breasts of their spears to the foreparts.

٢٠. وَلَرُبَّ رَوعٍ رُعتُهُ بِفَوارِسٍ
قَلَبوا صُدورَ رِماحِهِم لِلأَظهُرِ

21. So I stirred beneath the surfaces from their foreheads
Like stars upon the turbid sand dunes.

٢١. فَكَدَرتُ تَحتَ النَقعِ مِن جَبَهاتِهِم
مِثلَ النُجومِ عَلى العَجاجِ الأَكدَرِ

22. And they are the superior ones whom their accounts reared
And nobility was born in the laps of honor.

٢٢. وَهُمُ الأُلى رَبَّت لَهُم أَحسابُهُم
وَلَدَ المَعالي في حُجورِ الأَعصُرِ

23. From every knight since his face was wrapped
With imprint in seeking the heights, it did not reveal.

٢٣. مِن كُلِّ أَبلَجَ مُذ تَلَثَّمَ وَجهُهُ
بِالنَقعِ في طَلَبِ العُلى لَم يُسفِرِ

24. He continued to float in the clouds of a decorated tunic
Between the high places or an embroidered shirt.

٢٤. ما زالَ يَخطِرُ في غَمامَةِ قَسطَلٍ
بَينَ العَوالي أَو قَميصِ سَنَوَّرِ

25. He does not avoid the midday suns if he travels
Except in the shade of a spear and ample quiver.

٢٥. لا يَتَّقي الشَمسَ الظَهائِرَ إِن سَرى
إِلّا بِظِلِّ قَناً وَعارِضِ عِثيَرِ

26. In a battle the turbans drew tails
Black thereby above the red hillock.

٢٦. في مَعرَكٍ سَحَبَ العَجاجُ ذَوائِباً
سوداً بِهِ فَوقَ النَجيعِ الأَحمَرِ

27. So I eclipsed its borders with a dark imprint
And exposed its interior with a shining face.

٢٧. فَكَسَفتُ ضاحِيَهُ بِنَقعٍ مُظلِمٍ
وَكَشَفتُ داجِيَهُ بِوَجهٍ مُقمِرِ

28. And it was as if the darkness smiled its stars
So they dropped upon the feathered spears.

٢٨. وَكَأَنَّما ثَغَرَ الظَلامُ نُجومَهُ
فَتَساقَطَت فَوقَ الرِماحِ الخُطَّرِ

29. The flashes diminished from the piercing
As if it were Mars after its rising like Jupiter.

٢٩. أَفَلَ السِنانُ عَنِ الطِعانِ كَأَنَّهُ ال
مَرّيخُ بَعدَ طُلوعِهِ كَالمُشتَري

30. And the thrusts of spears rattled between the kidneys
So it was as if every gut was a melodious lute.

٣٠. وَتَقَعقَعَت بَينَ الكُلى قِصَدُ القَنا
فَكَأَنَّ كُلَّ حَشىً رِبابَةُ مَيسِرِ

31. Its sun tripped on the feathers of the vultures
And the stabbing in its declination did not trip.

٣١. عَثَرَت بِأَرياشِ القَشاعِمِ شَمسُهُ
وَالطَعنُ في هَبَواتِهِ لَم يَعثُرِ

32. It scattered dirhams upon the white swords
So they were struck down while they did not scatter.

٣٢. نَثَرَت عَلى بَيضِ الكُماةِ دَراهِماً
فَنُثِرنَ ضَرباً وَهيَ لَم تَتَنَثَّرِ

33. The skulls did not feel when they were scattered
As if they were not scattered.

٣٣. لَم تَشعُرِ الهاماتُ عِندَ نِثارِها
بِقَرارِها فَكَأَنَّها لَم تُنثَرِ

34. They flow while still standing, but they
Are quivering from a forgiving one in forgiving.

٣٤. يَجرونَ وَهيَ مُقيمَةٌ لَكِنَّها
خَطّارَةٌ مِن مِغفَرٍ في مِغفَرِ

35. Who will convey from me to the tribes that I
Settle at the neck of high ground proudly?

٣٥. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي القَبائِلَ أَنَّني
مُتَوَطِّنٌ عُنقَ العَلاءِ بِمَفخَرِ

36. I set sail the vessel of generosity spreading its sail
So their access and descent did not voyage.

٣٦. أَشرَعتُ ضَمَّ الجودِ مَشرَعَ تالِدي
فَاِمتاحَهَم وَطَلاحُهُم لَم تَصدُرِ

37. They came as the shooting star comes, shining,
Dispelling grief from the heart of every thoughtful one.

٣٧. جاءَت كَما جاءَ الشَهابُ مُضيئَةً
تَجلو الأَسى عَن قَلبِ كُلِّ مُفَكِّرِ

38. From a thought the aspirations of highness occurred,
And the poetry thereafter in his heart did not occur.

٣٨. مِن خاطِرٍ خَطَرَت بِهِ هِمَمُ العُلى
وَالشِعرُ بَعدُ بِقَلبِهِ لَم يَخطُرِ

39. Distant, comely, refined, pure,
Bestower of gifts, highness, and pride.

٣٩. نائي الحَنا داني النُهى صافي السَدى
ضافي العَطايا وَالعُلى وَالمَفخَرِ