
O you who seek virtues as your guide

يا ناشد النعماء يقفو إثرها

1. O you who seek virtues as your guide
Halt your mounts, for you've reached their tide

١. يا ناشِدَ النَعماءِ يَقفو إِثرَها
قِفِ المَطايا قَد بَلَغتَ بَحرَها

2. Their flow is in us, and home resides
Mountain of glory, its sun and moon besides

٢. مَسيلُها فينا وَمُستَقَرُّها
طَودُ العُلى وَشَمسُها وَبَدرُها

3. So the world to him its rule confides
Giving him its harm and gain besides

٣. فَوَّضَتِ الدُنيا إِلَيهِ أَمرَها
وَقَلَّدَتهُ نَفعَها وَضَرَّها

4. His efforts made his greatest pride
Since eyes of glory on him reside

٤. عُدَّت مَساعيها فَكانَ فَخرَها
لَم تَقذَ عَينُ المَجدِ مُذ أَقَرَّها

5. Of noble traits that give the eyes their guide
No need for gazes to verify besides

٥. ذو شيمَةٍ تُعطي العُيونَ خُبرَها
لا تَحوِجُ الناظِرَ أَن يُقِرَّها

6. Hoping for the sweet, fearing what chides
Like a water well we hope it will provide

٦. نَرجو وَنَخشى حُلوَها وَمُرَّها
كَجَمَّةِ الماءِ نُرَجّي غَمرَها

7. Despite the day we'll reach its downslide
He brings it back like clouds their rain does guide

٧. يَومَ الوُرودِ وَنَهابُ قَعرَها
يَبعَثُها بَعثَ السَحابِ قَطرَها

8. Gifts galore, yet forget we to abide
Busying us until we forget to chide

٨. مُحَجَّلاتِ نِعَمٍ وَغُرَّها
شَغَلتَنا حَتّى نَسينا شُكرَها

9. Giving of his vigilance and pact besides
Fragrance of two abodes he bears inside

٩. يُهدي إِلَينا شَفقَها وَوِترَها
عِيابَ دارينَ حَمَلنَ عِطرَها

10. Indeed greatness birthed you at its fore
No peer like you have its walls espied

١٠. إِنَّ المَعالي وَلَدَتكَ بَكرَها
ما ضَمِنَت مِثلَكَ يَوماً حِجرَها

11. A gentle mother nursed you at her side
If but you'd write prose with your bona fide

١١. أُمّاً رَؤوماً أَرضَعَتكَ دَرَّها
لَو أَلَّفَت عَلى النِظامِ نَثرَها

12. Necklaces of glory you would reside
Enemies we see, if you onwards stride

١٢. قَلائِدُ المَجدِ لَكُنتَ دُرَّها
نَرى الأَعادي إِن عَزَمتَ ثَغرَها

13. Young birds espying eagles at their side
Spreading terror, heroes forgot their pride

١٣. أَباغِثَ الطَيرِ تَراءَت صَقرَها
فَحلُ وَغىً يُنسي الفُحولَ هَدرَها

14. Safety for us, protection from their stride
Darkened command no dawn can guide

١٤. لَأَصبَحَتنا وَوُقينا شَرَّها
ظَلماءُ أَمرٍ لا تَكونُ فَجرَها