1. When the valley was clothed in herbage green,
And the wanderer halted there, resting serene,
١. إِذا اِحتَبى بِالعُشُبِ الوادي
وَاِنحَلَّ فيهِ الواكِفُ الغادي
2. When the morning breeze softly blew,
Stirring the banners bright and blue,
٢. وَفَوَّفَت ريحُ الصَبا مَتنَهُ
تَفويفَ أَعلامٍ وَأَبرادِ
3. May God deny you his cup so pure,
If you fulfil not your word so sure,
٣. فَلا سَقاكِ اللَهُ مِن صَفوِهِ
أَو تُنجِزي في السَيرِ ميعادي
4. Many a seeker faint and worn with pain,
Seeking the aid he sought in vain,
٤. رُبَّ طِلابٍ أَتلَعٍ رُمتُهُ
وَحاجَةٍ عالِيَةِ الهادي
5. I journeyed on through the darkened night,
The lightning gleaming wild and bright,
٥. مُعتَجِراً بِاللَيلِ أَحدو بِهِ
بِزلاءَ تَستَولي عَلى الحادي
6. I heed not water though I lie,
Parched on the burning sands nearby,
٦. لا أَرِدُ الماءَ وَلَو أَنَّني
ضَجيعُ أَسدامٍ وَأَعدادِ
7. I am like a frightened gazelle in flight,
Scared from the valley in its plight,
٧. كَأَنَّني رَوعاءُ مَطرودَةٌ
يَزوَرَّ عَنها جانِبُ الوادي
8. Though I have drunk my fill of many a stream,
That gives no solace to my dream,
٨. هَذا وَكَم فَيضٍ تَرَشَّفتُهُ
وَالماءُ لا يُلوي عَلى الصادي
9. With me comes a camel, scarred and scared,
Before a band of warriors prepared,
٩. تَؤُمُّ بي الخَرقاءَ مَخطومَةٌ
أَمامَ وُرّادٍ وَرُوّادِ
10. Noblest scion of the line of Hashim,
Best of all who tread earth's rim,
١٠. أَشرَفُ بَيتٍ مِن بَني هاشِمٍ
وَخَيرُ أَطنابٍ وَأَعمادِ
11. To you my camel turns her rein,
To ease my doubt and end my pain,
١١. أَلقَت إِلَيهِ ناقَتي في السُرى
فُضولَ إِتهامي وَإِنجادي
12. I leave the heedless to their plight,
Seeking water and food in my flight,
١٢. تَرَكتُ مَن لَيسَت لَهُ هِمَّةٌ
مُلتَفِتاً في الماءِ وَالزادِ
13. You surpassed even Moses and his seed,
By your grace and your noble deed,
١٣. تَلَوتَ موسى بِاِبنِهِ في العُلى
بِفَضلِ أَجدادٍ وَإِجدادِ
14. A sure shield you are from war's alarm,
You, the soul of patience, calm and warm,
١٤. نِعمَ حِمى الدَرعِ لِيَومِ الوَغى
أَنتَ وَراعي الحِلمِ لِلنادي
15. When with swelling tide the bosom overflows,
In the robe of night the ripening moment glows,
١٥. إِذا القَنا مُدَّ مَدى باعِهِ
عانَقتَهُ في ثَوبِ فِرصادِ
16. I call you while time halts in its flight,
Between my breath and the coming night,
١٦. أَدعوكَ وَالدَهرُ لَهُ وَقفَةٌ
ما بَينَ إِصداري وَإيرادي
17. For this I call the maids of the litter bright,
With heaving bosoms and shoulders white,
١٧. لِمِثلِها أَدعو بَناتِ السُرى
تَخلِطُ أَعناقاً بِأَعضادِ
18. My soul you know can bravely wait,
Though the scale of fate be adverse to my state,
١٨. نَفسي كَما تَعرِفُ صَبّارَةٌ
لَو لَم يَفُضُّ الخَطبُ مِن آدي
19. Had you expected time to fulfil its role,
You had clasped the hand black as coal,
١٩. وَلَو آمِنتَ الدَهرَ أَحداثَهُ
صافَحتَ كَفَّ الضَيغَمِ العادي
20. Why should I not turn from a land,
Where rise high the souls that misunderstand,
٢٠. ما لِيَ لا أَرغَبُ عَن بَلدَةٍ
تَرغَبُ في كَثرَةِ حُسّادي
21. Sustenance is not sure at Karakh's shore,
Nor at Baghdad is set fair fortune's store,
٢١. ما الرِزقُ بِالكَرخِ مُقيمٌ وَلا
طَوقُ العُلى في جيدِ بَغدادِ
22. Wherever I wandered, east or west,
I found but envy, hate and unrest,
٢٢. بِكُلِّ أَرضٍ أَن تَوَرَّدتُها
دِيارُ أَشكالٍ وَأَضدادِ
23. Seeking knowledge my spirit was fired,
And that is my joy when peers conspired,
٢٣. أَنحَلَني فيها طِلابُ العُلى
وَذاكَ فَخري عِندَ أَندادي
24. If lovesick I were, I would feel unrest,
Fearing the glances that pierce my breast,
٢٤. لَو كانَ دائي مِن غَرامِ الهَوى
جَزِعتُ مِن أَبصارِ عُوّادي
25. Where are the lovely maids that set me aflame?
I seek but the breeze that fans the flame,
٢٥. أَينَ الغَواني مِن طِلابي وَما
أَطلُبُ إِلّا الرائِحَ الغادي
26. Often awake I lie at night,
Between encampment and watchers' sight,
٢٦. أَكثَرُ ما يَلقَينَني ساهِراً
ما بَينَ أَعرافٍ وَأَكتادِ
27. Seldom I rest through the darksome night,
Between the valiant horsemen's might,
٢٧. وَقَلَّ ما يَلقَينَني راقِداً
ما بَينَ أَحشاءٍ وَأَجيادِ
28. If e'er by fate I am cast down,
I say not, would that death had claimed his own!
٢٨. إِن مَسَّني نابُ الرَدى لَم أَقُل
يَلَيتَ مَوتي كانَ ميلادي
29. It matters not if my way I ply,
On a ship that breasts the billows high,
٢٩. سَيّانِ ما سَيري عَلى سابِحٍ
أَو شَرجَعٍ تَخفِقُ أَبرادي
30. Or a swift camel with footsteps long,
Pacing the desert with tread so strong,
٣٠. وَما مُقامُ الحُرِّ في عيشَةٍ
لَها المَقاديرُ بِمِرصادِ
31. Free spirit finds scant room to thrive,
When fate projects its shadow contrive,
٣١. تَفدي الفَتى في عَيشِهِ أَلسُنٌ
وَما لَهُ مِن حَتفِهِ فادِ
32. With their tongues men their safety buy,
No man controls his destiny,
٣٢. قالوا وَما أُنكِرُها قَولَةً
مِن مائِقٍ في الغَيِّ مُنقادِ
33. They spoke words which I don't resent,
Of fate's web we each are a strand.
٣٣. الظُلمُ وَالإِنصافُ مِن فِعلِ مَن
يَحكُمُ في الحاضِرِ وَالبادي
34. Wrong and justice both expend,
From the Lord of present and days long spent,
٣٤. فَقُلتُ إِنّي وَجَميعَ الوَرى
مِنهُ عَلى وَعدٍ وَإيعادِ
35. I said I and all humanity, stand
Upon a promise and His command.
٣٥. إِن كانَ إِسلامي عَلى هَذِهِ
فَكُلُّ غَيٍّ عِندَ إِرشادي
36. If my Islam is as I profess,
Every ill is light, I acquiesce,
٣٦. هَيهاتَ لا أَحسُدُ ذا قُدرَةٍ
وَلَو حَوى عاقِرَ أَغمادي
37. Never will I envy one of might,
Though he grasp all that eludes my sight,
٣٧. وَلَو حَسَدتُ الفَضلَ في أَهلِهِ
حَسَدتُ آبائي وَأَجدادي