
How many a friend bent crooked like a spear

وكم صاحب كالرمح زاغت كعوبه

1. How many a friend bent crooked like a spear
Refused to straighten after protracted bending

١. وَكَم صاحِبٍ كَالرُمحِ زاغَت كُعوبُهُ
أَبى بَعدَ طولِ الغَمزِ أَن يَتَقَوَّما

2. I accepted him outwardly bright and cheerful
While he nursed inward gloom against me

٢. تَقَبَّلتُ مِنهُ ظاهِراً مُتَبَلِّجاً
وَأَدمَجَ دوني باطِناً مُتَجَهِّما

3. Like a garden of sorrow, his gentleness flourished
Yet he harbored darkness like a moonless night

٣. فَأَبدى كَرَوضِ الحَزنِ رَقَّت فُروعُهُ
وَأَضمَرَ كَاللَيلِ الخُدارِيِّ مُظلِما

4. Had I unveiled his heart and its thoughts
I would have mourned what lies between us today

٤. وَلَو أَنَّني كَشَّفتُهُ عَن ضَميرِهِ
أَقَمتُ عَلى ما بَينَنا اليَومَ مَأتَما

5. I do not stretch out a hand to do evil in return
Nor open my mouth to slander if he wrongs me

٥. فَلا باسِطاً بِالسوءِ إِن ساءَني يَداً
وَلا فاغِراً بِالذَمِّ إِن رابَني فَما

6. Like a limb diseased by nights of agony
He who bears the painful limb feels the pain

٦. كَعُضوٍ رَمَت فيهِ اللَيالي بِفادِحٍ
وَمَن حَمَلَ العُضوَ الأَليمَ تَأَلَّما

7. When the wise doctor orders amputation
I say, perhaps sparing it, it may heal

٧. إِذا أَمَرَ الطِبُّ اللَبيبُ بِقَطعِهِ
أَقولُ عَسى ضَنّاً بِهِ وَلَعَلَّما

8. I endured its torment fearing its loss
One who blames the reckless causes greater harm

٨. صَبَرتُ عَلى إيلامِهِ خَوفَ نَقصِهِ
وَمَن لامَ مَن لا يَرعَوي كانَ أَلوَما

9. Restraint is best when the disease has passed
Though when cut off, it maims the arm and wrist

٩. هِيَ الكَفُّ مَضٌّ تَركُها بَعدَ دائِها
وَإِن قُطِعَت شانَت ذِراعاً وَمِعصَما

10. I see you as dearer than my own heart
Though you disobey, more precious and honored

١٠. أَراكَ عَلى قَلبي وَإِن كُنتَ عاصِياً
أَعَزَّ مِنَ القَلبِ المُطيعِ وَأَكرَما

11. I carry you like the eye bears the speck
That never clears but never fully blinds

١١. حَمَلتُكَ حَملَ العَينِ لَجَّ بِها القَذى
وَلا تَنجَلي يَوماً وَلا تَبلُغُ العَمى

12. Leave a man folded over his blemishes
And spread not his chronic pain to regret

١٢. دَعِ المَرءَ مَطوِيّاً عَلى ما ذَمَمتَهُ
وَلا تَنشُرِ الداءَ العُضالَ فَتَندَما

13. If the limb pains you only when cut off
It leaves no flesh or blood over its aching

١٣. إِذا العُضوُ لَم يُؤلِمكَ إِلّا قَطَعتَهُ
عَلى مَضَصٍ لَم تُبقِ لَحماً وَلا دَما

14. He who does not accommodate small hurts
Risks facing greater and graver ones

١٤. وَمَن لَم يُوَطِّن لِلصَغيرِ مِنَ الأَذى
تَعَرَّضَ أَن يَلقى أَجَلَّ وَأَعظَما