1. When people turn against me after friendship
I don my shoes the wrong way round in defiance
١. إِذا رابَني الأَقوامُ بَعدَ وَدادَةٍ
لَبِستُ القِلى نَعلاً بِغَيرِ قِبالِ
2. And I envy the camel carrying worries on its determined back
About to charge with pride and vigor
٢. وَأَغبَطُ رَحلَ الهَمِّ في ظَهرِ عَزمَةٍ
مُواشِكَةٍ مِن عَجرَفٍ وَنِقالِ
3. Never did I, if estranged from a dear friend, yearn for him
Due to prolonged conflict or longing for beauty
٣. وَما كُنتُ إِن فارَقتُ حَيّاً ذَمَمتُهُ
بِطولِ نِزاعي أَو تَحِنُّ جِمالي
4. When they know my strong tie is severed
They will never feel safe from my attacking sword
٤. إِذا عَلِموا مِنّي عَلاقَةَ وامِقٍ
فَلا يَأمَنوا يَوماً نُزاعَةَ سالي
5. Shall I leave a noble, dear people
For the company of incapable, inferior men?
٥. أَأَذهَبُ عَن قَومٍ كِرامٍ أَعِزَّةٍ
إِلى جِذمِ قَومٍ عاجِزينَ بِخالِ
6. Like one who swaps a speck in the eye for a cinder
And is afflicted with a malady that has no cure
٦. كَمَن بادَلَ الإِجلاءَ في العَينِ بِالقَذى
وَآبَ بِداءٍ لا يُطَبُّ عُضالُ
7. The weak-bodied rival challenges me
What logic steers his quest for glory?
٧. يُنازِعُني الأَحسابَ مُستَضعَفُ القُوى
لَهُ عَن رِهانِ المَجدِ أَيُّ عِقالِ
8. When a pauper defiantly protects his honor
I defended mine with my money
٨. إِذا مُغرَمٌ غادى اِتَّقاهُ بِعِرضِهِ
أَمامَ يَدَيهِ وَاِتَّقَيتُ بِمالي
9. He extends a feeble hand to grasp me
Though my hands have frustrated even the mighty
٩. يَمُدُّ يَداً مَخبولَةً لِيَنالَني
وَقَد أَعجَزَ الأَيدي الصِحاحَ مَنالي
10. I confronted the pompous one until I pinned him
With the claws of a strong-beaked eagle
١٠. تَعَرَّضتُ لِلعَريضِ حَتّى عَلِقتُهُ
بِأُظفورِ أَقنى ذي نَدىً وَظِلالِ
11. He who does not stop kindling a dormant fire
Will one day face the flames
١١. وَمَن لَم يَدَع إيقادَ نارٍ بِقَرَّةٍ
فَلا بُدَّ يَوماً أَن يَجيءَ بِصالي
12. And though I stand back from my enemy
My arrows will outdo his in wounding
١٢. وَإِنّي عَلى بُعدٍ بِرَميِ قَوارِضي
لَأَرغَبُ جُرحاً مِن رَمِيِّ نِبالي
13. The onlookers doubt, did my words fail
Or the failure lies in my arrows?
١٣. يُشَكِّكُ فِيَّ الناظِرونَ أَفَلَّهُ
غِرارُ مَقالي أَم غِرارُ نِصالي
14. If my patience emboldens people
Perhaps later my spear will frighten them
١٤. لَئِن أَطمَعَ الأَقوامَ حِلمي فَرُبَّما
أَخافَهُمُ بَعدَ الأَمانِ صِيالي
15. The coat of mail cannot stop the leap
Of a fierce assailant intent on his goal
١٥. وَلَيسَ قُبوعُ الصِلِّ مانِعَ وَثبِهِ
إِذا نالَ مِنهُ والِغٌ بِمَنالِ