1. Does the grave in al-Junaynah know that we
Stopped by it to lament the dew and loftiness?
١. أَيَعلَمُ قَبرٌ بِالجُنَينَةِ أَنَّنا
أَقَمنا بِهِ نَنعى النَدى وَالمَعالِيا
2. We alighted and greeted its efforts - that they
Are the bones of efforts, not the bones of calamities.
٢. حَطَطنا فَحَيَّينا مَساعيهِ أَنَّها
عِظامُ المَساعي لا العِظامَ البَوالِيا
3. As we passed by it, its features greeted us
As the meadow greeted the passing does.
٣. مَرَرنا بِهِ فَاِستَشرَفَتنا رُسومُهُ
كَما اِستَشرَفَ الرَوضُ الظِباءَ الجَوازِيا
4. And that soil did not glisten until
Rivulets of tears filled the watering places.
٤. وَما لاحَ ذاكَ التُربُ حَتّى تَحَلَّبَت
مِنَ الدَمعِ أَوشالٌ مَلَأنَ المَآقِيا
5. We descended by the backs of our steeds
To wipe away with our hands the flowing tears.
٥. نَزَلنا إِلَيهِ عَن ظُهورِ جِيادِنا
نُكَفكِفُ بِالأَيدي الدُموعَ الجَوارِيا
6. And when we struggled with weeping and could not
Refrain from passion, the criers excused us.
٦. وَلَمّا تَجاهَشنا البُكاءَ وَلَم نُطِق
عَنِ الوَجدِ إِقلاعاً عَذَرنا البَواكِيا
7. I say to a caravan passing by, turn aside -
I will show you through it a withering branch of glory.
٧. أَقولُ لِرَكبٍ رائِحينَ تَعَرَّجوا
أُريكُم بِهِ فَرعاً مِنَ المَجدِ ذاوِيا
8. Tether your she-camels around it, for if
We do not find a tethering place, we will tether the rhymes.
٨. أَلِمّوا عَليهِ عاقِرينَ فَإِنَّنا
إِذا لَم نَجِد عَقراً عَقَرنا القَوافِيا
9. And pitch your belongings of virtues and heights by it
And shed your tears and eulogies around it.
٩. وَحُطّوا بِهِ رَحلَ المَكارِمِ وَالعُلى
وَكُبّوا الجِفانَ عِندَهُ وَالمقارِيا
10. If they were just, they would split their consciences for it
And separate heads with hyenas, not their necks.
١٠. وَلَو أَنصَفوا شَقّوا عَلَيهِ ضَمائِراً
وَجَزّوا رِقاباً بِالظُبى لا نَواصِيا
11. We stood, so we let flow our tears, and perhaps
They will be substitutions for the pangs of love.
١١. وَقَفنا فَأَرخَصنا الدُموعَ وَرُبَّما
تَكونُ عَلى سَومِ الغَرامِ غَوالِيا
12. O grave, whose enclosure contains
A staff striking the brow of catastrophes!
١٢. أَلا أَيُّها القَبرُ الَّذي ضَمَّ لَحدُهُ
قَضيباً عَلى هامِ النَوائِبِ ماضِيا
13. Since Hilal's son passed away, is there
A crescent by the rising of stars still remaining?
١٣. هَلِ اِبنُ هِلالٍ مِنذُ أَودى كَعَهدِنا
هِلالاً عَلى ضَوءِ المَطالِعِ باقِيا
14. And those bright peaks of dew - are they
Fountains or cisterns as they are?
١٤. وَتِلكَ البَنانُ المورِقاتُ مِنَ النَدى
نَواضِبُ ماءٍ أَو بَواقٍ كَما هِيا
15. For if the glow of that tongue still remains,
Then through it a part of glory remains.
١٥. فَإِن يَبلَ مِن ذاكَ اللِسانِ مَضاؤُهُ
فَإِنَّ بِهِ عُضواً مِنَ المَجدِ باقِيا
16. It responds to calls, driving off and defending,
While there a dumb one who does not respond to calls.
١٦. يُجيبُ الدَواعي جائِداً وَمُدافِعاً
هُناكَ مُرِمٌّ لا يُجيبُ الدَواعِيا
17. I would not complain of the length of his stay in his grave
If when I call upon him he would answer.
١٧. وَما كُنتُ آبى طولَ لَبثٍ بِقَبرِهِ
لَوَ اَنّي إِذا اِستَعدَيتُهُ كانَ عادِيا
18. You see, after his death, his eloquent words
Pour forth from whoever seeks them like blessings.
١٨. تَرى الكَلِمَ الغُرّاتِ مِن بَعدِ مَوتِهِ
نَوافِرَ عَمَّن رامَهُنَّ نَوائِيا
19. He is the one who dyed pens through which he attained heights
Beyond which aspirants to heights fall short.
١٩. هُوَ الخاضِبُ الأَقلامَ نالَ بِها عُلىً
تَقاصَرَ عَنها الخاضِبونَ العَوالِيا
20. A repeater of blows with a tongue which, had it
On a day of battle turned back the Yemeni phalanx.
٢٠. مُعيدُ ضِرابٍ بِالِسانِ لَوَ أَنَّهُ
بِيَومِ وَغىً فَلَّ الجُرازَ اليَمانِيا
21. Bitter in strength, he attained the heights leaping
When others attained the heights creeping.
٢١. مَريرُ القُوى نالَ المَعالِيَ واثِباً
إِذا غَيرُهُ نالَ المَعالِيَ حابِيا
22. He went away - no grieving heart escorted him
When he decided, he did not turn back from resolve.
٢٢. مَضى لَم يُمانِع عَنهُ قَلبٌ مُشَيَّعٌ
إِذا هَمَّ لَم يَرجِع عَنِ الهَمِّ نابِيا
23. Neither those who supported him with palms from his side
Over anguished hearts, nor those who laid him on the bier.
٢٣. وَلا مُسنِدوهُ بِالأَكُفِّ عَنِ الحَشى
عَلى جَزَعٍ وَالمُفرِشوهُ التَراقِيا
24. Nor did he, in the bosom of death, ward off with a palm
With which to turn back the heat of midday and watering places.
٢٤. وَلا رَدَّ في صَدرِ المَنونِ بِراحَةٍ
يَرُدُّ بِها سُمرَ القَنا وَالمَواضِيا
25. After you the valley which you had made intimate
Became desolate, with catastrophes laying it waste.
٢٥. خَلا بَعدَكَ الوادي الَّذي كُنتَ أُنسَهُ
وَأَصبَحَ تَعروهُ النَوائِبُ وادِيا
26. A group of passions settled upon us, grazing
Upon our hearts, its days and nights.
٢٦. أَراحَت عَلَينا ثَلَّةُ الوَجدِ تَرتَعي
ضَمائِرَنا أَيّامَها وَاللَيالِيا
27. If not for you, patience would have been your nature
An inheritance we inherited from the ancient ancestors.
٢٧. وَلولاكَ كانَ الصَبرُ مِنكَ سَجِيَّةً
تُراثاً وَرِثناهُ الجُدودَ الأَوالِيا
28. I accepted the decree of fate concerning you out of necessity,
For who is he that goes willingly to what displeases him?
٢٨. رَضيتُ بِحُكمِ الدَهرِ فيكَ ضَرورَةً
وَمَن ذا الَّذي يَغدو بِما ساءَ راضِيا
29. And I obeyed the one who wanted to snatch you from my hand,
Though had I found helpers, I would have become a rebel.
٢٩. وَطاوَعتُ مَن رامَ اِنتِزاعَكَ مِن يَدي
وَلَو أَجِدُ الأَعوانَ أَصبَحتُ عاصِيا
30. I was resigned so that tribulation would pass by me,
That I might throw off my burden and loose my bridle.
٣٠. وَطَأمَنتُ كيما يَعبُرَ الخَطبُ جانِبي
فَأَلقى عَلى ظَهري وَجَرَّ زِمامِيا
31. You filled the lands with your virtues in your life,
And your resting place will fill the lands with blazing flames.
٣١. مَلَأتَ بِمَحياكَ البِلادَ فَضائِلاً
وَيَملَأُ مَثواكَ البِلادَ مَناعِيا
32. Just as the lofty mention of you silenced all humanity,
So you established in both worlds a flamer.
٣٢. كَما صَمَّ عالي ذِكرِكَ الخَلقَ كُلَّهُ
كَذاكَ أَقَمتَ العالَمينَ نَواعِيا
33. I have elegized you in order to console myself, yet I have increased in agony
Because elegies do not close gashes.
٣٣. رَثَيتُكَ كَي أَسلوكَ فَاِزدَدتُ لَوعَةً
لِأَنَّ المَراثي لا تَسُدُّ المَرازِيا
34. And I know that weeping is of no benefit to you,
But still I entertain hopes and wishes.
٣٤. وَأَعلَمُ أَن لَيسَ البُكاءُ بِنافِعٍ
عَلَيكَ وَلَكِنّي أُمَنّي الأَمانِيا