1. The sorrow of parting befell us, and at times
The shade of clouds passed, with continuous rain overflowing.
١. سَنَحَت لَنا بِلَوى العَقيقِ وَرُبَّما
عَرَضَ الزُلالُ وَزيدَ عَنهُ الفارِطُ
2. My heart and eyes on the day we meet,
Are opposites - one is pleased, the other angry.
٢. قَلبي وَطَرفي يَومَ حُمَّ لِقاؤُها
ضِدّانِ ذا راضٍ وَهَذا ساخِطُ
3. You glanced unintentionally, so you reached my innermost being,
And an errant arrow inflicts the taste of death.
٣. نَظَرَت بِلا قَصدٍ فَأَقصَدتِ الحَشا
وَيُذيقُ طَعمَ المَوتِ سَهمٌ غالِطُ
4. Say to the gazelle, if you pass the one with a mark,
Perhaps your fear is for the nightingale held captive.
٤. قُل لِلغَزالِ إِذا مَرَرتَ بِذي النَقا
فَلَعَلَّ جَأشَكَ لِلبِلابِلِ رابِطُ
5. Why do you discuss the little gift,
Yet in counting the days of reunion, you deceive?
٥. لِمَ أَنتَ في هِبَةِ القَليلِ مُناقِشٌ
أَبَداً وَفي عِدَةِ الوِصالِ مُغالِطُ