
I weep for you, if only weeping could relieve my anguish,

أبكيك لو نقع الغليل بكائي

1. I weep for you, if only weeping could relieve my anguish,
And I say, if only words could cure my malady,

١. أَبكيكِ لَو نَقَعَ الغَليلَ بُكائي
وَأَقولُ لَو ذَهَبَ المَقالُ بِداءِ

2. And I seek refuge in beautiful patience for consolation,
If only in beautiful patience there was solace for me.

٢. وَأَعوذُ بِالصَبرِ الجَميلِ تَعَزِّياً
لَو كانَ بِالصَبرِ الجَميلِ عَزائي

3. Sometimes tears overwhelm me and sometimes
I retreat to my dignity and modesty.

٣. طوراً تُكاثِرُني الدُموعُ وَتارَةً
آوي إِلى أَكرومَتي وَحَيائي

4. How many tears have I concealed with my eyelids
And hidden, pretending to be dignified with my cloak.

٤. كَم عَبرَةٍ مَوَّهتُها بِأَنامِلي
وَسَتَرتُها مُتَجَمِّلاً بِرِدائي

5. I pretend to be patient with the enemy, and if he only knew,
By my writhing, how my enemies have delighted.

٥. أُبدي التَجَلُّدَ لِلعَدوِّ وَلَو دَرى
بِتَمَلمُلي لَقَد اِشتَفى أَعدائي

6. I did not hold back any ransom for your sake,
If only a dead person could return with a ransom.

٦. ما كُنتُ أُذخَرُ في فِداكَ رَغيبَةً
لَو كانَ يَرجِعُ مَيِّتٌ بِفِداءِ

7. If only this anxiety could be warded off with strength,
Armed legions would amass behind my banner.

٧. لَو كانَ يُدفَعُ ذا الحِمامُ بِقوَّةٍ
لَتَكَدَّسَت عُصَبٌ وَراءَ لِوائي

8. Trained in the clash of arms, they rest
In the shade of spears, for every day of battle.

٨. بِمُدَرَّبينَ عَلى القِراعِ تَفَيَّأوا
ظِلَّ الرِماحِ لِكُلِّ يَومِ لِقاءِ

9. A people who, when darkness overwhelms the captives,
Fill their eyes with the blackness of darkness.

٩. قَومٌ إِذا مَرِهوا بِأَغبابِ السُرى
كَحَلوا العُيونَ بِإِثمِدِ الظَلماءِ

10. They walk encircled by shields as if they were
Deaf rocks in the midst of water.

١٠. يَمشونَ في حَلَقِ الدُروعِ كَأَنَّهُم
صُمُّ الجَلامِدِ في غَديرِ الماءِ

11. With the lightning of forearms and roar of swords
And clouds of bows and torrents of blood.

١١. بِبُروقِ أَدراعٍ وَرَعدِ صَوارِمٍ
وَغَمامِ قَسطَلَةٍ وَوَبلِ دِماءِ

12. For your loss I abandoned my composure and dignity
And forgot my pride and refusal.

١٢. فارَقتُ فيكِ تَماسُكي وَتَجَمُّلي
وَنَسيتُ فيكَ تَعَزُّزي وَإِبائي

13. And I did what its doing damaged dignity,
Because of the burning passion within me.

١٣. وَصَنَعتُ ما ثَلَمَ الوَقارَ صَنيعُهُ
مِمّا عَراني مِن جَوى البُرحاءِ

14. How many sighs weakened and turned into moans
That I finished with the panting breath.

١٤. كَم زَفرَةٍ ضَعُفَت فَصارَت أَنَّةً
تَمَّمتُها بِتَنَفُّسِ الصُعَداءِ

15. I am tormented in the ties of deep sorrows
That have overpowered my executioner and songs.

١٥. لَهفانَ أَنزو في حَبائِلَ كُربَةٍ
مَلَكَت عَلَيَّ جَلادَتي وَغَنائي

16. And time passed with its treacherous tricks
Upon my hopes and contrary to my wishes.

١٦. وَجَرى الزَمانُ عَلى عَوائِدِ كَيدِهِ
في قَلبِ آمالي وَعَكسِ رَجائي

17. I had hoped to sacrifice myself for whatever pained you,
For you were my ransom.

١٧. قَد كُنتُ آمُلُ أَن أَكونَ لَكِ الفِدا
مِمّا أَلَمَّ فَكُنتِ أَنتِ فِدائي

18. The separation of loved ones after affection
Is hard, so how can the separation of kin be?

١٨. وَتَفَرُّقُ البُعداءِ بَعدَ مَوَدَّةٍ
صَعبٌ فَكَيفَ تَفَرُّقُ القُرَباءِ

19. And the morals of this world are the morals of a prostitute
Welcoming deprivation and generosity!

١٩. وَخَلائِقُ الدُنيا خَلائِقُ مومِسٍ
لِلمَنعِ آوِنَةً وَلِلإِعطاءِ

20. Sometimes she treats you with purity and sometimes
She meets you denying she knows you.

٢٠. طَوراً تُبادِلُكَ الصَفاءَ وَتارَةً
تَلقاكَ تُنكِرُها مِنَ البَغضاءِ

21. And the alternation of days wears us out
As the jostling of the eras wears out the hills.

٢١. وَتَداوُلُ الأَيّامِ يُبلينا كَما
يُبلي الرَشاءَ تَطاوُحُ الأَرجاءِ

22. And the length of life is like the breath of a rider
Who has finished his journey and strained to climb.

٢٢. وَكَأَنَّ طولَ العُمرِ رَوحَةُ راكِبٍ
قَضّى اللُغوبَ وَجَدَّ في الإِسراءِ

23. You lived your life in chastity and asceticism
And were laid down burdened with duties.

٢٣. أَنضَيتِ عَيشَكِ عِفَّةً وَزَهادَةً
وَطُرِحتِ مُثقَلَةً مِنَ الأَعباءِ

24. With fasting the day of blazing sun
And standing the whole dark night.

٢٤. بِصِيامِ يَومِ القَيظِ تَلهَبُ شَمسُهُ
وَقِيامِ طولِ اللَيلَةِ اللَيلاءِ

25. No day buys the comfort of gardens
With a life of hardship.

٢٥. ما كانَ يَوماً بِالغَبينِ مَنِ اِشتَرى
رَغدَ الجِنانِ بِعيشَةٍ خَشناءِ

26. If every good mother were like you
Her sons would be rich without fathers!

٢٦. لَو كانَ مِثلَكِ كُلُّ أُمٍّ بَرَّةٍ
غَنِيَ البَنونَ بِها عَنِ الآباءِ

27. How can I be distracted when every moment
Bears a trace of your virtue everlasting?

٢٧. كَيفَ السُلوُّ وَكُلُّ مَوقِعِ لَحظَة
أَثَرٌ لِفَضلِكِ خالِدٌ بِإِزاءِ

28. Your noble favor, whenever darkness
Descends with the terror of ruin,

٢٨. فَعَلاتُ مَعروفٍ تُقِرُّ نَواظِري
فَتَكونُ أَجلَتَ جالِبٍ لِبُكائي

29. And the light of the good you presented
Replaces for you lights in the darkness.

٢٩. ما ماتَ مَن نَزَعَ البَقاءَ وَذِكرُهُ
بِالصالِحاتِ يُعَدُّ في الأَحياءِ

30. He whom your actions pleased does not cease
To please you with His mercy, morning and evening.

٣٠. فَبِأَيِّ كَفٍّ أَستَجِنُّ وَأَتَّقي
صَرفَ النَوائِبِ أَم بِأَيِّ دُعاءِ

31. He prayed upon you and however He rewards you,
No reward equals it.

٣١. وَمَنِ المُمَوِّلُ لي إِذا ضاقَت يَدي
وَمَنِ المُعَلِّلُ لي مِنَ الأَدواءِ

32. Whoever benefits from good does not die,
And his mention among the living is counted.

٣٢. وَمَنِ الَّذي إِن ساوَرَتني نَكبَةٌ
كانَ المُوَقّى لي مِنَ الأَسواءِ

33. With which hand shall I seek help and beware
The changing of fate, or with which prayer?

٣٣. أَم مَن يَلِطُّ عَلَيَّ سِترَ دُعائِهِ
حَرَماً مِنَ البَأساءِ وَالضَرّاءِ

34. And who can support me when my hand is tight
And who can cure me of illnesses?

٣٤. رُزآنِ يَزدادانِ طولَ تَجَدُّدٍ
أَبَدَ الزَمانِ فَناؤُها وَبَقائي

35. And who is it that if disaster befalls me
Can ward off harms and evils from me?

٣٥. شَهِدَ الخَلائِقُ أَنَّها لَنَجيبَةٌ
بِدَليلِ مَن وَلَدَت مِنَ النُجَباءِ

36. Or who can cover me with the veil of his prayer,
Sanctuary from affliction and harm?

٣٦. في كُلِّ مُظلِمِ أَزمَةٍ أَو ضيقَةٍ
يَبدو لَها أَثَرُ اليَدِ البَيضاءِ

37. My cares and sorrows constantly increase
With the passage of time, their fading and my remaining.

٣٧. ذَخَرَت لَنا الذِكرَ الجَميلَ إِذا اِنقَضى
ما يَذخَرُ الآباءُ لِلأَبناءِ

38. Creatures have testified she is noble
By the evidence of who she birthed among the nobles.

٣٨. قَد كُنتُ آمُلُ أَن يَكونَ أَمامَها
يَومي وَتُشفِقُ أَن تَكونَ وَرائي

39. In every dark crisis or strait
The trace of her white hand appears.

٣٩. كَم آمِرٍ لي بِالتَصَبُّرِ هاجَ لي
داءً وَقَدَّرَ أَنَّ ذاكَ دَوائي

40. She stored for us the beautiful memory when the present ends
That fathers store for their sons.

٤٠. آوي إِلى بَردِ الظِلالِ كَأنَّني
لِتَحَرُّقي آوي إِلى الرَمضاءِ

41. I had hoped that my day would be ahead of her
And she would worry lest it be behind me.

٤١. وَأَهُبُّ مِن طيبِ المَنامِ تَفَزُّعاً
فَزَعَ اللَديغِ نَبا عَنِ الإِغفاءِ

42. How many who commanded me to be patient aroused in me
An illness and ordained that to be my medicine!

٤٢. آباؤُكَ الغُرُّ الَّذين تَفَجَّرَت
بِهِمِ يَنابيعٌ مِنَ النَعماءِ

43. I retreat to the coolness of shade as if
I retreat to the embers due to my burning.

٤٣. مِن ناصِرٍ لِلحَقِّ أَو راعٍ إِلى
سُبُلِ الهُدى أَو كاشِفِ الغَمّاءِ

44. And I awake in panic from the sweetness of sleep
Like one who startles from slumber against his will.

٤٤. نَزَلوا بِعَرعَرَةِ السَنامِ مِنَ العُلى
وَعَلَوا عَلى الأَثباجِ وَالأَمطاءِ

45. Your noble fathers from whom gushed
Fountains of blessings.

٤٥. مِن كُلِّ مُستَبِقِ اليَدَينِ إِلى النَدى
وَمُسَدِّدِ الأَقوالِ وَالآراءِ

46. Be they supporters of truth, guardians of
The ways of guidance, or dispellers of gloom.

٤٦. يُرجى عَلى النَظَرِ الحَديدِ تَكَرُّماً
وَيُخافُ في الإِطراقِ وَالإِغضاءِ

47. They descended from the lofty summit of prestige
And rose above the sand dunes and ruins.

٤٧. دَرَجوا عَلى أَثَرِ القُرونِ وَخَلَّفوا
طُرُقاً مُعَبَّدَةً مِنَ العَلياءِ

48. Of every open-handed outpacer of hands to bounty
And speaker of words and opinions straightforward.

٤٨. يا قَبرُ أَمنَحُهُ الهَوى وَأَوَدُّ لَو
نَزَفَت عَلَيهِ دُموعُ كُلِّ سَماءِ

49. Hoped for graciousness despite their stern gaze
And feared in squinting and frowning.

٤٩. لا زالَ مُرتَجِزُ الرعودِ مُجَلجِلٌ
هَزِجُ البَوارِقِ مُجلِبُ الضَوضاءِ

50. They tread the path of eras and left
Paved roads of the sublime.

٥٠. يَرغو رُغاءَ العودِ جَعجَعَهُ السُرى
وَيَنوءُ نَوءَ المُقرِبِ العُشَراءِ

51. Oh grave, I direct my love to you and wish
The tears of every sky would stream upon you.

٥١. يَقتادُ مُثقَلَةَ الغَمامِ كَأَنَّما
يَنهَضنَ بِالعَقَداتِ وَالأَنقاءِ

52. Still rumbling is the thunder of its lightning flashing
Violently, bringing clamor.

٥٢. يَهفو بِها جِنحَ الدُجى وَيَسوقُها
سَوقَ البِطاءِ بِعاصِفٍ هَوجاءِ

53. It bellows with the howling of the storm, its turmoil shakes it
And it groans with the moaning of decade.

٥٣. يَرميكَ بارِقُها بِأَفلاذِ الحَيا
وَيَفُضُّ فيكَ لَطائِمَ الأَنداءِ

54. It leads heavy laden clouds as if
Bearing knots and sheaves.

٥٤. مُتَحَلِّياً عَذراءَ كُلِّ سَحابَةٍ
تَغذو الجَميمَ بِرَوضَةٍ عَذراءِ

55. It drives them with the wings of darkness and leads them
Slowly, with a raging storm.

٥٥. لَلَؤُمتُ إِن لَم أَسقِها بِمَدامِعي
وَوَكَلتُ سُقياها إِلى الأَنواءِ

56. Its lightning hurls at the dear lives
And pours in you the torrents of hardships.

٥٦. لَهفي عَلى القَومِ الأولى غادَرتُهُم
وَعَلَيهِمُ طَبَقٌ مِنَ البَيداءِ

57. Baring the virgin of every cloud
Feeding the starved with a virgin meadow.

٥٧. مُتَوَسِّدينَ عَلى الخُدودِ كَأَنَّما
كَرَعوا عَلى ظَمَإٍ مِنَ الصَهباءِ

58. I would dampen it with my tears if I did not water it
And entrusted its irrigation to the showers.

٥٨. صُوَرٌ ضَنَنتُ عَلى العُيونِ بِلَحظِها
أَمسَيتُ أوقِرُها مِنَ البَوغاءِ

59. My craving for the people, the first I left
Upon whom lies a shroud of the desert!

٥٩. وَنَواظِرٌ كَحَلَ التُرابُ جُفونَها
قَد كُنتُ أَحرُسُها مِنَ الأَقذاءِ

60. Lying cheek down as if they had battled
Thirst on the parched desert.

٦٠. قَرُبَت ضَرائِحُهُم عَلى زُوّارِها
وَنَأوا عَنِ الطُلّابِ أَيِّ تَنائي

61. Forms I was stingy to the eyes with their gaze
I have come to cherish from the insects.

٦١. وَلَبِئسَ ما تَلقى بِعُقرِ دِيارِهِم
أُذنُ المُصيخِ بِها وَعَينُ الرائي

62. And looks the soil caked on their eyelids
I used to guard from grit.

٦٢. وَمَعروفُكِ السامي أَنيسُكِ كُلَّما
وَرَدَ الظَلامُ بِوَحشَةِ الغَبراءِ

63. Their tombs have come nearer to their visitors
And gone far from the seekers, how far!

٦٣. وَضِياءُ ما قَدَّمتِهِ مِن صالِحٍ
لَكِ في الدُجى بَدَلٌ مِنَ الأَضواءِ

64. What meets the hearing of the listener among their homes
And the eye of the beholder is miserable.

٦٤. إِنَّ الَّذي أَرضاهُ فِعلُكِ لا يَزَل
تُرضيكِ رَحمَتُهُ صَباحَ مَساءِ

65. And your sublime favor is your companion whenever
Darkness descends with the desolation of ruins,

٦٥. صَلّى عَلَيكِ وَما فَقَدتِ صَلاتَهُ
قَبلَ الرَدى وَجَزاكِ أَيُّ جَزاءِ

66. And the light of the good you did
Replaces for you lights in the darkness.

٦٦. لَو كانَ يُبلِغُكِ الصَفيحُ رَسائِلي
أَو كانَ يُسمِعُكِ التُرابُ نِدائي

67. He who you pleased with your actions does not cease
To please you with His mercy morning and evening.

٦٧. لَسَمِعتِ طولَ تَأَوُّهي وَتَفَجُّعي
وَعَلِمتِ حُسنَ رِعايَتي وَوَفائي

68. He prayed upon you and rewarded you with whatever reward,
No reward equals it.

٦٨. كانَ اِرتِكاضي في حَشاكِ مُسَبِّباً
رَكضَ الغَليلِ عَلَيكِ في أَحشائي