1. What mount was hewn from which mountains
A land was inseminated by it after a period
١. أَيُّ طَودٍ دُكَّ مِن أَيِّ جِبالِ
لَقَحَت أَرضٌ بِهِ بَعدَ حِيالِ
2. No living Hayy has ever seen before it
A mountain that walked on the hands of men
٢. ما رَأى حَيُّ نِزارٍ قَبلَها
جَبَلاً سارَ عَلى أَيدي الرِجالِ
3. A wonder I have become to injustice while
Criticism has not scattered the pipes of loftiness
٣. عَجَباً أَصبَحتُ لِلضَيمِ وَما
نَثَرَ الطَعنُ أَنابيبَ العَوالي
4. So when the flinger of destinies flung
The armors of a man are aids for spearheads
٤. فَإِذا رامي المَقاديرِ رَمى
فَدُروعُ المَرءِ أَعوانُ النِصالِ
5. Destiny led him forcibly after
It compelled the night watch for the long vigil
٥. قادَهُ المِقدارُ قَسراً بَعدَما
أَكرَهَ السُمرَ عَلى المَقِّ الطَوالِ
6. And raced the horses in every ravine
That prevents the rain from the drinking place of the lonely
٦. وَأَبالَ الخَيلَ في كُلِّ حِمىً
يَمنَعُ الماطِرَ مُنهَلَّ العَزالي
7. Like the hooves of ostriches prodded
Its pens clanged by the arrows
٧. مِثلَ عِقبانِ المَوامي دُلَّحاً
راشَها قَرعُ الحَنايا بِالنِبالِ
8. Bearing the burden of his people while
They did not praise the towering of the glorious limb
٨. حامِلاً عَن قَومِهِ العِبءَ وَما
حَمِدوا عُرعُرَةَ العَودِ الجُلالِ
9. O grave which has resided in it
Idle of all the land and it is my state
٩. أَيُّها القَبرُ الَّذي أَمسى بِهِ
عاطِلَ الأَرضِ جَميعاً وَهوَ حالي
10. They did not bury a dead man in you but rather
Poured in you sins from the pail
١٠. لَم يُواروا بِكَ مَيتاً إِنَّما
أَفرَغوا فيكَ ذَنوباً مِن نَوالِ
11. Wealth clung to him as
The finger clung one day to leprosy
١١. طالَ ما لاذَ بِهِ المالُ كَما
لاذَتِ الإِصبِعُ يَوماً بِالقَبالِ
12. They carried him miserable, disdained
In the darkness of night and twines of ropes
١٢. حَمَلوهُ بازِلاً مُحتَقِراً
دَلَجَ اللَيلِ وَلَزّاتِ الحِبالِ
13. If their nobles have become decapitated tomorrow
Then homesteads are loyal, and glory is lofty
١٣. إِن غَدا مَجدوعَةً أَشرافُهُ
فَالبُنى وافِيَةٌ وَالمَجدُ عالي
14. They hamstrung a lion, and had they left it alone
It would have been more hopeful after the hamstringing for the cubs
١٤. عَقَروا لَيثاً وَلَو هاهوا بِهِ
كانَ بَعدَ العَقرِ أَرجى لِلصِيالِ
15. And so are the days whoever contends with them
It left in him traces of the fight
١٥. وَكَذا الأَيّامُ مَن قارَعَها
تَرَكَت فيهِ عَلاماتِ النِزالِ
16. His mind after he exceeded the goal
And folded the glory of great deeds and virtues
١٦. عَقَلوهُ بَعدَما جازَ المَدى
وَطَوى شَأوَ مَساعٍ وَمَعالي
17. And so the frontrunner one day with a bridle
Attains precedence and one day with a halter
١٧. وَكَذا السابِقُ يَوماً بِعِنانٍ
يُحرِزُ السَبقَ وَيَوماً بِعِقالِ
18. You stood up from it after it had amazed you
And its charioteer pelted it with cowardice
١٨. قُمتَ عَنها بَعدَما عَجَّ بِها
وَرَمى أَوسُقَها بُزلُ الجِمالِ
19. And you wrenched the spear from its orbit
After the extremes of contention and expectation
١٩. وَاِنتَزَعتَ النَصلَ مِن مُقلَتِها
بَعدَ غاياتِ نِزاعٍ وَمَطالِ
20. Would that they had given you the cure for the elite
From the chronic disease of hardship
٢٠. لَيتَهُم أَعطَوكَ إِن لَم يَعدِلوا
بُسلَةَ الراقي مِنَ الداءِ العُضالِ
21. They excelled in glory what you engendered
Perhaps someone other than upright has kindled a fire
٢١. نَتَجوا في المَجدِ ما أَلقَحتَهُ
رُبَّما أَوقَدَ ناراً غَيرُ صالي
22. And it is as if through the unseen I see
A grin from its wound after contracting
٢٢. وَكَأَنّي خِلَلَ الغَيبِ أَرى
نَغرَةً مِن جُرحِها بَعدَ اِندِمالِ
23. And if the enemies counted you as their enemy
They would acknowledge your superiority without dispute
٢٣. وَإِذا الأَعداءُ عَدّوكَ لَها
سَلَّموا فَضلَكَ مِن غَيرِ جِدالِ
24. They did not waste a pillar in scarcity
That gathered glory and the anklets had slept
٢٤. لا أَضاعوا رابِئاً في قُلَّةٍ
كَلَأَ المَجدِ وَقَد نامَ الكَوالي
25. A day for the people to be adorned with blood
And the plains for the attackers therefore supreme
٢٥. يَومَ لِلشِعبِ دِهانٌ مِن دَمٍ
وَالمَواضي لِلمَقاديمِ فَوالي
26. In youth their spears bid farewell
To the nations of death hastening to the stabbing
٢٦. في فُتوٍّ شَيَّعوا أَرماحَهُم
أَمَمَ المَوتِ إِلى الطَعنِ عِجالِ
27. With light cavalry above the right hand of men
And heavy above the necks of men
٢٧. بِخِفافٍ فَوقَ أَيمانِ رِجالٍ
وَثِقالٍ فَوقَ أَعناقِ رِجالِ
28. Swords one day their clanging in the fray
With the sharpening longer than the day of burnishing
٢٨. قُضُبٌ يَومُ صَداها في الوَغى
بِالطُلى أَطوَلُ مِن يَومِ الصِقالِ
29. You have from it a slaughterer with which
A day you exchanged staffs for loftiness
٢٩. لَكَ مِنها ناحِلٌ تَعصى بِهِ
يَومَ أَبدَلنَ عَصيّاً بِعَوالي
30. It welds the enemies from it as a slaughterer
Transporting the flesh to other than its household
٣٠. تُلحِمُ الأَعداءَ مِنهُ جازِراً
يَنقُلُ اللَحمَ إِلى غَيرِ عِيالِ
31. You have kindled glory an unextinguished ember
And worn glory a garment free of moth holes
٣١. قَد قَدَحتَ العِزَّ زَنداً غَيرَ كابٍ
وَلَبِستَ المَجدَ بُرداً غَيرَ بالي
32. And if the land became stiflingly hot
They found with you the prices of the unknown
٣٢. وَإِذا أَغلى الوَرى أُكرومَةً
وَجَدوا عِندَكَ أَثمانَ الغَوالي
33. I have a favor for the compliant with me
And a protection I have made known to me by my Bilal
٣٣. إِنَّ لِلطائِعِ عِندي مِنَّةً
وَحِمىً قَد بَلَّها لي بِبَلالي
34. It is not forgotten even if time is long
Bitter days over it and nights
٣٤. لَيسَ يُنسيها وَإِن طالَ المَدى
مَرُّ أَيّامٍ عَلَيها وَلَيالي
35. A victory by my right hand eluded me
So I attained a victory by my words
٣٥. فاتَني مِنكَ اِنتِصارٌ بِيَميني
فَتَلافَيتُ اِنتِصاراً بِمَقالي
36. It is no wonder the preservation of a palm for a branch
And loyalty from a right hand to a left
٣٦. لا عَجيبٌ حِفظُ كَفٍّ لِبَنانٍ
وَوَفاءٌ مِن يَمينٍ لِشِمالِ
37. Honored is he who spends his back
Took the gifts one day for comrades
٣٧. عَزَّ مَن أَمسى مُعِدّاً ظَهرَهُ
أَخَذَ الأُهبَةَ يَوماً لِلزَيالِ
38. He views the world with the eyes of one wide awake
Rain scattering the folds of slopes
٣٨. يَنظُرُ الدُنيا بَعَينَي ناهِضٍ
مَطَرٌ يَنفُضُ أَنداءَ الطِلالِ
39. It invigorates eloquence from its consuming
Like the expelled became active and left empty handed
٣٩. يَنشُطُ البُلغَةَ مِن آكِلِها
نِشطَةَ المَطرودِ وَلّى وَهوَ خالي
40. No lightning bolt of creatures will hurl your grave
The savior of necks, cave-like consecutive
٤٠. لا يَرِم قَبرَكَ مِبراقُ الذُرى
مُنجِدَ الأَعناقِ غَوريَّ التَوالي
41. Whenever it grew disturbed it hurled at its honor
The flashes of lightning the loud rumbling
٤١. كُلَّما عَجَّ رَمى في عُرضِهِ
شُعَلَ البَرقِ الرَبابُ المُتَعالي
42. Abhorrent misfortunes you met with it
In a quiver transgressing with a quiver
٤٢. كَرَهاءِ الدُهمِ لاقَيتَ بِهِ
في رِعالٍ يَتَعَدّى بِرِعالِ
43. It unleashes the arrow from behind it
Mother of frightened ostriches and left
٤٣. تُطلِقُ الصَرَّةَ مِن أَخلافِهِ
أُمُّ أَوبَينِ نُعامى وَشَمالِ
44. The streak of wind was made concurrent as
The mares dragged the virgins of the halal
٤٤. أُلحِقَت شَعّاعَةُ الريحِ كَما
جَرَّتِ الخَيلُ رَعابيبَ الحِلالِ
45. I do not see tears as adequate for the torment
It is not that tears after you are expensive
٤٥. لا أَرى الدَمعَ كِفاءً لِلجَوى
لَيسَ أَنَّ الدَمعَ مِن بَعدِكَ غالي
46. And in spite of me that we clothed you in soil
And we spread you out on the carpets of sands
٤٦. وَبِرُغمي أَن كَسَوناكَ الثَرى
وَفَرَشناكَ زَرابيَّ الرِمالِ
47. And we abandoned you with the bitterness of passion
Perhaps an abandonment without wear
٤٧. وَهَجَرناكَ عَلى ضَنِّ الهَوى
رُبَّ هِجرانٍ عَلى غَيرِ تَقالي
48. O you who pointed out, the living never
Transcended after you with the halal living
٤٨. أَيُّها الظاعِنُ لا جازَ الحَيا
أَبَداً بَعدَكَ بِالحَيِّ الحِلالِ
49. You were in shackles I hoped for you but today
I do not hope for the great in shackles
٤٩. كُنتَ في الأَحجالِ أَرجوكَ وَلا
أَرتَجي اليَومَ عَظيماً في الحِجالِ
50. Every captive is hoped to be released
Other than one who became in the captivity of nights
٥٠. كُلُّ مَأسورٍ يُرَجّى فَكُّهُ
غَيرَ مَن أَصبَحَ في قَيدِ اللَيالي
51. A lineage you were loyal to like the sun
Among the stars and crescent
٥١. نَسَبٌ كَالشَمسِ أَوفَيتَ بِهِ
في المَعالي بَينَ نَجمٍ وَهِلالِ
52. The path slipped far-fetched
In paths for endeavors and scarcity
٥٢. زَلِقَ المَرقى بَعيدَ المُنتَمى
في قِنانٍ لِلمَساعي وَقِلالِ
53. The sights fall short of them so what
Thinker of one who extended his hands for attainment
٥٣. تَقصُرُ الأَلحاظُ عَنهُنَّ فَما
ظَنُ مَن مَدَّ يَدَيهِ لِلمَنالِ
54. In the hillsides from aiding and creatures
Glory tossed by the transgressor of quarrel
٥٤. في الرَوابي مِن مَعَدٍّ وَالذُرى
نُهِزَ المَجدُ بِعاديِّ السِجالِ
55. And if the earth were thorns
They strode over it without sandals
٥٥. وَإِذا ما الأَرضُ كانَت شَوكَةً
خَطَروا فيها عَلى غَيرِ نِعالِ
56. Every arriver to the star until
The regulations of Sudaad and long glory
٥٦. كُلُّ راقٍ مَرَّ بِالنَجمِ إِلى
قُنَنِ السُؤدَدِ وَالمَجدِ الطَوالِ
57. A group if the earth is absent with them
They are not absent with glory and deeds
٥٧. مَعشَرٌ إِن غابَتِ الأَرضُ بِهِم
لَم يَغيبوا عِندَ مَجدٍ وَفَعالِ
58. Whenever they wore out more, their greatest
Spread them a hearing other than truncated
٥٨. كُلَّما اِزدادَت بِلىً أَعظُمُهُم
نَشَرَتهُم سُمَعٌ غَيرُ بَوالي
59. And the loftiness they did not breed in it
Winding paths, ruins, and lonely ruins
٥٩. وَالعُلى ما لَم يَرُبّوا دارَها
طُرُقٌ عوجٌ وَأَطلالٌ خَوالي
60. Their resolutions guaranteed from them
The pillars of glory and cornerstones of loftiness
٦٠. ضَمِنَت مِنهُم قَراراتُهُمُ
عَمَدَ المَجدِ وَأَركانَ المَعالي
61. Do not say those are graves but rather
They are shells upon other than pearls
٦١. لا تَقُل تِلكَ قُبورٌ إِنَّما
هِيَ أَصدافٌ عَلى غَيرِ لَآلِ