
O father of rain, your body is from Ma'add,

أبا مطر وجذمك من معد

1. O father of rain, your body is from Ma'add,
Like the smooth hair of a young she-camel in open country.

١. أَبا مَطَرٍ وَجَذمُكَ مِن مَعَدٍّ
كَذاتِ العُرِّ في السَرحِ السَليمِ

2. The companions of this long-lasting life are evanescent,
While some people are like worn out leather.

٢. سُراةُ أَديمِ هَذا الحَيِّ فِهرٌ
وَبَعضُ القَومِ زِعنِفَةُ الأَديمِ

3. We are a channel, smooth for you,
A place for you to play and fast in.

٣. قَناةٌ نَحنُ أَملَسُها وَأَنتُم
مَكانُ العابِ مِنها وَالوُصومِ

4. No wet nurse placed you, but rather
Your mouth sucked from despicable milk.

٤. وَما وَضَعَتكَ حاضِنَةٌ وَلَكِن
تَمَطَّقَ فوكَ مِن لَبَنٍ لَئيمِ

5. When the stallion fails to sire his colts,
There is no virtue except in the barren.

٥. إِذا المِنتاجُ لَم يَنجُب فَتاها
فَلَيسَ الفَضلُ إِلّا لِلعَقيمِ