
On what branch did time believe after

على أي غرس آمن الدهر بعدما

1. On what branch did time believe after
The calamitous days threw down the moist twig?

١. عَلى أَيِّ غَرسٍ آمَنُ الدَهرَ بَعدَما
رَمى فادِحَ الأَيّامِ في الغُصُنِ الرَطبِ

2. Its promise faded before the twigs faded
Its days are near, of springtime and fertility.

٢. ذَوى قَبلَ أَن تَذوي الغُصونُ وَعَهدُه
قَريبٌ بِأَيّامِ الرَبيلَةِ وَالخِصبِ

3. It's enough of sorrow that I've lived, for I
With my palms upon my eyes, scooped dust.

٣. كَفى أَسَفاً لِلقَلبِ ما عِشتُ أَنَّني
بِكَفّي عَلى عَيني حَثَوتُ مِنَ التُربِ

4. An idea flashed in me, and thirst in my heart -
I raised my head from the cold fresh water.

٤. جَرَت خُطرَةٌ مِنها وَفي القَلبِ عَطشَةٌ
رَفَعتُ لَها رَأسي عَنِ البارِدِ العَذبِ

5. And I said to my arid eyes, shed a tear on blood
And for my heart find a cure, wound on wound.

٥. وَقُلتُ لِجَفي رُدَّ دَمعاً عَلى دَمٍ
وَلِلقَلبِ عالِج قَرحَ نَدبٍ عَلى نَدبِ

6. And of what makes the soul happy after you is that
I am near water from your roses or tomb.

٦. وَمِمّا يُطيبُ النَفسَ بَعدَكَ أَنَّني
عَلى قَرَبٍ مِن ماءِ وِردِكَ أَو قُربِ

7. Alas no love touched my heart like that love
Nor do I blame time like that blame.

٧. أَلا لا جَوىً مُسَّ الفُؤادَ كَذا الجَوى
وَلا ذَنبَ عِندي لِلزَمانِ كَذا الذَنبِ

8. Except for you my glances are empty and my thoughts full
As if from my eyes you carried me to my heart.

٨. خَلا مِنكَ طَرفي وَاِمتَلا مِنكَ خاطِري
كَأَنَّكَ مِن عَيني نَقَلتَ إِلى قَلبي