
O Umayma, your brother has folded his wings

أأميم إن أخاك غض جماحه

1. O Umayma, your brother has folded his wings
A white one who drove away the black misfortunes

١. أَأُمَيمَ إِنَّ أَخاكِ غَضَّ جِماحَهُ
بَيضٌ طَرَدنَ عَنِ الذَوائِبِ سودا

2. The heels of the new one, when they pass by the youth
Passed the calamities, left no new thing

٢. عُقَبُ الجَديدِ إِذا مَرَرنَ عَلى الفَتى
مَرَّ الفَوادِحِ لَم يَدَعنَ جَديدا

3. He used to be, before you, a prey for virtues
And today he went far from virtues

٣. قَد كانَ قَبلَكِ لِلحِسانِ طَريدَةً
فَاليَومَ راحَ عَنِ الحِسانِ طَريدا

4. They turned away from him observing faces
The twist-eyed looked and turned away blushing cheeks from him

٤. حَوَّلنَ عَنُه نَواظِراً مُزوَرَّةً
نَظَرَ القِلى وَلَوَينَ عَنهُ خُدودا

5. He missed his youth after his youth was lost
An aim, by your life O Umayma, far away

٥. نَشَدَ التَصابي بَعدَ ما ضاعَ الصِبا
غَرَضاً لَعَمرُكِ يا أُمَيمَ بَعيدا