
O you of fair appearance but ugly morals

يا حسن الخلق قبيح الأخلاق

1. O you of fair appearance but ugly morals
Indeed for that I yearn for you

١. يا حَسَنَ الخَلقِ قَبيحَ الأَخلاق
إِنّي عَلى ذاكَ إِلَيكَ مُشتاق

2. Many a converser is attached to taste
Indeed affection of hearts is provision

٢. رُبَّ مُصافٍ عَلِقٍ بِمَذّاق
إِنَّ مَوَدّاتِ القُلوبِ أَرزاق

3. O is there for my malady a cure from your love
Alas no malady of lovers heals

٣. يا هَل لِدائي مِن هَواكَ إِفراق
هَيهاتَ ما أَعضَلَ داءَ العُشّاق