
Welcome, O fair ones, easy game though niggardly,

أهلا بهن على التنويل والبخل

1. Welcome, O fair ones, easy game though niggardly,
Brought nigh by horsemen and camel-men bold.

١. أَهلاً بِهِنَّ عَلى التَنويلِ وَالبَخَلِ
وَقَرَّبَتهُنَّ أَيدي الخَيلِ وَالإِبِلِ

2. They killed without reason; they dallied without excuse.
When we met, greeting turned to disdain,

٢. القاتِلاتُ بِلا عَقلٍ وَلا قَوَدٍ
وَالماطِلاتُ بِلا عُذرٍ وَلا عِلَلِ

3. And kindness turned spiteful in loyal hearts.
As if, after them, the censurers of youth

٣. كانَ اللِقاءُ إِساءاتٍ بِذي سَلَمٍ
إِلى القُلوبِ وَإِحساناً إِلى المُقَلِ

4. Struck reason down, a wanderer lost, bewildered.
The steed champs at his tether in the wide plain, restless,

٤. كَأَنَّما عاذِلاتُ الصَبِّ بَعدَهُمُ
يَفتِلنَ عُقلاً لَشُرّادٍ مِنَ النُزُلِ

5. His mind set on grazing at dawn with the camels.
They shot him a glance, which urged him to rise,

٥. يَرِمنَ في السارِحِ المَرعيِّ مَحبَسُهُ
وَهَمُّهُ اليَومَ أَن يَغدو مَعَ الهَمَلِ

6. With a smooth unchafed neck, his reins cut free.
They seek my healing, though my pains increase

٦. رَمَينَ مِنهُ وَهادي الشَوقِ يَحفِزُهُ
بِقاطِعٍ رَبَقَ الأَقيادِ وَالعُقُلِ

7. For calamities are allies to my ills.
They've tried to steal my heart from its love -

٧. يَطلُبنَ بُرئي بِأَمرٍ زادَ في سَقَمي
إِنَّ الأُساةَ لَأَعوانٌ مَعَ العِلَلِ

8. But the heart beside the white ones is perplexed.
These fair gazelles with shapely limbs

٨. حاوَلنَ شَغلَ فُؤادي مِن عَلاقَتِهِ
بِالعَقلِ وَالقَلبُ عِندَ البيضِ في شَغَلِ

9. Have fettered my hoary head with strong bonds.
The glances of these soft-eyed beauties

٩. إِنَّ الرَبائِبَ مِن غِزلانِ أَسنِمَةٍ
أَعلَقنَ ذا الشَيبَ أَعلاقاً مِنَ الغَزَلِ

10. Win advocates for their coyness and disdain.
Their beauty is natural, no borrowed ornament;

١٠. مِن كُلِّ ريمِ هَوىً أَلحاظُ مُقلَتِهِ
يُمسينَ لِلعُذرِ أَنصاراً عَلى العَذَلِ

11. The kohl around their eyes no powdered kohl.
One sauntered heedless; I followed, lovesick,

١١. حُليُّهُ جيدُهُ لا ما يُقَلَّدُهُ
وَكُحلُهُ ما بِعَينَيهِ مِنَ الكَحَلِ

12. From my riding camel up to their litters so tall.
Is it not enough that after them my tears

١٢. غادٍ تَلَفَّتَ وَالمُشتاقُ يَتبَعُهُ
صَفحَ الطَليقِ إِلى المَقصورِ بِالطِوَلِ

13. Make streams that gain replenishment from the hills?
Accursed! Would that God destroy the game of youth

١٣. أَما كَفاهُم لَجاجُ الدَمعِ بَعدَهُمُ
حَتّى اِستَعانوا عَلى عَينَيَّ بِالطَلَلِ

14. And rid me of those shackles that have hobbled me.
A pampered darling of night with blackest hair

١٤. يا قاتَلَ اللَهُ رَيانَ الشَبابِ وَما
خَلّى عَلَيَّ مِنَ الأَشجانِ وَالغُلَلِ

15. To whom my white hairs were guideposts to death.
"The eyelids," they said, "crave the white roses' love."

١٥. وَرَفضَةٍ مِن سَوادِ اللَيلِ مُطمِعَةٍ
كانَ المَشيبُ إِلَيها رائِدَ الأَجَلِ

16. Far astray is the seeker of white roses' love.
I say to a lad who meets me, "Gently, gently, boy;

١٦. قالوا الجِفانُ لِوُدِّ البيضِ مُطمِعَةٌ
قَد ضَلَّ طالِبُ وُدِّ البيضِ بِالحِيَلِ

17. Sustenance cannot be rushed; there is time enough."
By travelling from encampments bearing rich spoils.

١٧. إِنّي أَقولُ لِمَلّاقٍ رَكائِبُهُ
مَهَّل عَلَيكَ فَلَيسَ الرِزقُ بِالعَجَلِ

18. Consider sustenance - it seeks me out at home,
Though I stir not my family nor ready my camels.

١٨. لَيسَ المُقامُ بِثانٍ عَنكَ وارِدَةً
مِنَ الحُظوظِ وَلا الأَرزاقُ بِالرِحَلِ

19. Each day religion's order rains upon me
Free-flowing graces, unvisited, unlimited.

١٩. أَما تَرى الرِزقَ في الأَوطانِ يَطرُقُني
وَلَم أُقَلقِل أُصَيحابي وَلا إِبِلي

20. They water me, though the clouds of their munificence
Are unsought, their forerunners unfathomable, unseen.

٢٠. في كُلِّ يَومٍ قِوامُ الدينِ يَنضَحُني
بِماطِرٍ غَيرِ مَنزورٍ وَلا وَشَلِ

21. At home I gained increase beyond all expectation,
While raiders return home with meager spoils.

٢١. يَروي وَلَم يُتَوَقِّع صَوبُ عارِضِهِ
وَلَم يُقَدِّم بَشيرَ الطارِقِ العَمِلِ

22. From every radiant palm I never hoped to touch,
Nor distant hand I thought to reach,

٢٢. ظَفِرتُ بِالنَفَلِ المَطلوبِ في وَطَني
وَإِنَّما يَرجِعُ الغازونَ بِالنَفَلِ

23. The sun's rays have streamed to me, rising,
Their dawning forever renewed, without end.

٢٣. مِن كُلِّ بَيضاءَ لَم تَخطُر عَلى خَلَدي
مِنَ الأَيادي وَلَم تَبلُغ إِلى أَمَلي

24. Each day His bounty renews: no camel of mine there,
No indeed do I drive them, no camel, no driver.

٢٤. ذَرَّت إِلَيَّ ذُرورَ الشَمسِ طالِعَةً
شُروقُها أَبَداً باقٍ بِلا أُصُلِ

25. He returns me clothed though I stretched out no hand,
Nor set snares of vain hope to entrap prosperity.

٢٥. في كُلِّ يَومٍ جَديدٌ مِن صَنائِعِهِ
إِلَيَّ لا ناقَتي فيها وَلا جَمَلي

26. You reined in my reason, though tempests blew,
And set my course aright when I swerved aside.

٢٦. يَرُدُّني بِقَنيصٍ ما نَصَبتُ لَهُ
عَلى المَطامِعِ أَشراكاً مِنَ الأَمَلِ

27. You raised my status to sublime heights,
Subjected disasters, and brought triumphs to me.

٢٧. وَسَمتَ عَقلي وَأَرغَمتَ المَعاطِسَ في
مَنِّ العِدا وَأَقَمتَ الصَفوَ مِن مَيَلي

28. Have you left any wishes to wishers now,
Any hopes for the hopeful, the seeking of goals?

٢٨. رَفَعتَ ناري عَلى عَلياءَ مُشرِفَةٍ
مِنَ المَعالي وَأَخضَعتَ النَوائِبَ لي

29. Your benevolence left no room for ornament by my hands;
Jewels are only donned publicly when prosperity wanes.

٢٩. فَهَل تَرَكتَ لِذي الأَوطارِ مِن وَطرٍ
يَسعى لَهُ وَلِذي الآمالِ مِن أَمَلِ

30. The robes of glory you bestow have spared me
Fine raiment or the most splendid adornment.

٣٠. لَم يُبقِ طَولُكَ في جيدي مَكانَ حَلىً
وَإِنَّما يُستَعارُ الحَليُ لِلعَطَلِ

31. O people, you are the breath to revive us in adversity,
The shining stars in the darkness of calamities that befall.

٣١. أَغنَت مَلابِسُ فَخرٍ أَنتَ مُسحِبُها
عَن رائِعِ الحَليِ أَو عَن رائِقِ الحُلَلِ

32. You give us success when misfortunes miss their mark,
When, in the hands of heroes, the keen sword goes blunt.

٣٢. أَنتُم لَنا نَفَسٌ مِن كُلِّ كارِبَةٍ
وَأَنجُمٌ في ظَلامِ الحادِثِ الجَلَلِ

33. When absent, people are like a necklace without pearls,
A system without order, eyelids without kohl.

٣٣. تَنبو إِذا لَم تَكُن عَنكُم ضَرائِبُنا
وَالسَيفُ أَقطَعُ شَيءٍ في يَدِ البَطَلِ

34. Like day without sun by which to see,
Or dark night without moonlight or flame.

٣٤. الناسُ ما غِبتُمُ سِلكٌ بِلا ذُرَرٍ
وَلا نِظامٍ وَأَجفانٌ بِلا مُقَلِ

35. Of a band who reached eminence, though few,
Outstripping in the race the quickest steeds.

٣٥. مِثلُ النَهارِ بِلا شَمسٍ تُضيءُ بِهِ
أَوِ الظَلامِ بِلا بَدرٍ وَلا شُعَلِ

36. They met adversity without fear or frailty,
And terrifying events without shock or recoil.

٣٦. مِن مَعشَرٍ وَرَدوا العَلياءَ جُمعَتَها
وَسابَقوا عَجَلَ الجارينَ بِالمَهَلِ

37. They soared on the wings of snarling eagles,
Pasturing freely between white and tawny camels.

٣٧. لَقوا الخُطوبَ بِلا خَوفٍ وَلا ضَعَفٍ
وَالرائِعاتِ بِلا ميلٍ وَلا عَزَلِ

38. In a terrifying swarm, like the arid wastes of the sea,
Stirred up by rumbling thunder pounding the dunes.

٣٨. طاروا بِأَلبابِ ذُؤَبانٍ مُسَوَّمَةٍ
رَعَينَ بَينَ مَجالِ البيضِ وَالأَسَلِ

39. Its torrents like the torrents of floodwaters,
With thick clotted blood shedding freely, streaming.

٣٩. في جَحفَلٍ كَشَحاءِ البَحرِ مَدَّ بِهِ
مُزَمجِرٌ يَضرِبُ العِرنينَ بِالجَفَلِ

40. The King of Kings casts them, reproaching their neglect
To follow the proper course, misleading paths eschewing.

٤٠. مَجَرُّهُ كَمَجَرِّ السَيلِ ذو لَثَقٍ
مِن اِنبِعاقِ الدَمِ الجاري وَذو خَضَلِ

41. Did not lightning flash warn men against you,
Still complaining today of its burning in their ribs?

٤١. يَرمي بِهِ مَلِكُ الأَملاكِ يُعتِبُهُ
قَطعُ الدَليلِ بِما يُعمي مِنَ السُبُلِ

42. With death's swords unleashed and fate preordained,
Your command pierces necks and strikes at the vertebrae's base.

٤٢. أَما نَهى الناسَ عَنكُم صَوبُ بارِقَةٍ
يَشكو إِلى اليَومِ ناحيها مِنَ البَلَلِ

43. Shortened in their breasts is the length of your spear,
While the spears of others shorten not, nor overextend.

٤٣. في أَربَقٍ وَسُيوفُ المَوتِ ماضِيَةٌ
يُطِعنَ أَمرَكَ في الأَعناقِ وَالقُلَلِ

44. Their heads flew off until you appointed them
Positions as the withered branches of canals.

٤٤. قَصَّرتَ رُمحَكَ طولاً في صُدورِهِمُ
وَرُمحُ غَيرِكَ لَم يَقصُر وَلَم يَطُلِ

45. In their humiliation, they aimed to abuse your glory,
Like the sculptor, with his pickaxe carving the mountainside.

٤٥. طاشَت رُؤوسُهُمُ حَتّى جَعَلتَ لَهُم
مَناصِباً مِن أَنابيبَ القَنا الذُبُلِ

46. Where are the thick-roped necks that rise haughtily,
And the docked limbs striking with limp-wristed blows?

٤٦. راموا بِذُلِّهِمُ إيهانَ عِزَّكُمُ
كَمِبرَدِ القَينِ نَحّاتاً مِنَ الجَبَلِ

47. Never again will they return to raise the long necks of she-camels,
When hands fall short of the miles-long camel litters.

٤٧. فَأَينَ رُخمُ الرِقابِ الغُلبِ رافِعَةً
دونَ العُلى وَقِراعُ الأَذرُعِ الفُتُلِ

48. Just as they were that day at Yamm, swords flashing,
When the neck was severed from the nape with each blow.

٤٨. هَيهاتَ رَدَّت إِلى الأَعناقِ كانِعَةٍ
أَيدٍ قَصُرنَ عَنِ الأَطوادِ وَالقُلَلِ

49. They dyed every murky valley with blood unsheathed
From half-closed eyes, like the torrents streaming freely.

٤٩. كَدَأبِها يَومَ يَمٍّ وَالقَنا شَرَعٌ
وَالضَربُ يُبعِدُ بَينَ العُنقِ وَالكَفَلِ

50. Until they returned leaving no enemy chanting slogans,
Neither words nor deeds left to answer with.

٥٠. أَسَلنَ بِالدَمِ وادي كُلِّ غامِضَةٍ
مِنَ العُيونِ كَماءِ المُزنِ لَم يَسِلِ

51. The piercing swords struck the joints of shoulders
Of grunting camels, whose humps had wasted away.

٥١. حَتّى رَجَعنَ وَلَم يَترُكنَ فاغِرَةً
مِنَ العَدوِّ إِلى قَولٍ وَلا عَمَلِ

52. Allah has decreed your glory is endless,
And that you remain in this world forever.

٥٢. جَرى الثِقافُ عَلى عوذٍ مُقَلقَلَةٍ
ذَودَينِ مِن أَودٍ بادٍ وَمِن خَطَلِ

53. Settled in an edifice that shall never crumble,
A enduring, lofty status that shall never change.

٥٣. قَضى لَكَ اللَهُ أَن يَجري بِلا أَمدٍ
وَأَن يَدومَ مَعَ الدُنيا بِلا أَجَلِ

54. Given free rein to enjoy life’s bounty fully,
You surpassed all eras of days and dynasties.

٥٤. تَوَقُّلاً في بِناءٍ غَيرِ مُنتَقِضٍ
مِنَ المَعالي وَظِلٍّ غَيرِ مُنتَقِلِ

55. And whenever a year passed or an epoch elapsed,
Time returned you to your early days again.

٥٥. مُعطىً عِناناً مِنَ النُعمى فَقُدتَ بِهِ
تَغايُرَ الدَهرِ بِالأَيّامِ وَالدُوَلِ

٥٦. وَكُلَّما جُزتَ عاماً أَو بَلَغتَ مَدىً
رُدَّ الزَمانُ عَلى أَيّامِكَ الأُوَلِ