
The stages decreed one day at Kazima

قضت المنازل يوم كاظمة

1. The stages decreed one day at Kazima
That the resting of the mounts would be prolonged

١. قَضَتِ المَنازِلُ يَومَ كاظِمَةٍ
أَنَّ المَطيَّ يَطولُ مَوقِفُها

2. A gleam from the ruins saddens us
Its wanderers and its inhabitants

٢. لُمَعٌ مِنَ الأَطلالِ يُحزِنُنا
مُحتَلُّها البالي وَمَألَفُها

3. Its tears outstripped with their flowing
Before the day folded them

٣. سَبَقَت مَدامِعُها بِرَشَّتِها
مِن قَبلِ أَن يومي مُكَفكِفُها

4. And it undertook from the direction of its rain
Beyond what its undertaker hoped for

٤. وَتَكَلَّفَت مِن صَوبِ ماطِرِها
فَوقَ الَّذي يَرجو مُكَلِّفُها

5. If I let tears flow through it
Then after today, the passion will replace it

٥. إِن كُنتُ أَنفَذتُ الدُموعَ بِها
فَالوَجدُ بَعدَ اليَومِ يُخلِفُها

6. I have no favor upon a ruin
Whose streaming of tears is perpetual

٦. لا مِنَّةٌ مِنّي عَلى طَلَلٍ
دِيَمٌ طِلاعُ العَينِ أَذرِفُها

7. And panting of my soul that gives it breath
And problems of my tears that alleviate it

٧. وَلَواعِجٌ نَفَسي يُنَفِّسُها
وَبَلابِلٌ دَمعي يُخَفِّفُها

8. They were arduous so burning anguish makes it transgress and transgress
Do not seek the house after them

٨. ظَعَنوا فَلِلأَحشاءِ مُذ ظَعَنوا
حُرَقٌ تُعَسِّفُها وَتَعسِفُها

9. I know restraining it
And a secret sign of passion I conceal

٩. لا تَنشُدَنَّ الدارَ بَعدَهُمُ
إِنّي عَلى الإِقواءِ أَعرِفُها

10. Is my confusion toward rhythm overtaking it
Every day I have a loving critic

١٠. وَعَلامَةٌ لِلشَوقِ أُضمِرُهُ
طَرَبي إِلى الإيقاعِ أَشرَفُها

11. Who twists my debts and does not defer them
Gently with my heart O Abu Hassan

١١. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لي غَريمُ هَوىً
يَلوي الدِيونَ وَلا يُسَوِّفُها

12. While you glance at the eye and divert it
I was as if with covenants of valleys and hills

١٢. رِفقاً بِقَلبي يا أَبا حَسَنٍ
العَينُ مِنكَ وَأَنتَ تَطرِفُها

13. That tribes who befriended them had departed
And pillars of passion bent

١٣. فَكَأَنَّني بِعَلائِقٍ شُعَبٍ
قَد زالَ عَن أَمَمٍ تَأَلُّفُها

14. In ways that enrich and educate it
In the heart from you is a wound for all time

١٤. وَمُقَوَّماتٍ مِن غُصونِ هَوىً
يَعوَجُّ أَطواراً مُثَقِّفُها

15. I continued to bandage it while it festered
How many covenants have been annulled

١٥. في القَلبِ مِنكَ جِراحَةٌ أَبداً
ما زِلتُ أَدمُلُها وَتَقرِفُها

16. And appointments nearby you missed
As for loyalty, you delay it

١٦. كَم مِن مَعاقِدَ بِتَّ تَفسَخُها
وَمَواعِدٍ بِالقُربِ تُخلِفُها

17. While the loyal ones, you borrow from them
I will try to turn the soul from you though

١٧. أَمّا الحِفاظُ فَأَنتَ تَمطُلُهُ
وَالمُحفِظاتُ فَأَنتَ تُسلِفُها

18. Passion toward you inclines it
Often I squandered it out of boredom

١٨. سَأَرومُ عَطفَ النَفسِ عَنكَ وَإِن
كانَ الغَرامُ إِلَيكَ يَعطِفُها

19. And if I wake I will divert it
And if I sought peace through it, it refused

١٩. وَلَطالَما اِستَصرَفتُها مَلَلاً
وَلَئِن صَحَوتُ فَسَوفَ أَصرِفُها

20. Except quarreling toward you mobilizing it
As if one who forgot it reminds it

٢٠. وَإِذا طَلَبتُ بِها السَلوَّ أَبى
إِلّا النِزاعَ إِلَيكَ مُدنِفُها

21. Or one who disappoints it defers it
It proceeds while turning toward you

٢١. فَكَأَنَّ مُنسِيَها يُذَكِّرُها
أَو ما يُؤَسّيها يُسَوِّفُها

22. And longing to meet you seizes it
For your love and longing excuse it

٢٢. تَمضي وَنَحوَكُمُ تَلَفُّتُها
وَإِلى لِقائِكُمُ تَشَوُّفُها

23. And the blemish of your actions reproaches it
Will your anguish soften you

٢٣. فَهَواكُمُ وَالشَوقُ يَعذِرُها
وَذَميمُ فِعلِكُمُ يُعَنِّفُها

24. Or will its fervor bring you closer
So take the prime of it before

٢٤. هَل يَعطِفَنَّكُمُ تَوَجُّعُها
أَو يُقبِلَنَّ بِكُم تَلَهُّفُها

25. That youth you squander
Do not feel safe with it if I mistreated it

٢٥. فَاِستَبقِ مِنها ما يُضَنُّ بِهِ
تِلكَ الصَبابَةُ أَنتَ تَرشُفُها

26. It is what you knew while you recognized it
If being submissive tempts you

٢٦. لا تَأمَنَنها إِن أَسَأتُ بِها
هِيَ ما عَلِمتَ وَأَنتَ تَعرِفُها

27. Then being unruly will surely alarm you
And if surrendering to you ruins it

٢٧. إِن كانَ يُطمِعُكُم تَذَلُّلُها
فَلَسَوفَ يُفزِعُكُم تَغَطرُفُها

28. Then avoiding you will multiply its chastity
I will evade the confinement of disgrace through it

٢٨. وَلَئِن غَلا فيكُم تَهالُكُها
فَليَكثُرَن عَنكُم تَعَفُّفُها

29. It is a room I inevitably will roof
If the wounded one is served

٢٩. سَأَروغُ عَن وِردِ الهَوانِ بِهِ
هِيَ غَرفَةٌ لا بُدَّ أَغرُفُها

30. A meal, by your life, I will not taint it
He comes close to its softness out of generosity

٣٠. إِنَّ الهَضيمَةَ إِن أُقادَ لَها
قِدرٌ لَعَمرُكَ لا أُؤَثِّفُها

31. And his coarseness shows at injustice
I swear by the Lord of swaying passions

٣١. يَدنو بِنَفسي لينُها كَرَماً
وَيَبينُ عِندَ الضَيمِ عَجرَفُها

32. It inspires the builder, its waving excites him
Seeking the doe of darkness when

٣٢. قَسَماً بِرَبِّ الراقِصاتِ هَوىً
أَمَمَ البِناءِ العَودِ مَوجِفُها

33. The darkness falls, its guide goes astray
It attained the heights of nobility and became

٣٣. يَطلُبنَ رابِدَةَ الظَليمِ إِذا
طَرَقَ الظَلامُ أُضِلَّ مُسدِفُها

34. Filled through its body cleaved in two
Starting the day on the carpet

٣٤. بَلَغَت عَلى عَلَلِ السُرى وَغَدَت
وَمِلاؤُها بِالبُدنِ نَصَّفَها

35. From her naive carpet maker who shakes it
Surviving on a preceding breath

٣٥. يَغدو عَلى الإِرقالِ مُؤتَدِماً
مِن نَيَّها العاميِّ نَفنَفُها

36. While its successor remains
And at dawn the Arabian burst forth

٣٦. يَنجو عَلى رَمَقٍ مُقَدَّمُها
وَيُقيمُ مَعذوراً مُخَلَّفُها

37. Like a bulky wrap rolled up
By the bounty its bags contained

٣٧. وَبِحَيثُ جَعجَعتِ العَريبُ ضُحىً
مِثلَ الحَنيِّ بُلي مُعَطَّفُها

38. And the feet that tread it recognized
I am, throughout your estrangement

٣٨. وَبِفَضلِ ما أَوعى مُحَصَّبُها
وَأَقَرَّ مِن قِدَمٍ مُعَرَّفُها

39. Like the soul, secured, though you twist it
I accept and am angry in your love

٣٩. إِنّي عَلى طولِ الصُدودِ لَكُم
كَالنَفسِ مَأمونٌ تَحَيُّفُها

40. And my devoted necks I do not turn from you
It came to you humbly hopeful

٤٠. أَرضى وَأَغضَبُ في حَبابِكُمُ
وَرِقابُ وُدّي لا أُصَرِّفُها

41. Expecting you would drive it away
There remained in it a saying, a creation

٤١. جاءَتكُمُ أَسَلاً مُشَرَّعَةً
مُتَوَقَّعاً فيكُم تَقَصُّفُها

42. That aspires to destroy it and confuse it
I take pride that yesterday

٤٢. قَد باتَ فيها قائِلٌ صَنَعٌ
يَهمي لِهاذِمَها وَيُرهِفُها

43. Its dresser adorned it for you
And veils for shame providing

٤٣. أَعزِز عَلَيَّ بِأَن يَكونَ لَكُم
بِالأَمسِ ثَقَّفَها مُثَقِّفُها

44. What remains of days to come hoarding
It makes clear to your eyes its distortions

٤٤. وَبَراقِعاً لِلعارِ ضافِيَةً
يَبقى عَلى الأَيّامِ مُغدِفُها

45. Though it may have what entices you
If you take refuge from its mediation

٤٥. يُجلى لِأَعيُنِكُم مُشَوَّهُها
وَلَقَد يَكونُ لَكُم مُفَوَّفُها

46. Your honor is enough, be aloof
So forbid before you return

٤٦. إِن تَستَعيذوا مِن تَوَسُّطِها
أَعراضَكُم فَكَفى تَطَرُّفُها

47. To bitter places it drips
And take advantage of delaying its occurrence

٤٧. فَتَزاجَروا مِن قَبلِ أَن تَرِدوا
بِمَوارِدٍ مُرٍّ تَرَشُّفُها

48. Before its awkwardness passes
Return it to regret consuming it

٤٨. وَتَغَنَّموا إِبطاءَ عارِضِها
مِن قَبلِ أَن يَمريهِ حَرجَفُها

49. And retreat in remorse stopping it

٤٩. فَلتُرجِعوا آمَماً تَلَوُّمَها
وَلتُقلِعوا نَدَماً تَوَقَّفَها