1. I sell you for the price of worthless leather,
And fold up my love for you like a scroll.
١. أَبيعُكَ بَيعَ الأَديمِ النَغِل
وَأَطوي وِدادَكَ طَيَّ السِجِل
2. I shake off your burden from my shoulders,
For long has your mountain weighed upon me.
٢. وَأَنفُضُ ثِقلَكَ عَن عاتِقي
فَقَد طالَ ما أُدتَني يا جَبَل
3. Your words snap like the cracking of a whip,
Your glances sting like the blow of a cane.
٣. قَوارِصُ لَفظٍ كَحَزِّ المَدى
وَشَذّانُ لَحظٍ كَوَقعِ الأَسَل
4. You changed against me, though it pained me;
I'd have said then: "There is no changing this."
٤. تَبَدَّلتَ مِنّي وَلو ساءَني
لَقُلتُ إِذاً لا هُناكَ البَدَل
5. But you had been an adornment on my arms,
A necklace about my neck, a ring on my hand.
٥. فَكَيفَ وَكُنتَ عَلى الساعِدَي
نِ جامِعَةً وَعَلى الجيدِ غُل
6. No man is hindered by what does not fetter him;
If the veins of his wrists are unbound.
٦. وَما عَطَلَ المَرءِ يُزري بِهِ
إِذا كانَ طَوقُ وَريدَيهِ صِل
7. You set up the pole of love to entrap me,
Vainly did you hope, O contriver of snares!
٧. نَصَبتَ الحِبالَةَ لي طامِعاً
لَقَد خابَ ظَنُّكَ يا مُحتَبَل
8. You did not know that I am like the wild ox,
Who splits the rope if it touches his side.
٨. وَلَم تَدرِ أَنّي جَرِيُّ الوُثوبِ
إِذا الحَبلُ مَرَّ بِجَنبي نَصَل
9. And you imagined what difficulty had altered,
Foolishly led on by this fancy of yours.
٩. وَأَمَّلتَ ما عَكَسَتهُ الخُطوبُ
سَفاهاً أَجَرَّكَ هَذا الأَمَل
10. You nearly made the man of letters stumble,
But a heart from error evermore free saved him.
١٠. لَقَد كِدتَ أَن تَستَزِلَّ الأَديبَ
وَلَكِن تَحامَلَ سِمعٌ أَزَل
11. Boastfully did my vanity garb me,
And abased me and brought me low.
١١. أَفَخراً فَحَسبي بِما قَد أَطا
لَ باعي وَأَنزَلَني في القُلَل
12. The most abject of the abject is he,
Who panders to the dalliance of women.
١٢. وَإِنَّ أَذَلَّ الأَذَلّينَ مَن
يُريعُ بِبِضعِ النِساءِ الدُوَل
13. I carried in my heart the courage of heroes,
As I cut my way through impenetrable mountains.
١٣. حَمَلتُ بِقَلبِيَ حِملَ الجُموحِ
كَما قَطَعَ الصَعبَ ليَّ الطِوَل
14. He who escapes from the like of her,
Lives secure afterward safe from all legions.
١٤. نَجَوتُ وَمَن يَنجُ مِن مِثلِها
يَعِش آمِناً بَعدَها مِن زَلَل
15. I left behind me the others subject to love,
To strike with the stroke of driving camels.
١٥. وَغادَرتُ غَيرِيَ تَحتَ الهَوا
نِ يَضرُبُ ضَربَ عِرابِ الإِبِل