1. I prepared the two chicks for you, O Nasr, as a meal
So arise with no hesitation for yourself, and sit
١. خَعَلتُ لَكَ الفَرخَينِ يا نَصرُ طُعمَةً
فَقُم غَيرَ رِعديدٍ لِنَفسِكَ وَاِقعُدِ
2. For I am preoccupied in thought by love
And by the sons of Surayj, and al-Gharid and Ma'bad
٢. فَإِنِّيَ مَشغولٌ عَنِ الرَأيِ بِالهَوى
وَبِاِبنِ سُريجٍ وَالغَريضِ وَمَعبَدِ