
O breeze that nourishes, bear

أيها الرائح المغذ تحمل

1. O breeze that nourishes, bear
A longing for the tormented lover

١. أَيُّها الرائِحُ المُغِذُّ تَحَمَّل
حاجَةً لِلمُعَذَّبِ المُشتاقِ

2. Greet the people of the mosque from me
When greetings are exchanged after meeting

٢. أَقرِ عَنّي السَلامَ أَهلَ المُصَلّى
وَبَلاغُ السَلامِ بَعدَ التَلاقي

3. And if you pass by the walls, witness
That my heart longs for it

٣. وَإِذا ما مَرَرتَ بِالخَيفِ فَاِشهَد
أَنَّ قَلبي إِلَيهِ بِالأَشواقِ

4. And if you are asked about me, say I pine
With love that I think will remain forever

٤. وَإِذا ما سُئِلتَ عَنّي فَقُل نِض
وُ هَوىً ما أَظُنُّهُ اليَومَ باقِ

5. My heart is lost, so search for it among a gathering
And pilgrimage, near one of those enclosures

٥. ضاعَ قَلبي فَاِنشُدهُ لي بَينَ جَمعٍ
وَمِنىً عِندَ بَعضِ تِلكَ الحِداقِ

6. And cry for me, for long before
I would lend tears to lovers

٦. وَاِبكِ عَنّي فَطالَما كُنتُ مِن قَب
لٍ أُعيرُ الدُموعَ لِلعُشّاقِ