
Our neighbors have endured the hardship of parting,

تحمل جيراننا عن منى

1. Our neighbors have endured the hardship of parting,
And said that separation between us is inevitable.

١. تَحَمَّلَ جيرانُنا عَن مِنىً
وَقالوا النَقا بَينَنا مَوعِدُ

2. But can the words of a manipulative person be trusted?
The caravan has gone far, they will not return.

٢. وَهَل ناقِعٌ قَولُ ذي غُلَّةٍ
وَقَد بَعِدَ الرَكبُ لا يَبعَدوا

3. They called out that goodbye will be tomorrow,
Ill omens to you, O tomorrow!

٣. تَنادوا بِأَنَّ التَنائي غَداً
لَكَ السوءُ مِن طالِعٍ يا غَدُ

4. By God, what has brought together the past
Are gatherings for my heart and the mosque.

٤. فَلِلَّهِ ما جَمَعَ المَأزَما
نِ وَجَمعٌ لِقَلبِيَ وَالمَسجِدُ

5. It is lost and sung is the rhythm of separation,
My heart is lost and unsung.

٥. يُضاعُ فَيُنشَدُ قَعبُ الغَبوقِ
وَقَلبي يُضاعُ وَلا يُنشَدُ

6. And a maiden free from the debts of love,
For her, the sanctuary has a time of freedom.

٦. وَغَيداءَ مِن ما طِلاتِ الدُيونِ
لَها بِالحِمى زَمَنٌ أَغيَدُ

7. She grazes as a gazelle turns
To one with a complaint, her spring flows for her.

٧. تُريعُ كَما اِلتَفَتَت ظَبيَةٌ
بِذي البانِ عَنَّ لَها المَورِدُ

8. You looked, and alas your looking is in vain,
The gazelles of Tihama, O helper!

٨. نَظَرتَ وَهَيهاتَ مِن ناظِرَيكَ
ظِباءُ تِهامَةَ يا مُنجِدُ

9. And perhaps passion is an error,
The eye sees what the hand cannot reach.

٩. وَيا رُبَّما وَالهَوى ضِلَّةٌ
تَرى العَينُ ما لا تَنالُ اليَدُ