
Qahtan took pride that it had

فخرت قحطان أن كان لها

1. Qahtan took pride that it had
The likes of Dhu Nuwas, Kulaib and Ru'ayn

١. فَخَرَت قَحطانُ أَن كانَ لَها
ذو نُواسٍ وَكَلاعٍ وَرُعَينِ

2. Who ennobled the noble ones there before us
Every easy-handed generous man

٢. شَرَّفَ الأَذواءَ فيها قَبلَنا
كُلُّ رَحبِ الباعِ هَطّالِ اليَدَينِ

3. Then Mudar made it equal in pride
Through Ali the pure of the two veiled ones

٣. ثُمَّ ساوَتها فَخاراً مُضَرٌ
بِعَلِيِّ الطاهِرِ المُنقَبَتَينِ

4. Two traits of glory and honor made us rich
Beyond Abu Ahmad among us and al-Husayn

٤. شيمَتا عِزٍّ وَمَجدٍ أَغنَتا
عَن أَبي أَحمَدَ فينا وَالحُسَينِ

5. Do you see a grandfather like my grandfather and father?
What glory and praise after these two?

٥. هَل تَرى جَدّاً كَجَدّي وَأَبي
أَيُّ مَجدٍ وَثَناءٍ بَعدَ ذَينِ

6. A lineage like al-Nadhr in the middle
Of every lineage from the sons of al-Nadhr and 'Ayn

٦. نَسَبٌ كَالنَضرِ أَمسى واسِطاً
كُلَّ أَنفٍ مِن بَني النَضرِ وَعَينِ

7. The light of horizons that illuminated what
Was between my two noble grandfathers and me

٧. نَيِّرُ الأَقطارِ قَد ضَوَّأَ ما
بَينَ جَدِّيَّ الكَريمَينِ وَبَيني

8. Firm in the clay of glory whenever
A high office made him smooth of step

٨. ثابِتٌ في طينَةِ المَجدِ إِذا
مَنصِبٌ أَمسى زَليقَ القَدَمَينِ

9. With the position of a star he runs ahead of him
The brilliant horizon and the light of the two moons

٩. بِمِناطِ النَجمِ يَجري دونَهُ
بارِقُ الأُفقِ وَضَوءُ القَمَرَينِ

10. Our deeds adorned our lineage
With the adornment of spears and the curvature of the bow

١٠. زَيَّنَت أَفعالُنا أَحسابَنا
زينَةَ اللَهذَمِ أُنبوبَ الرُدَيني

11. A lineage whose roots
Were firmly planted in Mina and al-Mazma'ayn

١١. حَسَبٌ ضارِبَةٌ أَعراقُهُ
بِقَراراتِ مِنىً وَالمَأزَمَينِ

12. Lofty of neck, challenging fate,
Fresh of sweat, gentle of gaze

١٢. شامِخُ الأَعناقِ عادِيُّ الذُرى
ناضِرُ العِرقِ نُضارُ الطَرَفَينِ

13. And with the glory of spirit my pride preceded
The surplus of pride with the glory of my parents

١٣. وَبِمَجدِ النَفسِ فَخري سابِقاً
فَضلَةِ الفَخرِ بِمَجدِ الوالِدَينِ