1. The sheath still gleams though the sword be gone,
A little lacking sometimes leads to gain.
١. لَهانَ الغِمدُ ما بَقِيَ الحُسامُ
وَبَعضُ النَقصِ آوِنَةً تَمامُ
2. If the sublime is reached, its strength is safe;
No sorrow if the system suffers loss!
٢. إِذا سَلَكَ العُلى سَلِمَت قُواهُ
فَلا جَزَعٌ إِذا اِنتَقَصَ النِظامُ
3. More lightly are the shoulders burdened on
The day our foremost and our banners remain.
٣. وَأَهوِن بِالمَناكِبِ يَومَ يَبقى
لَنا الرَأسُ المُقَدَّمُ وَالسَنامُ
4. The water springs complain not when at eve
They flow confined, so long as clouds remain.
٤. وَما شَكوى المَناهِلِ حينَ تُمسي
مُغَيَّضَةً إِذا بَقِيَ الغَمامُ
5. But for a noble band, left by thy hand,
High fortune, blessings in fair troops had lain!
٥. وَهَل هُوَ غَيرُ فَذٍّ أَخلَفَتهُ
لَكَ العَلياءُ وَالنِعَمُ التُؤامُ
6. Whene'er the stithy spatters sparks about,
Is't loss, when at the forge the hammers remain?
٦. وَما شَرَرٌ تَطاوَحَ عَن زِنادٍ
بِمُفتَقَدٍ إِذا بَقِيَ الضِرامُ
7. Awake, O fortune of our present day,
The saddle pads and bridles still remain,
٧. أَفِق يا دَهرُ مَن أَمسَيتَ تَحدو
وَقَد مَنُعَ الخِزامَةُ وَالزِمامُ
8. A horse that spurned each rider, charging forth
Unequalled, loosed from every restraining rein,
٨. قَدَعتَ مُبَرِّزَ الحَلَباتِ يَغدو
جَموحاً لا يُنَهنِهُهُ اللِجامُ
9. As guileful as the sidelong glance thou gav'st-
While still, like it, thy treachery doth remain.
٩. وَلوداً مِثلَ ما خالَستَ مِنهُ
وَأَنتَ بِمِثلِهِ أَبَداً عَقامُ
10. Of men whose glory reared its height amidst
Their spears; when they are gone 'tis low again!
١٠. مِنَ القَومِ الَّذينَ أَقامَ فيهِم
عِدادُ المَجدِ وَالعَدَدُ اللُهامُ
11. They proffer peace, then hath the land repose;
Or war, and ruin falls on all the plain.
١١. إِذا سَلِموا فَقَد سَلِمَ البَرايا
وَإِن نُقِذوا فَقَد فُقِدَ الأَنامُ
12. Heroes, when friendly or when stern they prove,
Deckt either war or banquet with their train.
١٢. لَهُم كَرَمٌ تُزَيِّدُهُ المَعالي
إِذا لَؤُمَ المَعاشِرُ أَو أُلاموا
13. Pure lineage, ancient as their noble race,
That once led freeman, now leads freeman's reign!
١٣. وَأَيّامٌ مِنَ الإِحسانِ بيضٌ
لَهُم نَسَبٌ إِلى العَليا قُدامُ
14. They ride the steed alternate days, while swords
And racers daily change from hand to hand.
١٤. مَراجِحَةٌ وَأَصبِيَةٍ مُلوكٌ
إِلَيهِم يَعقُدُ النادي الكِرامُ
15. The lofty souls of chiefs; the best of men;
With glory every turban binding round.
١٥. وَكُلُّ مُعَمَّمٍ بِالمَجدِ قَضّى
بِهِ ذِمَمَ العَلاءِ أَبٌ هُمامُ
16. As 'twere the sword's own twin, that from his sheath
Came flashing terror on the hostile clan,
١٦. رَبا بَينَ الصَوارِمِ وَالعَوالي
فَجاءَ كَأَنَّ تَوأَمَهُ الحُسامُ
17. To fright the shyest steed; till welcome seemed
Captivity to all the hostile Van!
١٧. يَروعُ سَوامَهُ بِالسَيفِ حَتّى
تَمَنّى أَن أَسَرَّتها اللِئامُ
18. The foe found refuge from their falchions' rage
Amongst the women, in the sacred reign!
١٨. مَعاشِرُ لِلسَوائِمِ في ذُراهُم
أَمانُ الطَيرِ آمَنَها الحَرامُ
19. As the fair mistresses of princely halls
Oppressed with gems and silk, scarce walk or stand,
١٩. يُذَمُّ اللُؤمُ عِندَهُمُ عَلَيها
وَلَيسَ لِجارِهِم أَبَداً ذِمامُ
20. So moved they, bent by spoils; yet when they sought
The foemen's tents, then lightly leapt they on!
٢٠. وَحادِثَةٍ لَها في العَظمِ وَقرٌ
كَغَصِّ السِنِّ لَيسَ لَهُ اِلتِئامُ
21. I blame not, though a fortress succour lend,
If unseen the maid and matron train remain;
٢١. كَفى بِعِتاتِها وَالمَوتُ دانٍ
وَقَد قَعَدَ الرِجالُ بِها وَقاموا
22. But towering high on noble steeds they rode,
White closing round them, not one spot or stain;
٢٢. فَقُل لِلحائِنِ المَغرورِ أَمسى
بِمارِنِكَ الرَغامَةُ وَالرَغامُ
23. The hills shrunk back before their coursers' tread,
And the long lances glare'd against the plain.
٢٣. أَتَعلَمُ مَن تُخاطِرُ أَو تُسامي
غُروراً ما أَراكَ بِهِ المَنامُ
24. Dark grew the sun at morn, by reason of
The lightnings flashing from their arms' bright blade,
٢٤. فَخَلِّ عَنِ الطَريقِ لِسَيلِ طَودٍ
تَحَدَّرَ لا يُخاضُ وَلا يُعامُ
25. Clear shone the night because their banners gleam
So brilliant, that they paled the moon's soft reign.
٢٥. أَلَم يُقنِعكَ بِالأَهوازِ مِنهُ
قِطارٌ غَيمُ عارِضِهِ القَتامُ
26. On others, not like thee, of hostile mood,
Their ladies o'er the battle pour'd their rain
٢٦. بِأَربَقَ حَطَّ عارِضَهُ وَأَجلى
عَنِ الأَعداءِ وَالأَعداءُ هامُ
27. Of tent poles, till around the leeward tribes
In eddies rolled the blast, confusion's bane!
٢٧. وَأَرسَلَها تَخُبُّ بِدارِ زَينٍ
عُبابَ اليَمِّ لَجَّ بِهِ اِلتِطامُ
28. Wearied with launching plank and heavy stone,
At length the warriors' strategies were vain.
٢٨. يَمِلنَ مِنَ اللُغوبِ كَما تَهادى
نِساءُ الحَيِّ يُثقِلُها الخِدامُ
29. Ah! soon a day of battle shall arrive,
Whose morrow shall bring ruin, yet remain.
٢٩. وَكُنَّ إِذا رَمَينَ إِلى عَدُوٍّ
طَلَبنَ أَمامَ حَتّى لا أُمامُ
30. Think not of Rabi'a's castled walls alone,
Though reaching clouds, the lightnings rend in twain
٣٠. وَلَستُ لِحاصِنٍ إِن لَم تَرَوها
مَواقِرَ حَملُها بيضٌ وَلامُ
31. A brood of nobles died to save their land!
The vultures and the kites above them plain.
٣١. تَوَقَّصَ تَحتَها القُلَلُ الرَوابي
وَتَجدَعُ مِن حَوافِزِها الإِكامُ
32. Enough the mischief and the death they bore!
While the survivors immediate vengeance ta'en!
٣٢. بِنَقعٍ يُظلِمُ الإِصباحُ مِنهُ
عَلى بيضٍ يُضيءُ بِها الظَلامُ
33. Say to the crafty plotter, vaunting loud,
"Thy frauds and slanders nought avail to gain."
٣٣. تُفارِطُ بِالقَنا مُتَمَطِّراتٌ
كَما فاجاكَ بِالدَوِّ النَعامُ
34. Knowest thou against whom thy words are aimed?
Ignobly wilt thou perish through disdain!
٣٤. حَذارِ لَهُ فَبَعدَ اليَومِ يَومٌ
لَهُ شَرَرٌ وَبَعدَ العامِ عامُ
35. A torrent's course, that cannot be withstood,
Is forced to wind aft many a crook and drain.
٣٥. وَما تَرَكَ الرِماءَ قُصورَ باعٍ
وَلَكِن كَي تُراشَ لَهُ السِهامُ
36. Sufficed not Nahawand's swamps to stay their march?
Before their conq'ring march how shrinks the plain!
٣٦. فَمِنهُ البيضُ ماضِيَةٌ وَمِنكُم
يَدَ الدَهرِ المَفارِقُ وَاللِمامُ
37. Their mighty host the clouds' vast army met,
Scattered their edges, paled their gloomy reign,
٣٧. لَنا تَحتَ الصَفائِحِ كُلَّ يَومٍ
مُقيمٌ لا يَريمُ وَلا يُرامُ
38. Till in Zainab's halls they poured their strength,
And the high chambers bowed beneath their train
٣٨. كَرائِمُ مِن قُلوبٍ أَو عُيونٍ
عَلَيهِنَّ الجَنادِلُ وَالرِجامُ
39. Stumbling with spoils; as when in prince's bowers
Sink down the jewel'd dames, with gold o'erlain.
٣٩. صُموتٌ لا يُجابُ لَهُنَّ داعٍ
أَرَنَّ وَلا يُرَدُّ لَهُ سَلامُ
40. And when they marr'd the foemen's pleasing face
They sought the tents again, and sought not vain.
٤٠. فَدُم ما طابَ لِلباقي بَقاءٌ
وَما حَسُنَ التَلَوُّمُ وَالدَوامُ
41. We every morn have noble spirits here
Who never flinch from aught, or rest refrain,
٤١. فَلا كُشِفَ الضِياءُ عَلى اللَيالي
وَلا عُدِمَ الغِياثُ وَلا القَوامُ
42. Bright glancing pearls, to guard them swords are drawn;
Bared blades, whose lightning slays not, but makes plain.
٤٢. يَكونُ لَكَ التَقَدُّمُ في المَعالي
وَفي الأَجَلِ التَأَخُّرُ وَالمُقامُ
43. They heed no suppliant voice; they stand serene
Gazed at by Beauty, impervious to Pain!
٤٣. وَكانَ لَنا أَمامَكَ كُلُّ نَقصٍ
يَكونُ مِنَ الرَدى وَلَكَ التَمامُ