1. They blamed me, even if they found my excuse acceptable
And the sin of one who blames unjustly cannot be forgiven
١. لاموا وَلَو وَجَدوا وَجدي لَقَد عَذروا
وَذَنبُ مَن لامَ ظُلماً غَيرُ مُغتَفَرِ
2. When they reproached me for my mistake, I answered them
With the pride of one acknowledging, not the humility of one apologizing
٢. لَمّا تَمالَوا عَلى عَذلي أَجَبتُهُمُ
بِعِزِّ مُعتَرِفٍ لا ذُلِّ مُعتَذِرِ
3. I prefer the blackness on my head, yet I detest it
So how can the two colors look different to me?
٣. أَهوى السَوادَ بِرَأسي ثُمَّ أَمقُتُهُ
فَكَيفَ يَختَلِفُ اللَونانِ في نَظَري
4. The dawnings of whiteness, whose brilliance shone forth
Refused to blend into my cheeks, to become part of my complexion
٤. تَأبى طَلائِعُ بيضٍ ذَرَّ شارِقُها
في عارِضي أَن تَكونَ البيضُ مِن وَطَري
5. I have bound myself to the blackness of color after you
A bond through which the unjust mock the moon
٥. إِنّي عَلِقتُ سَوادَ اللَونِ بَعدَكُمُ
عَلاقَةً تُشمِتُ الظَلماءَ بِالقَمَرِ
6. If it were not for the superiority of the whiteness
The dark nights would not be marked on steeds and on excuses
٦. لَو لَم يَكُن فَوقَ لَونِ البيضِ ما رُقِمَت
صِبغُ اللَيالي عَلى الأَجيادِ وَالعُذرِ
7. I have made it a reminder for the blackness of my head
So if the eye misses, the heart will be content with the trace
٧. جَعَلتُهُ لِسَوادِ الرَأسِ تَذكِرَةً
إِن تَفقَدِ العَينُ يَرضَ القَلبُ بِالأَثرِ
8. And the night is a concealment for the bare with its pleasure
While the dawn exposes the secret to everyone
٨. وَاللَيلُ أَستَرُ لِلخالي بِلَذَّتِهِ
وَالصِبحُ أَفضَحُ لِلساري عَلى غَرَرِ
9. The young man has an excuse in the darkness of night
While he has no excuse in the morning, if he strays
٩. وَلِلفَتى في ظَلامِ اللَيلِ مَعذِرَةٌ
وَما لَهُ في الضُحى إِن ضَلَّ مِن عُذُرِ
10. I do not combine love of the beautiful white
With what time and days have whitened of my hair
١٠. لا أَجمَعُ الحُبَّ لِلبيضِ الحِسانِ إِلى
ما بَيَّضَ الدَهرُ وَالأَيّامُ مِن شَعَري
11. And how can she who was the darkness of my heart and sight
Disappear from my heart and my vision?
١١. وَكَيفَ يَذهَبُ عَن قَلبي وَعَن بَصَري
مَن كانَ مِثلَ سَوادِ القَلبِ وَالبَصرِ