1. They said, "Listen to her, she is just babbling."
In you, O father of Al-Ghaydaq, is dust and rags.
١. وَقالوا أَسِغها إِنَّما هِيَ مَضغَةٌ
بِفيكَ أَبا الغَيداقِ تُربٌ وَجَندَلُ
2. I turned my face away from you, not my heart.
While a man's heart turns, his face remains forward.
٢. صَدَفتُ بِوَجهي لا بِقَلبِيَ عَنكُمُ
وَيَصدِفُ قَلبُ المَرءِ وَالوَجهُ مُقبِلُ
3. We returned on our heels to what pleases us.
We are pulled to what we don't like and limp away.
٣. رَجَعنا عَلى الأَعقابِ فيما يَسُرُّنا
نُجَرُّ إِلى ما لا نَوَدُّ وَنَعتَلُ
4. The loyal friends have no faults.
Except what the slanderer who finds fault says.
٤. صِحاحُ أَديمِ الوُدِّ لا عَيبَ فيهِمُ
سِوى ما يَقولُ الجادِبُ المُتَعَلِّلُ
5. I fled to the substitutes after they left.
Oh Amr, I am destitute, who can I turn to?
٥. فَزِعتُ إِلى الأَبدالِ بَعدَ فِراقِهِم
فَأَعوَزَني يا عَمروُ مَن أَتَبَدَّلُ