
O son of Abd al-Aziz, if eyes shed tears

يا ابن عبد العزيز لو بكت العي

1. O son of Abd al-Aziz, if eyes shed tears
For an Umayyad youth, I would weep for you.

١. يا اِبنَ عَبدِ العَزيزِ لَو بَكَتِ العَي
نُ فَتىً مِن أُمِيَّةٍ لَبَكَيتُك

2. But I say you are blessed,
Even if your house is not blessed or pure.

٢. غَيرَ أَنّي أَقولُ إِنَّكَ قَد طِب
تَ وَإِن لَم يَطِب وَلَم يَزكُ بَيتُك

3. You saved us from insult and abuse -
If I could repay you, I would.

٣. أَنتَ نَزَّهتَنا عَنِ السَبِّ وَالقَذ
فِ فَلَو أَمكَنَ الجَزاءُ جَزَيتُك

4. If I saw your grave, I would be shy
To look on you, though you lived.

٤. وَلَوَ اَنّي رَأَيتُ قَبرَكَ لَاِستَح
يَيتُ مِن أَن أُرى وَما حَيَّيتُك

5. It would be little if I shed my blood
In sorrow for those in the tombs, and watered you.

٥. وَقَليلٌ أَن لَو بَذَلتُ دِماءَ ال
بُدنِ حُزناً عَلى الذُرى وَسَقَيتُك

6. Deir Sam'an does not miss you when absent -
Better a dead man from the Marwanids than your dead.

٦. دَيرَ سَمعانَ لا أَغَبَّكَ غادٍ
خَيرُ مَيتٍ مِن آلِ مَروانَ مَيتُك

7. You are in my thoughts and heart
Whether I draw near or keep far from you.

٧. أَنتَ بِالذِكرِ بَينَ عَيني وَقَلبي
إِن تَدانَيتُ مِنكَ أَو قَد نَأَيتُك

8. When something stirs my mind of you
I imagine I have seen you.

٨. وَإِذا حَرَّكَ الحَشا خاطِرٌ مِن
كَ تَوَهَّمتُ أَنَّني قَد رَأَيتُك

9. And strange that I hate the Marwanids
As birds, when I did not hate you,

٩. وَعَجيبٌ أَنّي قَلَيتُ بَني مَر
وانَ طُرّاً وَأَنَّني ما قَلَيتُك

10. Justice was close to you when they withdrew -
I drew near to it and chose you.

١٠. قَرُبَ العَدلُ مِنكَ لَمّا نَأى الجَو
رُ بِهِم فَاجتَوَيتُهُم وَاِجتَبَيتُك

11. If I could avert what befell you
From the nightcomer of returning, I would ransom you.

١١. فَلَوَ اَنّي مَلَكتُ دَفعاً لِما نا
بَكَ مِن طارِقِ الرَدى لَفَدَيتُك