1. I wore war before the garb of dust
And struck with the sword before the raids
١. لَبِستُ الوَغى قَبلَ ثَوبِ الغُبارِ
وَقارَعتُ بِالنَصلِ قَبلَ الغِرارِ
2. Like a lion, when it senses doves
It sees its living behind that mane
٢. وَأُسدٍ إِذا شَعَرَت بِالحَمامِ
رَأَت عَيشَها خَلفَ ذاكَ الشِعارِ
3. With slender cheeks, short in grievance
Quenching thirst, skilled in thrust
٣. طِوالِ الخُدودِ قِصارِ الحُقودِ
رِواءِ الشَفارِ ظِماءِ المِهارِ
4. And taking refuge in the abodes of the enemy
In every flaming firebrand
٤. وَمُنتَجِعينَ دِيارَ العَدُوِّ
في كُلِّ مُضطَرِمٍ ذي أُوارِ
5. With brown spears for piercing
And naked swords for slashing
٥. بِسُمرٍ مُثَقَّفَةٍ لِلطِعانِ
وَجُردٍ مُسَوَّمَةٍ لِلغِوارِ
6. And a day we sealed it with perdition
As its seal of discord was undone
٦. وَيَومٍ خَتَمنا عَلَيهِ الرَدى
وَقَد فُضَّ عَنهُ خِتامُ الذِمارِ
7. Hunting the hearts of enemies with it
The chests of spears, roaring, furious
٧. تَصيدُ قُلوبَ الأَعادي بِهِ
صُدورُ القَنا وَهيَ هيمٌ ضَوارِ
8. As if they advanced with chests of swords
We clothed our spears in robes of blood
٨. إِذا سَتَرَ النَقعُ آثارَها
هَتَكنَ الضَمائِرَ عَن كُلِّ ثارِ
9. While we in them are disgraced
I used to drag the train of my gown
٩. قُلوبُهُمُ بِذُيولِ الحِمامِ
مِن وَقعِ أَطرافِها في عِثارِ
10. Deprecation would not raise my waistband
So I became, before the descent of censure
١٠. وَتَجهَرُ بِالمَوتِ أَرواحُهُم
وَسُمرُ القَنا مَعَها في سِرارِ
11. Confessing, patient to rebuke
Oh how many mornings in love of the sublime
١١. وَقَد وَرَدوا بِصُدورِ الرِماحِ
كَما صَدَروا بِصُدورِ الشِفارِ
12. And a newborn destrier, a suckling colt
Far from glory, near to might
١٢. كَسَونا قَنانا ثِيابَ الدِماءِ
وَنَحنُ مِنَ العارِ فيها عَوارِ
13. A friend of hands, a foe of the delicate
A gallant whose dreams are not sullied
١٣. لَقَد كُنتُ أَسحَبُ بُردَ الشِماسِ
لا يَرفَعُ العَذلُ مُرخى إِزاري
14. By the delusion of hands of the blind
Who tears the cloak of darkness with steeds
١٤. فَأَصبَحتُ قَبلَ نُزولِ العِذارِ
مُعتَرِفاً صابِراً لِلعِذارِ
15. And rends the breast of daylight with horses
When the torrent of generosity floods
١٥. أَلا رُبَّ صَبٍّ بِحُبِّ العُلى
وَلَيدِ المَطايا رَضيعِ السِفارِ
16. His hands snatch a torrent of bounty
When the emaciation of hopes grazes
١٦. بَعيدَ المَعالي قَريبِ العَوالي
صَديقِ الأَيادي عَدُوِّ النُضارِ
17. In the meadow of his bounty, it becomes healthy
And how many wishes were granted through his bounty
١٧. فَتىً لا يُعَفَّرُ أَحلامَهُ
غِرارُ التَصابي بِأَيدي العُقارِ
18. The bounty of his brown spear in the battle
And whoever craved in the wake of hope
١٨. يُمَزَّقُ بِالعيسِ جَيبَ الدُجى
وَيَهتِكُ بِالخَيلِ صَدرَ النَهارِ
19. Spent the night in the shelter of his bounty
As your heart settled, O son of Husain
١٩. إِذا غاضَ مارُ النَدى أَسلَبَت
يَداهُ بِمارٍ مِنَ الجودِ جارِ
20. From longing and eyes of the empty wilderness
With the birth of Radiant, you gave her
٢٠. إِذا ما رَعَت في رُبى جودِهِ
هِزالُ الأَماني غَدَت كَالشَبارِ
21. The full moons after concealment
Her causes were jealous of her beauty
٢١. وَكَم نَدِيَت مِن نَداهُ المُنى
نَدى سُمرِهِ بِالنَجيعِ المُمارِ
22. So next to her, their causes were captive
It is no wonder you see the likes of her
٢٢. وَمَن كُنَّ يَهوينَ خَلفَ الرِجاءِ
فَأَمسَينَ مِن جودِهِ في قَرارِ
23. While your origin is generosity abounding
Hearts have lavished upon her their blackness
٢٣. كَما قَرَّ قَلبُكَ يا اِبنَ الحُسَي
نِ مِن شَوقِهِ وَعُيونِ الفَخارِ
24. And joy was among the strewing
Had time been just we would not be content
٢٤. بِمَولِدِ غَرّاءَ أَعطَيتَها
بُدُوَّ الأَهِلَّةِ بَعدَ السِرارِ
25. With less than the hearts of brilliant stars
It is there, by them, that Allah has made
٢٥. أَغارَت عَلى الحُسنِ أَسبابُها
فَأَسبابُهُ عِندَها في إِسارِ
26. The chests of spears sing in lofty groves
And revived through them your glory of yore
٢٦. وَلا عَجَبٌ أَن تَرى مِثلَها
وَزِندُكَ في كَرَمِ العِرقِ واري
27. And repelled through them all disgrace and shame
And the turbans of a people bowed through them
٢٧. نَثَرنَ عَلَيها سَوادَ القُلوبِ
وَكانَ الهَنا في خِلالِ النِثارِ
28. As they are honor for head veils
So it suffices you this pride in praise
٢٨. وَلَو أَنصَفَ الدَهرُ لَم نَقتَنِع
بِغَيرِ قُلوبِ النُجومِ الدَراري
29. Even if the water of glory ebbs in praise
It visits you among the hearts of foes
٢٩. هَناكَ بِها اللَهُ ما غَرَّدَت
صُدورُ القَنا في أَعالي نِزارِ
30. So it severs them in the chain of shrines
Your palm of glory became, from my praise,
٣٠. وَأَحيا بِها لَكَ مَيتَ العُلى
وَأَردى بِها كُلَّ عابٍ وَعارِ
31. Its bracelets circling in anklets
٣١. وَذَلَّت عَمائِمُ قَومٍ بِها
كَما أَنَّها شَرَفٌ لِلخِمارِ
٣٢. فَحَسبُكَ فَخرٌ بِهَذا المَديحِ
وَإِن غاضَ في المَدحِ ماءُ اِفتِخاري
٣٣. يَزورُكَ بَينَ قُلوبِ العُداةِ
فَيَقطَعُها في اِتِّصالِ المَزارِ
٣٤. غَدَت كَفُّ مَجدِكَ مِن مَدحَتي
تَجولُ مَعاصِمُها في سِوارِ