
The night of the father of troubles and calamities has excited one prone to madness and giddiness.

ما هاج من ذي طرب مخماص

1. The night of the father of troubles and calamities has excited one prone to madness and giddiness.
It dispatched him barefoot in the darkness

١. ما هاجَ مِن ذي طَرَبٍ مِخماصِ
لَيلُ أَبي العَوامِ وَالقِلاصِ

2. After the separation of intimate kin to the furthest horizon.
The watering places overflowed with bitter tears,

٢. أَرسَلَها خَمصاءَ في خِماصِ
زَوراءَ مِن رَعيِ الجَميمِ الواصي

3. As the bright stars flicker in the darkness,
Like the shimmering of the brilliant planet.

٣. بَعدَ مِطالِ القَرَبِ البَصاصِ
رامٍ إِلى غايَتِها الأَقاصي

4. The blue sky of the tribe of Milas
Until the suns were protected with tent pegs.

٤. قَذى المَآقي لَبِدُ العَناصي
في مُطلَقٍ أَنجُمُهُ شَواصي

5. Wide open from the side of Nishaas,
The Pleiades peer out from Khasaas.

٥. لَمعُ المَداري جُلنَ في العِقاصِ
كَأَنَّ خَفقَ الكَوكَبِ الوَباصِ

6. What is the matter with me and with defiant fate
Like a caravan stricken upon the skull.

٦. زَرقاءُ مِن زُرقِ بَني مِلاصِ
حَتّى اِتَّقَينَ الشَمسَ بِالنَواصي

7. Where is the father of troubles for the defiant,
Training his horses and the warrior.

٧. مُفتَقَةٌ مِن جَنِبِ النِشاصِ
تَطَلُّعَ الرودِ مِنَ الخَصاصِ

8. And grazing them between the reedbeds of 'Arraas
From the protector of Qullaam and Qurraas

٨. ما لي وَما لِلقَدَرِ المُعاصي
كَالعَيرِ مَضروباً عَلى القِماصِ

9. And of the towns and the ways of Khiraas
And of the reedbeds stung by the snakes.

٩. أَينَ أَبو العَوّامِ لِلعَواصي
يَروضُها وَالخَيلُ وَالدِلاصِ

10. Alas! There is no protector against ruin.
It is the way of the antelope and the gathering of the bowls.

١٠. وَرَعيِها بَينَ القَنا العَرّاصِ
مِن آمِنِ القُلّامِ وَالقُرّاصِ

11. It names the saddled horses on the night of dancing.
They will return empty without persons.

١١. وَلِلقِرى وَالطُرُقِ الخِراصِ
وَلِلقَنا يَلدَغنَ بِالأَخراصِ

12. The youth and the tribe are decreasing,
And they have moved away from an ardent investigator

١٢. هَيهاتَ لا حامي إِلى العِراصِ
شيمَ الظُبى وَضُمَّتِ القَواصي

13. Far from retaliation and revenge.
The emigrants arose and the advisors grew old

١٣. سَمُّ المَطايا لَيلَةَ الإِرقاصِ
يَرجِعنَ أَرماقاً بِلا أَشخاصِ

14. From a group perfumed with fresh myrtle,
Between the essence of glory and suckling.

١٤. زادَ الفَتى وَالقومُ في اِنتِقاصِ
وَبَعُدوا عَن جامِحٍ فَحّاصِ

15. They have in manners of dew allegiance,
Of every pioneering snatcher of opportunities.

١٥. بُعدَ اللَغاديدِ مِنَ القِصاصِ
قامَ المُجاري وَكَبا المُناصي

16. A people for the necks of the enemy, executioners.
The troop of meeting, quick to slaughter.

١٦. مِن مَعشَرٍ مُطَيَّبِ الأَعياصِ
بَينَ لُبابِ المَجدِ وَالمُصاصِ

17. O grave among graves and mounds,
Enclose the pearl of the diver,

١٧. لَهُم بِآدابِ النَدى تَواصي
مِن كُلِّ سَبّاقِ المَدى نَوّاصِ

18. Who was resolute and excelled in strength.
You were quenched from the cupbearer of life and destiny.

١٨. قَومٌ لِأَعناقِ العِدى قَواصِ
قِرنُ لِقاءٍ عَجِلُ الإِقعاصِ

19. The leader of the tribe of Mu'taas led the son of Layla.
He was a horseman, but is now a avenger.

١٩. يا قَبرُ بَينَ القَورِ وَالدِعاصِ
ضُمَّ عَلى لُؤلُؤَةِ الغَوّاصِ

20. How heavy is despair upon the passionate one.
Is there any retaliation for the wounds of fate?

٢٠. ضَمَّ الوِعا وَبَزَّ بِالعِقاصِ
سُقيتَ مِن داني الحَيا وَالقاصي

21. Misfortune attacked and the people live in fear.
The herds stayed away from the hunter.

٢١. قادَ بنَ ليلى قائِدُ المُعتاصِ
كانَ سِياغي فَغَدا اِغتِصاصي

22. The exalted may descend from the peak.
And the head may obey while it is defiant.

٢٢. ما أَثقَلَ اليَأسَ عَلى الحِراصِ
هَل لِجُروحِ الدَهرِ مِن قِصاصِ

23. The command of the ferocious cup of destiny,
Whatever it wills, there is no escape.

٢٣. جَدَّ الرَدى وَالناسُ في حِياصِ
حيدَ الأَقاطيعُ عَنِ القَنّاصِ

٢٤. قَد يَنزِلُ العالي مِنَ الصِياصي
وَقَد يُطيعُ الرَأسُ وَهوَ عاصي

٢٥. أَمرَ لِجامِ القَدَرِ القَرّاصِ
ماشاءَ مِن حُكمٍ فَلا مَناصِ