
Where the sands have gathered

بحيث انعقد الرمل

1. Where the sands have gathered
A gazelle whose habit is yearning

١. بِحَيثُ اِنعَقَدَ الرَملُ
غَزالٌ دَأبُهُ المَطَلُ

2. Moving on to the trysts
With no refusal or stinginess

٢. جَرورٌ لِلمَواعيدِ
فَلا مَنعٌ وَلا بَذلُ

3. And if he confesses to despair
My resolve refuses to submit

٣. وَلَو صَرَّحَ بِاليَأسِ
أَبى وَجدِيَ أَن أَسلو

4. If rejection has made me despair
Expectation has made me covet

٤. لَئِن آيَسَني الصَدُّ
لَقَد أَطمَعَني الدَلُّ

5. He has two eyes that gaze kindly on one
Whose eyes to others are aloof

٥. لَهُ عَينانِ تُبرى بِمَن
هُما لِلأَعيُنِ النَبلُ

6. To him they bestow life
Or administer death

٦. سَواءٌ بِهِما الإِحيا
ءُ لِلواجِدِ وَالقَتلُ

7. Are you safe from those who slander
To whom the camels are hobbled?

٧. أَمِنكَ الظُعُنُ الغادو
نَ زُمَّت لَهُمُ الإِبِلُ

8. As the dusk spread its glow
Or the early dawn gleamed

٨. كَما أَشرَقَتِ الدَومُ
ضُحىً أَو طَلَعَ الرَقلُ

9. The darkness of night departed from it
And the stars twinkled around it

٩. جَلا عَنها طِراقُ اللَي
لِ وَاِقلَولى بِها الهَجلُ

10. In it are the moist, dewy branches
And the dry, withered branches

١٠. وَفيها القُضُبُ الرَيّان الن
نَدى وَالقُضُبُ الجَذلُ

11. Oh how many glances shine upon us
The bright eyes of the young men

١١. أَلا لِلَّهِ كَم تَرشُ
قُ فينا الأَعيُنُ النُجلُ

12. And the abodes of love make us dizzy
Whether they journey or settle

١٢. وَتُصبينا دِيارُ الحَي
يِ إِن ساروا وَإِن حَلّوا

13. The neighbor, when he is sung to
The neighbor, when he is abandoned

١٣. فَذي الدارُ إِذا تَغنى
وَذي الدارُ إِذا تَخلو

14. We have cast off the obedience of love
No pact, no intimate friend

١٤. خَلَعنا طاعَةَ الحُبِّ
فَلا عَهدٌ وَلا إِلُّ

15. When ignorance is of no use
It is reason that harms

١٥. إِذا ما نَفَعَ الجَهلُ
فَإِنَّ الضائِرَ العَقلُ

16. So you will see me one day
Tested by what tests

١٦. فَإِمّا تَرَيَنّي اليَو
مَ يَبلوني الَّذي يَبلو

17. Wrestling with fate
Overpowering it as it overpowers

١٧. صِراعاً لِلزَمانِ العَو
دِ أَغلوهُ كَما يَغلو

18. I avoided the thorns with my shoes
But the shoes lacerated my feet

١٨. تَقَيتُ الشَوكَ بِالنَعلِ
فَشاكَت قَدَمي النَعلُ

19. I am weighed down by burdens
When the load grows heavy

١٩. فَقَد أُنهَزُ بِالثِقلِ
إِذا ما عَظُمَ الثِقلُ

20. And I pace the gait of the insolent
So the load does not burden him

٢٠. وَأَنزو نَزوَةَ البازِ
لِ لا يُبرِكُهُ الحَملُ

21. The living can be brought to ruin
Though there is eggs and chicks

٢١. فَقَد يَنهَتِكُ الحَيُّ
وَفيهِ البيضُ وَالذُبلُ

22. And the lone man can be victorious
With neither money nor family

٢٢. وَقَد يَنتَصِرُ الواحِدُ
لا مالٌ وَلا أَهلُ

23. The large numbers are defeated
And the few refuse

٢٣. يُضامُ العَدَدُ الكُثرُ
وَيَأبى العَدَدُ القُلُّ

24. My friends in Baghdad
The sands have reaped your bounty

٢٤. أَخِلّائي بِبَغدادَ
جَنى دونَكُمُ الرَملُ

25. And the stagnant swamps have prevented
Our meeting

٢٥. وَحالَت دونَ لُقياكُم
زَحاليفُ القَنا الزُلِّ

26. I was so afraid our bond would break
And our kinship would crack

٢٦. لَقَد كُنتُ شَديدَ الضَن
نِ أَن يَنقَطِعَ الحَبلُ

27. But I shepherded the land
When the greens were good for me

٢٧. وَأَن يَنصَدِعَ الشَعبُ ال
لَذي لوئِمَ وَالشَملُ

28. And I hurried the moving
When the blight and sterility spread

٢٨. وَلَكِنّي رَعَيتُ الأَر
ضَ ما طابَ لِيَ البَقلُ

29. He whom a verdant place made comfortable
A barren place made desolate

٢٩. وَعَجَّلتُ النَوى لَمّا
فَشا اللَأواءُ وَالأَزلُ

30. No shame to the defeated
That registers have vanquished him

٣٠. وَمَن أَنزَلَهُ خِصبُ الرُ
بى أَظعَنَهُ المَحلُ

31. My regret over the worries
That watered your desert

٣١. وَلا عارٌ عَلى الماتِ
حِ أَن يَغلِبَهُ السَجلُ

32. I greet you with its fresh radiance
Newly green, lush

٣٢. نَدامايَ عَلى الهَمِّ
سَقى عَهدَكُمُ الوَبلُ

33. I remembered you while the tears
Neither flowed nor ceased

٣٣. وَحَيّاكُم بِرَيّاهُ
جَديدُ النورِ مُخضَلُّ

34. No neighbor of yours has reneged
Of those who share your settlement

٣٤. تَذَكَّرتُكُمُ وَالدَم
عُ لا وَبلٌ وَلا طَلُّ

35. There are things in life that console
But where is that which consoles?

٣٥. فَما أَخلَفَكُم جارٌ
مِنَ الماقينَ مُنهَلُّ

36. The shining heart and the sharp sword
Refused obedience to oppression

٣٦. وَفي الأَيّامِ ما يُسلي
وَلَكِن أَينَ ما يَسلو

37. And I am from a people
Too proud when subdued

٣٧. أَبى لي طاعَةَ الضَيمِ
مُضاءُ القَلبِ وَالنَصلُ

38. If I return to oppression
There is no breadth or plain

٣٨. وَإِنّي مِن مَناجيبٍ
لَهُم أَنَفٌ إِذا ذُلّوا

39. And if I avoid glory
Humility will not diminish me

٣٩. لَئِن عُدتُ إِلى الضَيمِ
فَلا رَحبٌ وَلا سَهلُ

40. It is the wilderness, the darkness
The she-camel and the saddlebags

٤٠. وَإِن جُزتُ عَنِ العِزِّ
فَلا جاوَزَني الذُلُّ

41. Buying death through glory
By selling oppression is no injustice

٤١. هِيَ البَيداءُ وَالظَلما
ءُ وَالناقَةُ وَالرَحلُ

42. And surely the rugged side
Is smoother for me than the easy side

٤٢. شَراءُ المَوتِ لِلعِزِّ
بِبَيعِ الضَيمِ لا يَغلو

٤٣. وَإِنَّ الجانِبَ الوَعرَ
عَلَيَّ الجانِبُ السَهلُ