
Is there a companion who calls to me with the perfume of love,

هل ناشد لي بعقيق الحمى

1. Is there a companion who calls to me with the perfume of love,
A gazelle who passed by the caravan,

١. هَل ناشِدٌ لي بِعَقيقِ الحِمى
غُزَيّلِاً مَرَّ عَلى الرَكبِ

2. Escaped from the hunter suddenly,
And returned with a heart to the herd?

٢. أَفلَتَ مِن قانِصِهِ غِرَّةً
وَعادَ بِالقَلبِ إِلى السِربِ

3. It made the heart thirsty for its owner
Who does not know justice for the heart.

٣. وَأَظمَأَ القَلبَ إِلى مالِكٍ
لايُحسِنُ العَدلَ عَلى القَلبِ

4. He is amazed at my wonder for him in love,
And my wonder for him and for my wonder!

٤. يَعجَبُ مِن عُجبي بِهِ في الهَوى
وا عَجَبي مِنهُ وَمِن عُجبي

5. Closest in affection, yet remote,
Woe to me for your distance from nearness.

٥. أَقرُبُ بِالوُدِّ وَيَنأى بِهِ
وَيلي عَلى بُعدِكَ مِن قُربِ

6. Luxurious, bending branches with him,
The morning breeze playing with the moist branch.

٦. مُنَعَّمٌ يَعطِفُ مِنهُ الصِبا
لِعبَ الصَبا بِالغُصُنِ الرَطبِ

7. Dullness of luxury in his nature,
And sometimes he argued about love.

٧. بَلادَةُ النَعمَةِ في طَبعِهِ
وَرُبَّما ناقَشَ في الحُبِّ

8. Does he not fear Allah for his weakness,
My heart tortured without sin?

٨. أَما اِتَّقى اللَهَ عَلى ضُعفِهِ
مُعَذَّبُ القَلبِ بِلا ذَنبِ

9. Oh procrastinator of my love debts,
Who has misled your eyes to my heart?

٩. يا ماطِلاً لي بِدُيونِ الهَوى
مَن دَلَّ عَينَيكَ عَلى قَلبي