1. Ask the lofty mounts between the high peaks,
When did they ever quake before from earthquakes?
١. سَلِ الهَضبَ ما بَينَ الهِضابِ الأَطاوِلِ
مَتى ريعَ يَوماً قَبلَها بِالزَلازِلِ
2. Were those spears ever bent except by a bold warrior?
Did those stars ever fail to shine their light?
٢. وَهَل خُضِدَت تِلكَ الرِماحُ لِغامِزٍ
وَهَل أَكثَبَت تِلكَ النُجومُ لِنائِلِ
3. The noble and tall have passed away,
Leaving those with lesser glory of no high station.
٣. مَضى النُجَباءُ الأَطوَلونَ وَخَلَّفوا
قِصارَ الخُطا عَن كُلِّ مَجدٍ وَنائِلِ