1. O remnants of the dwellings, how many tears
My eyes shed when the rider passes by the ruins
١. أَيا أَثَلاتِ القاعِ كَم نَضحُ عَبرَةٍ
لِعَيني إِذا مَرَّ المَطيُّ بِذي الأَثلِ
2. O sand dunes, how much yearning I have
When I recall my beloved from the sand
٢. وَيا عَقَداتِ الرَملِ كَم لِيَ أَنَّةٌ
إِذا ما تَذَكَّرتُ الشَقيقَ مِنَ الرَملِ
3. O does of the tribe, the day you endured
Being hamstrung and Allah destroyed your lineage of camels
٣. وَيا ظُعُناتِ الحَيِّ يَومَ تَحَمَّلوا
عُقِرتِ وَأَفنى اللَهُ نَسلَكِ مِن إِبلِ
4. O young gazelles of fright, they strode gracefully at dawn
Long has he who you glance at with doe eyes been gone
٤. وَيا ظَبَياتِ الجِزعِ يَسنَحنَ غُدوَةً
لَقَد طُلَّ مَن تَرشُقنَ بِالأَعيُنِ النُجلِ
5. O bana tree of the valley, weep in passion
Is the life of the loved one or what quenched you from the flooding better
٥. وَيا بانَةَ الوادي أَدَمعِيَ في الهَوى
أَبَرُّ حَياً أَم ما سَقاكِ مِنَ الوَبلِ
6. The memories of you dance in the courtyard
And they raced between the fox and the slipper
٦. عَوائِدُ مِن ذِكراكِ يَرقُصنَ في الحَشا
وَأَضرَمنَ ما بَينَ الذُؤابَةِ وَالنَعلِ