1. Since you left, my tears flow near
Yearning calls, sighing answers clear
١. الدَمعُ مُذ بَعُدَ الخَليطُ قَريبُ
وَالشَوقُ يَدعو وَالزَفيرُ يُجيبُ
2. I did not know that your farewell day
Would leave me with watching eyes that stay
٢. ما كُنتُ أَعلَمُ أَنَّ يَومَ فِراقِكُم
تُبقي عَلَيَّ نَواظِرٌ وَقُلوبُ
3. If my liver was not melted when you went away
Then know it will melt and decay
٣. إِن لَم تَكُن كَبِدي غَداةَ وَداعِكُم
ذابَت فَأَعلَمُ أَنَّها سَتَذوبُ
4. An illness that I sought relief to heal
Only weeping tears could help me feel
٤. داءٌ طَلَبتُ لَهُ الأُساةَ فَلَم يَكُن
إِلّا التَعَلُّلُ بِالدُموعِ طَبيبُ
5. Whether I stayed my tears were unrestrained
My patience and composure they had gained
٥. إِما أَقَمتُ فَإِنَّ دَمعي غالِبٌ
لِعَواذِلي وَتَجَلُّدي مَغلوبُ
6. You left me sick, no hope or life anew
No wishes or dreams left to pursue
٦. أَبقوا عَليلاً بَعدَهُم لا بُرؤُهُ
يُرجى وَلا الآمالُ فيهِ تَخيبُ
7. Like game on the hunted runtime day
Now hovering o'er traces in disarray
٧. كَطَريدِ يَومِ الوِردِ طالَ هُيامُهُ
فَغَدا يَحومُ عَلى الرَدى وَيَلوبُ
8. With his heart and cheek full of traces shown
Of arrows and stones from the meadow thrown
٨. بِفُؤادِهِ وَبِصَفحَتَيهِ مِنَ الصَدى
وَمِنَ الرِماءِ عَنِ الحِياضِ نُدوبُ
9. He whimpers his patience starts to crack
Hopes are dashed as tearful memories come back
٩. أَسوانُ يُفتِقُ صَبرُهُ إِفتاقَةً
أَمَماً وَبِغَمزُ بِالجَوى فَيَغيبُ