
Indeed I say to a companion I have admonished

ولقد أقول لصاحب نبهته

1. Indeed I say to a companion I have admonished
Above the saddlebags, with the mounts as a shelter,

١. وَلَقَد أَقولُ لِصاحِبٍ نَبَّهتُهُ
فَوقَ الرَحالَةِ وَالمَطيُّ رَواقي

2. Or have you not sensed from one with standards a scent
That reached the core of the yearning youth

٢. أَو ما شَمَمتَ بِذي الأَبارِقِ نَفحَةً
خَلَصَت إِلى كَبِدِ الفَتى المُشتاقِ

3. So he attained the breeze of Sheeh from Najd
Burning his innards and melting his bones

٣. فَجَنى نَسيمَ الشيحِ مِن نَجدٍ لَهُ
حُرَقُ الحَشى وَتَحَلُّبُ الآماقِ

4. Alas! For the breezes of Najd, they
Are messengers of love and signs of yearnings

٤. آهاً عَلى نَفَحاتِ نَجدٍ إِنَّها
رُسلُ الهَوى وَأَدِلَّةُ الأَشواقِ

5. Did you quench your thirst from the cup I was given to drink
Or did the hand of the cupbearer gesture to me?

٥. أَسُقيتَ بِالكَأسِ الَّتي سُقّيتُها
أَم هَل خَطَتكَ إِلَيَّ كَفُّ الساقي

6. So he came to me and said, I see in your heart an affliction
For love that has no remedy

٦. فَأَوى وَقالَ أَرى بِقَلبِكَ لَسعَةً
لِلحُبِّ لَيسَ لِدائِها مِن راقِ

7. Describe then the passion to one suffering from its pain
I have more experience than you when it comes to lovers

٧. فَصِفِ الغَرامَ لِمُفرِقٍ مِن دائِهِ
إِنّي لَأَقدَمُ مِنكَ في العُشّاقِ

8. I unburdened to him my long endurance
And the sorrow deep within me of separation

٨. أَبَثَثتُهُ كَمَدي وَطولَ تَجَلُّدي
وَأَليمَ ما بي مِن نَوىً وَفِراقِ

9. I complain to him of my farewell's pallor
Yet he remains astonished at the blackness of what remains

٩. أَشكو إِلَيهِ بَياضَ سودِ مَفارِقي
وَيَظَلُّ يَعجَبُ مِن سَوادِ الباقي