1. She is a consolation that took away all passion,
And love is the plunder of the passage of time.
١. هِيَ سُلوَةٌ ذَهَبَت بِكُلِّ غَرامِ
وَالحُبُّ نَهبُ تَطاوُلِ الأَيّامِ
2. And indeed I was saturated with patience and its coldness,
The heat of passion cooled me, what cure!
٢. وَلَقَد نَضَحتُ مِنَ السُلُوِّ وَبَردِهِ
حَرَّ الجَوى فَبَرَدتُ أَيَّ ضِرامِ
3. After the thirst overwhelmed my essence,
And the beauty of the gazelles prolonged my affliction.
٣. مِن بَعدِ ما أَظمى الغَليلُ جَوانِحي
وَأَطالَ مِن مَلَلِ الزُلالِ أُوامي
4. My heart awoke to the coils of love,
And I was saved as the reins were thrown to me.
٤. نَشَزَ الجَنيبُ عَلى ثَنِيّاتِ الهَوى
وَنَجَوتُ مَرمِيّاً إِلَيَّ زِمامي
5. I do not give an alluring glance to the unfaithful,
Or a look except with a hidden eye.
٥. سَلوانَ لا أُعطي الجَآذِرَ لَفتَةً
أَو نَظرَةً إِلّا بِعَينِ لَمامِ
6. My pride and essence shook off humiliation,
And refused disgrace as an abode and position.
٦. نَفَضَ الصَبابَةَ خاطِري وَجَوانِحي
وَأَبى المَذَلَّةَ مَنزِلي وَمَقامي
7. Love is an illness that withers away,
As if its cords were soaked without tar.
٧. وَالحُبُّ داءٌ يَضمَحِلُّ كَأَنَّما
تَرغو رَوازِحُهُ بِغَيرِ لُغامِ
8. Let not the critic attempt to take away my pride,
With the hand of sorrow I uncovered my mouth from passion.
٨. لا يَدَّعِ العُذّالُ نَزعَ صَبابَتي
بِيَدي حَسَرتُ عَنِ الغَرامِ لِثامي
9. The caprices used to control my reins,
But now I will prolong my restraint.
٩. قَد كانَتِ الصَبَواتُ تَعسِفُ مِقوَدي
فَالآنَ سَوفَ أُطيلُ مِن إِجمامي
10. Far from it! Time diminishes me, but
Between me and disgrace is the edge of my sword.
١٠. هَيهاتَ يَخفِضُني الزَمانُ وَإِنَّما
بَيني وَبَينَ الذُلِّ حَدُّ حُسامي
11. I do not accept water except wholesome,
And perhaps overflowing without turbidity.
١١. لا أَرتَضي بِالماءِ إِلّا جَمَّةً
وَلَرُبَّ طافِحَةٍ بِغَيرِ جِمامِ
12. I refrain from the water of hearts and it is
In the realm of muddy and foul.
١٢. وَأَصُدُّ عَن ماءِ القَليبِ وَماؤُهُ
في حَيِّزِ الإِكرابِ وَالأَوذامِ
13. And I have worn the garment of contentment,
It adorns me and does not show stains.
١٣. وَلَقَد لَبِستُ مِنَ القَناعَةِ جُبَّةً
تَضفو عَلَيَّ وَلا تَبينُ لِذامِ
14. How much poverty has humiliated the mighty!
And how the breaths of wealth have exalted bones!
١٤. كَم ذَلَّلَ العُدمُ العَزيزَ وَعَظَّمَت
نَفَحاتُ هَذا المالِ غَيرَ عُظامِ
15. What is the concern of one deprived of wealth if he ascends,
And I am more fortunate with honor and reverence.
١٥. ما هَمُّ مَن حُرِمَ الثَراءَ إِذا سَما
وَأَحَظُّ مِن شَرَفٍ وَمِن إِعظامِ
16. Time has faded upon me after flourishing,
And if I pass away then I have fulfilled my purpose.
١٦. شَحَبَ الزَمانُ عَلَيَّ بَعدَ غَضارَةٍ
وَإِذا نَقَضتُ فَقَد قَضَيتُ تَمامي
17. And fate has afflicted the prime of my ascent,
So it has diminished the excess of my verses.
١٧. وَجَرى الثِقافُ عَلى أَوائِلِ صَعدَتي
فَاِقتَصَّ مِن طَرَبي وَفَضلِ عُرامي
18. Away from me to you, for companionship is no benefit
To one whose heart is not tormented by passion.
١٨. عَنّي إِلَيكَ فَما الوِصالُ بِنافِعٍ
مَن لا يُعَذَّبُ قَلبُهُ بِغَرامِ
19. I would not allow the greeting of peace to one who turns away,
And peace be upon the Commander of the Faithful.
١٩. ما كُنتُ أَسمَحُ بِالسَلامِ لِمُعرِضٍ
وَعَلى أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ سَلامي
20. A king who ascended until he hovered in the heights,
And humiliated the lions of the lofty time.
٢٠. مَلِكٌ سَما حَتّى تَحَلَّقَ في العُلى
وَأَذَلَّ عِرنينَ الزَمانِ السامي
21. O son of the veils and flags,
The summits of loftiness and the pillars of Islam.
٢١. يا اِبنَ القَماقِمِ وَالغَطارِفَةِ الأُلى
قِمَمِ العُلى وَدَعائِمِ الإِسلامِ
22. The lofty mountain, and the vast sky,
And today is a day, and the pen is swift.
٢٢. الطَودُ أَيهَمُ وَالسَماءُ عَريضَةٌ
وَاليَومَ أَيوَمُ وَالقَلَمَّسُ طامِ
23. Fame of the renowned, and heart of the revered,
And patience of the capable, and view of the imam.
٢٣. سيماءُ مُشتَهِرٍ وَقَلبُ مُشَيَّعٍ
وَأَناةُ مُقتَدِرٍ وَرَأيُ إِمامِ
24. The command of the caliphate is in your hands, and it is only
An obstacle to be resolved with every determination.
٢٤. أَمرُ الخِلافَةِ في يَدَيكَ وَإِنَّما
هِيَ عُقبَةٌ تُقضى بِكُلِّ هُمامِ
25. Your grandfather was the protection of the mighty Arabs,
And now you are their salvation from extermination.
٢٥. قَد كانَ جَدُّكَ عِصمَةَ العُربِ الأُلى
وَالآنَ أَنتَ لَهُم مِنَ الإِعدامِ
26. They advised to protect the mighty horses and cattle,
With the obedient guide, the imam, I was obeyed.
٢٦. حَفِظوا أَياديكَ الجِسامَ وَإِنَّما
وُصّوا بِحِفظِ الخَيلِ وَالأَنعامِ
27. My hopes were fulfilled and time was made easy for my purpose.
A people none among them but a horseman,
٢٧. بِالطائِعِ الهادي الإِمامِ أَطاعَني
أَمَلي وَسَهَّلَ لي الزَمانُ مَرامي
28. Or assailant, or defender, or protector.
When determined they charge back
٢٨. مِن مَعشَرٍ ما فيهِمُ إِلّا فَتىً
أَو جائِدٍ أَو ذائِدٍ أَو حامِ
29. Sharing the portions of death in gulps.
Wealth does not settle above their palms,
٢٩. قَومٌ إِذا عَزَموا الغِوارَ تَراجَعوا
يَتَقاسَمونَ ضَراغِمَ الآجامِ
30. It slides like a torrent over the top of flags.
The house with tall pillars that shades them
٣٠. لا يَستَقِرُّ المالُ فَوقَ أَكُفِّهِم
كَالسَيلِ يَزلَقُ عَن ذُرى الأَعلامِ
31. Between battle and standard bearer.
Every horseman and foot soldier ransom you
٣١. البَيتُ ذو العَمَدِ الطِوالِ يُظِلُّهُم
بَينَ القَنا وَالحامِلِ الهَمهامِ
32. On the day of battle, long strider and protector,
And miser who gave little and sometimes
٣٢. يَفديكَ كُلُّ مُزَنَّدٍ وَمُعَرِّدٍ
يَومَ الوَغى وَمُطاوِلٍ وَمُسامِ
33. The letters of the taa allow for completion.
The traces of scars on his cheeks and breast
٣٣. وَمُبَخِّلٍ أَعطى القَليلَ وَرُبَّما
سَمَحَت حُروفُ التاءِ لِلتَمتامِ
34. For a healing direction or arrows of purpose.
He sought money not for shyness or glory,
٣٤. أَثَرُ النُدوبِ بِصَفحَتَيهِ وَنَحرِهِ
لِصَفا مُرادٍ أَو سِهامِ مَرامِ
35. Not every shame came for pilgrimage.
How envious of the one with clear light in the heights,
٣٥. طَلَبَ الغِنى لا لِلحَياءِ وَلا النَدى
ما كُلُّ عارٍ جاءَ لِلإِحرامِ
36. Four on a rib and your nose is blood.
Either you dispute him for supremacy, for he is
٣٦. أَحَسودَ ذي النورِ المُبينِ عَلى العُلى
إِربَع عَلى ظَلَعٍ وَأَنفُكَ دامِ
37. A brave one who risks the lions in battle.
And how many peers have the edges of spears surpassed
٣٧. إِمّا تُنازِعهُ العَلاءَ فَإِنَّهُ
قَرمٌ يُخاطِرُهُ بُوَيزِلُ عامِ
38. Until you seized them with pens.
And you indulged in earnest and jest,
٣٨. وَلَرُبَّ قِرنٍ فاتَ أَطرافَ القَنا
حَتّى أَخَذتَ عَلَيهِ بِالأَقلامِ
39. And the hands on the reins and determination.
A host dense with equipment and armored horses,
٣٩. وَوَلِعتَ في جِدِّ الحَدِيثِ وَهَزلِهِ
وَلَعَ القَواضِبِ بِالطُلى وَالهامِ
40. Overflowing with saddles and reins.
Its waves clatter as if it were above its porch
٤٠. في فَيلَقٍ جَمِّ الذَوابِلِ وَالظُبى
مُثرٍ مِنَ الإِسراجِ وَالإِلجامِ
41. A torrent that accompanies an extending cloud.
You kept revealing it with polished spears,
٤١. مُتَدَفِّقِ القُطرَينِ يَرجُفُ نَقعُهُ
بِعَصائِبِ الراياتِ وَالأَعلامِ
42. And the horses between warning and fasting.
You stirred its flanks as if you had unleashed
٤٢. فَكَأَنَّهُ وَالنَقعُ فَوقَ رِواقِهِ
سَيلٌ يُسايِرُ مُستَطيلَ غَمامِ
43. A spring upon legs.
An eye wanders arrogantly on the bridle,
٤٣. ما زِلتَ تَكشِفُهُ بِمَصقولِ القَرا
وَالخَيلُ بَينَ مُغيرَةٍ وَصِيامِ
44. So you almost ride it without a bridle.
And a hand rages on the sword courageously,
٤٤. قَلقَلتَ مِن أَعطافِهِ فَكَأَنَّما
فَجَّرتَ يُنبوعاً عَلى الأَقدامِ
45. So you almost extend it without a sword.
And the thrust returns with the spear, while their chests
٤٥. طِرفٌ يَتيهِ عَلى اللِجامِ تَكَبُّراً
فَتَكادُ تَركَبُهُ بِغَيرِ لِجامِ
46. Are scratched behind the steeds continually.
The red heels as if kneaded with
٤٦. وَيَدٌ تَصولُ عَلى الحُسامِ شَجاعَةً
فَتَكادُ تَبسُطُها بِغَيرِ حُسامِ
47. Blood and twisted intestine.
Alas while you live to his homelands
٤٧. وَالطَعنُ يَرجِعُ بِالقَنا وَصُدورُها
خَطّاطَةٌ خَلفَ الجِيادِ دَوامِ
48. Time pushes with turban and Syria.
This is Hussein, and you have pulled his kinship
٤٨. حُمرُ الكُعوبِ كَأَنَّما أَلوى بِها
نَضخٌ مِنَ الشَيّانِ وَالعُلّامِ
49. A pull that passes by the wombs of relatives.
You gave him pure affection and passion
٤٩. إيهاً وَأَنتَ حَياً إِلى أَوطانِهِ
دَفعُ الزَمانِ بِمُعرِقٍ وَشَآمِ
50. And wonders of honour and kindness.
And you sent him back with words of no turning away
٥٠. هَذا الحُسَينُ وَقَد جَذَبتَ بِضَبعِهِ
جَذباً يُمِرُّ قَرائِنَ الأَرحامِ
51. And the promise is not false.
Being good to kin and stranger is an obligation,
٥١. أَعطَيتَهُ مَحضَ المَوَدَّةِ وَالهَوى
وَغَرائِبَ الإِعزازِ وَالإِكرامِ
52. And sons of uncles are most deserving of favours.
Let not the enemies gloat over him after
٥٢. وَرَدَدتَهُ بِالقَولِ لَيسَ بِخُلَّبٍ
في عَقبِهِ وَالوَعدُ غَيرُ جَهامِ
53. What they presented of rancour and darkness.
It is an utterance that cannot be reversed,
٥٣. مُتَناوِلاً طَرَفَ الفَخارِ يَجُرُّهُ
وَيَقودُ مُصعَبَهُ بِغَيرِ زِمامِ
54. Like an arrow that escapes the fingers of the archer.
And words present themselves like the crescent, so if
٥٤. لَمّا رَآكَ رَأى النَبِيَّ مُحَمَّداً
في بُردَةِ الإِجلالِ وَالإِعظامِ
55. The doer walks in them, that is the full moon.
And how many a doer of an act that does not bend
٥٥. وَرَأى بِمَجلِسِكَ المُعَرِّقِ في العُلى
حَرَمَ الرَجاءِ وَقُبَّةَ الإِسلامِ
56. If he wanted to reverse it with all his wishes.
And so did kings crumble and found it formidable
٥٦. أَوسَعتَ مِن خَطَواتِهِ في مَوقِفٍ
مُتَغَلغِلٍ بِتَضايُقِ الأَقدامِ
57. To undo what they raised of pillars.
And the tooth of the son of the paralyzed became helpless
٥٧. وَرَفَعتَ ناظِرَهُ إِلَيكَ مُسَلِّماً
في أَيِّ أُبَّهَةٍ وَأَيِّ مَقامِ
58. To break what he built of pyramids.
And so was Amr owner of the trench, after
٥٨. وَمِنَ القُلوبِ سَواكِنٌ وَخَوافِقٌ
وَمِنَ العُيونِ غَوامِضٌ وَسَوامِ
59. The disturbance of pulling, to return arrows.
Woe to a deluded one who disobeys you, for he
٥٩. قَرَّبتَ مِن فَمِهِ أَنامِلَ راحَةٍ
مَعروفَةٍ بِالنَقضِ وَالإِبرامِ
60. Exposes himself to the claws of the young lion.
Far from it! Your obedience is salvation, and your love
٦٠. وَخَصَصتَهُ بِالبِشرِ مِنكَ وَإِنَّما
بِشرُ الإِمامِ قَرابَةُ الإِنعامِ
61. Piety, and thanking you is the best of fates.
Submit, Commander of the Faithful, to a felicity
٦١. بِرُّ الأَقارِبِ وَالأَباعِدِ واجِبٌ
وَأَحَقُّ بِالنُعمى بَنو الأَعمامِ
62. Tied with the tails of years.
And live the days of survival, and do not cease
٦٢. لا تَشمِتَنَّ بِهِ الأَعادي بَعدَما
عَرَضوا مِنَ الأَحقادِ وَالأَوغامِ
63. To overwhelm with your gratitude the tongues of people.
A soul the turtledoves forbid out of reverence,
٦٣. هِيَ قَولَةٌ لا يُستَطاعُ رُجوعُها
كَالسَهمِ يَخرُجُ عَن بَنانِ الرامي
64. Souls are not forbidden to seek passion.
For God knows your light has not ceased
٦٤. وَالقَولُ يَعرِضُ كَالهِلالِ فَإِن مَشى
فيهِ الفَعالُ فَذاكَ بَدرُ تَمامِ
65. To ridicule injustice and darkness.
And glory informs of your actions that it
٦٥. وَلَرُبَّ فاعِلِ فِعلَةٍ لا تَنثَني
لَو رامَ رَجعَتَها بِكُلِّ مَرامِ
66. Sends down to it in sanctity and protection.
So listen, Commander of the Faithful, for
٦٦. وَكَذا المُلوكُ تَقَوَّضوا وَاِستَصعَبوا
تَقويضَ ما رَفَعوا مِنَ الآطامِ
67. Ears are doors to minds.
Words of praise are not insincere,
٦٧. وَغَدا سِنانُ اِبنُ المُشَلِّلِ عاجِزاً
عَن نَقضِ ما عَلّى مِنَ الأَهرامِ
68. And gratitude for blessings is not sturdiness.
Your collected strength came to you fully,
٦٨. وَكَذاكَ عَمروٌ ذو المَعابِلِ فاتَهُ
بَعدَ اِضطِرابِ النَزعِ رَدُّ سِهامِ
69. Subjugating souls in bodies.
Who can I ask to recite them to you in a stance
٦٩. وَيلٌ لِمَغرورٍ عَصاكَ فَإِنَّهُ
مُتَعَرِّضٌ لِمَخالِبِ الضِرغامِ
70. I consider an honor the length of my days?
I do not claim hyperbole in it, but rather
٧٠. هَيهاتَ طاعَتُكَ النَجاةُ وَحُبُّكُ ال
تَقوى وَشُكرُكَ أَفضَلُ الأَقسامِ
71. My words do justice to the pinnacles of men.
٧١. فَاِسلَم أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لِغِبطَةٍ
مَعقودَةٍ بِذَوائِبِ الأَعوامِ
٧٢. وَتَمَلَّ أَيّامَ البَقاءِ وَلا تَزَل
تَطغى بِشُكرِكَ أَلسُنُ الأَقوامِ
٧٣. نَفسٌ يُحَرِّمُها الحِمامُ مَهابَةً
لَيسَ النُفوسُ عَلى الرَدى بِحَرامِ
٧٤. فَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ أَنَّ نورَكَ لَم يَزَل
مُستَهزِئاً بِالظُلمِ وَالإِظلامِ
٧٥. وَالمَجدُ يُخبِرُ عَن فِعالِكَ أَنَّهُ
يُدلي إِلَيهِ بِحُرمَةٍ وَذِمامِ
٧٦. فَاِسمَع أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ فَإِنَّما ال
أَسماعُ أَبوابٌ إِلى الأَفهامِ
٧٧. القَولُ في الإِطراءِ غَيرُ مُبَلَّدٍ
وَالشُكرُ لِلنَعماءِ غَيرُ عُقامِ
٧٨. جاءَتكَ مُحصَدَةَ القُوى حَبّارَةً
تَستَعبِدُ الأَرواحَ في الأَجسامِ
٧٩. مَن لي بِإِنشاديكَها في مَوقِفٍ
أَعتَدُّهُ شَرَفاً مَدى أَيّامي
٨٠. لا أَدَّعي فيهِ الغُلُوَّ وَإِنَّما
يوفي عَلى قُلَلِ الرِجالِ كَلامي