1. These dwellings beneath the gloomy clouds, call to them
Pour forth freely your weeping eyes after the drought
١. هَذي المَنازِلُ بِالغَميمِ فَنادِها
وَاِسكُب سَخِيَّ العَينِ بَعدَ جَمادِها
2. If there is a debt owed to these ruins, then redeem it
Or grief held by the tall stalks of the oleander, then relieve it
٢. إِن كانَ دَينٌ لِلمَعالِمِ فَاِقضِهِ
أَو مُهجَةٌ عِندَ الطُلولِ فَفادِها
3. O halts, do you not alleviate the stranded with hospitality
A lofty tent for the riders atop its fine-haired camels
٣. ياهَل تَبُلُّ مِنَ الغَليلِ إِلَيهِم
إِشرافَةٌ لِلرَكبِ فَوقَ نِجادِها
4. Young gazelles, below them the dark cheeks whose heritage is the ashes
Where the tents of communities settled and the resting place of youths
٤. نُؤيٌ كَمُنعَطِفِ الحَنِيَّةِ دونَهُ
سُحمُ الخُدودِ لَهُنَّ إِرثُ رَمادِها
5. Whose provisions of life have waned, not like their provisions
And the movement of the stallions of the steeds for some lads
٥. وَمَناطُ أَطنابٍ وَمَقعَدُ فِتيَةٍ
تَخبو زِنادُ الحَيِّ غَيرَ زِنادِها
6. Who have abandoned the houses with their blondness and whiteness
And I have detained over the abodes a band
٦. وَمَجَرُّ أَرسانِ الجِيادِ لِغِلمَةٍ
سَجَفوا البُيوتَ بِشُقرِها وَوِرادِها
7. Whose hands cling to their livers, grieving, conversing in tears
With sighs in their sleeping places. They stood at it as though their mounts
٧. وَلَقَد حَبَستُ عَلى الدِيارِ عِصابَةً
مَضمومَةَ الأَيدي إِلى أَكبادِها
8. Were their pillars, then they broke camp as tears poured its water and the supplies of their grief unloaded
From every carrier of provisions the teardrops from the ornaments of its saddlebags
٨. حَسَرى تَجاوَبُ بِالبُكاءِ عُيونُها
وَتَعُطُّ بِالزَفَراتِ في أَبرادِها
9. Your life, rather the life of your ruins lasted through eras
Where the drizzle of its goodliness heals the sick region
٩. وَقَفوا بِها حَتّى كَأَنَّ مَطِيَّهُم
كانَت قَوائِمُهُنَّ مِن أَوتادِها
10. And it has become, through the most excellent encampments, auspiciousness
Visiting while deceitful to its frequenters
١٠. ثُمَّ اِنثَنَت وَالدَمعُ ماءُ مَزادِها
وَلَواعِجُ الأَشجانِ مِن أَزوادِها
11. Do you seek from the beholders after you anything
Other than their flowing tears and their pillows
١١. مِن كُلِّ مُشتَمِلٍ حَمايِلَ رَنَّةٍ
قَطرُ المَدامِعِ مِن حُليِّ نِجادِها
12. No hoard remains for the tears over you all
No indeed, nor eyes that have shed their tears
١٢. حَيَّتكَ بَل حَيَّت طُلولَكَ ديمَةٌ
يَشفي سَقيمَ الرَبعِ نَفثُ عِهادِها
13. Our weeping has preoccupied the tears from the dwellings
To weep for Fatimah over her children
١٣. وَغَدَت عَلَيكَ مِنَ الخَمايِلِ يَمنَةً
تَستامُ نافِقَةً عَلى رُوّادِها
14. They did not leave her regarding the martyr when he saw
The Euphrates push back from its banks against its currents
١٤. هَل تَطلُبونَ مِنَ النَواظِرِ بَعدَكُم
شَيئاً سِوى عَبَراتِها وَسُهادِها
15. Do you suppose she knew that al-Husayn is an outcast
We met the Banu Turaba at his birth
١٥. لَم يَبقَ ذُخرٌ لِلمَدامِعِ عَنكُمُ
كَلّا وَلا عَينٌ جَرى لِرُقَدِها
16. Umayyah counted them in Iraq among her celebrations
While in Syria she did not heed the Prophet's anger and morning came
١٦. شَغَلَ الدُموعَ عَنِ الدِيارِ بُكاؤُنا
لِبُكاءِ فاطِمَةٍ عَلى أَولادِها
17. The Prophet's progeny prey for her steed
And the Prophet's blood atop her mountains
١٧. لَم يَخلُفوها في الشَهيدِ وَقَد رَأى
دُفَعَ الفُراتِ يذادُ عَن أَورادِها
18. Alas for her belonging to the Alawite faction
That followed Umayyah after the glory of its leadership
١٨. أَتُرى دَرَت أَنَّ الحُسَينَ طَريدَةٌ
لَقَنا بَني الطَرداءِ عِندَ وِلادِها
19. It made the badges of disgrace on its snouts
And the vile brands on the cheeks of its steeds
١٩. كانَت مَآتِمُ بِالعِراقِ تَعُدُّها
أُمَويَّةٌ بِالشامِ مِن أَعيادِها
20. She claimed the religion sanctioned her killing them
Is this religion not from their ancestors?
٢٠. ما راقَبَت غَضَبَ النَبِيِّ وَقَد غَدا
زَرعُ النَبِيِّ مَظَنَّةً لِحَصادِها
21. She sought the legacy of paganism through it
And found old rancor from its grudges
٢١. باعَت بَصائِرَ دينِها بِضَلالِها
وَشَرَت مَعاطِبَ غَيِّها بِرَشادِها
22. She monopolized the authority from its absence
And judged however she wished over its witnesses
٢٢. جَعَلَت رَسولَ اللَهِ مِن خُصَمائِها
فَلَبِئسَ ما ذَخَرَت لِيَومِ مَعادِها
23. God preceded you to their souls
And you reaped sins in their bodies
٢٣. نَسلُ النَبِيِّ عَلى صِعابِ مَطِيِّها
وَدَمُ النَبِيِّ عَلى رُؤوسِ صِعادِها
24. If those domes are destroyed then the pillars of the faith fell
Before its pillars
٢٤. وا لَهفَتاهُ لِعُصبَةٍ عَلَوِيَّةٍ
تَبِعَت أُمَيَّةَ بَعدَ عِزِّ قِيادِها
25. Indeed the caliphate has inclined
Away from its subjects, black and white
٢٥. جَعَلَت عِرانَ الذُلِّ في آنافِها
وَعِلاطَ وَسمِ الضَيمِ في أَجِيادِها
26. Umayyah's wrongs have erased its podiums
Their wolves descend on its timber
٢٦. زَعَمَت بِأَنَّ الدينَ سَوَّغَ قَتلَها
أَوَليسَ هَذا الدينُ عَن أَجدادِها
27. It is the elite of Allah, to whom He revealed
And decreed His commands to its glories
٢٧. طَلَبَت تُراثَ الجاهِلِيَّةِ عِندَها
وَشَفَت قَديمَ الغِلِّ مِن أَحقادِها
28. It took the pieces of earthenware, so one who envies
May resent the two weighty things among its enviers
٢٨. وَاِستَأثَرَت بِالأَمرِ عَن غُيّابِها
وَقَضَت بِما شاءَت عَلى شُهّادِها
29. Asceticism and inspirations are in its fruits
And murder, if not for Allah, among its ascetics
٢٩. اللَهُ سابَقَكُم إِلى أَرواحِها
وَكَسَبتُمُ الآثامَ في أَجسادِها
30. A faction whose children are swaddled with spears
And the cradle mounts of its girls are the back of its horses
٣٠. إِن قُوَّضَت تِلكَ القِبابُ فَإِنَّما
خَرَّت عِمادُ الدينِ قَبلَ عِمادِها
31. Its enemies relate its merits for eternity
And attribute it to its opposites
٣١. إِنَّ الخِلافَةَ أَصبَحَت مَزويَّةً
عَن شَعبِها بِبَياضِها وَسَوادِها
32. O jealousy of Allah, be wrathful for His Prophet
And remove the whites from their sheaths
٣٢. طَمَسَت مَنابِرَها عُلوجُ أُمَيَّةٍ
تَنزو ذِئابُهُمُ عَلى أَعوادِها
33. From a faction whose blood of Muhammad
And his progeny spilled between its Yazid and Ziyad
٣٣. هِيَ صَفوَةُ اللَهِ الَّتي أَوحى لَها
وَقَضى أَوامِرَهُ إِلى أَمجادِها
34. The shackles of Allah's wealth fill their palms
While the palms of Allah's family are in shackles
٣٤. أَخَذَت بِأَطرافِ الفَخارِ فَعاذِرٌ
أَن يُصبِحَ الثَقَلانِ مِن حُسّادِها
35. They struck the progeny of Muhammad with the sword of Muhammad
Like the striking of preys after its hunter
٣٥. الزَهدُ وَالأَحلامُ في فُتّاكِها
وَالفَتكُ لَولا اللَهُ في زُهّادِها
36. I said to the lofty-saddled caravan, they are as though
Eagles perched atop the mountain passes
٣٦. عُصَبٌ يُقَمَّطُ بِالنَجادِ وَليدُها
وَمُهودُ صِبيَتِها ظُهورُ جِيادِها
37. It marches crookedly like an ostrich he mounted
Whose bridle broke so it rebelled against its guide
٣٧. تَروي مَناقِبَ فَضلِها أَعداؤُها
أَبَداً وَتُسنِدُهُ إِلى أَضدادِها
38. Until it imagined from the delusions of its necks
Their necks amongst its numbers during travel
٣٨. يا غَيرَةَ اللَهِ اِغضَبي لِنَبِيِّهِ
وَتَزَحزَحي بِالبيضِ عَن أَغمادِها
39. Stop with me, even if the lower garb is soiled, it is but
Anguish which the boiling within the heart clings to
٣٩. مِن عُصبَةٍ ضاعَت دِماءُ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَبَنيهِ بَينَ يَزيدِها وَزِيادِها
40. In the howling wilderness, where their blood will be shed
And the resting place of their bodies on the day they are whipped
٤٠. صَفَداتُ مالِ اللَهِ مِلءُ أَكُفُّها
وَأَكُفُّ آلِ اللَهِ في أَصفادِها
41. The desert, from its dwellings, and the birds, from
Its warbling, and the beasts, from its visitors
٤١. ضَرَبوا بِسَيفِ مُحَمَّدٍ أَبناءَهُ
ضَربَ الغَرائِبِ عُدنَ بَعدَ ذِيادِها
42. The drops of tears flow to it, yet only
The hearts' love dwells from its supplies
٤٢. قَد قُلتُ لِلرَكبِ الطِلاحِ كَأَنَّهُم
رُبدُ النُسورِ عَلى ذُرى أَطوادِها
43. O day of Ashura, how much agony you have
The entrails dance from its burning
٤٣. يَحدو بِعوجٍ كَالحَنِيِّ أَطاعَهُ
مُعتاصُها فَطَغى عَلى مُنقادِها
44. You have not returned except my heart is a burning ember
Scorching, though I exaggerate in cooling it
٤٤. حَتّى تَخَيَّلَ مِن هَبابِ رِقابِها
أَعناقَها في السَيرِ مِن أَعدادِها
45. Like the throat's bitterness, recurring is its soreness
The overflowing of tears repeats its counts
٤٥. قِف بي وَلَو لَوثَ الإِزارَ فَإِنَّما
هِيَ مُهجَةٌ عَلِقَ الجَوى بِفُؤادِها
46. O grandfather, the battalions of sadness have not ceased
To overwhelm the conscience with their abhorrence and chasing
٤٦. بِالطَفِّ حَيثُ غَدا مُراقُ دِمائِها
وَمَناخُ أَينُقِها لِيَومِ جِلادِها
47. Forever upon you, and pouring tears
If weeping does not comfort them, blindness makes them subside
٤٧. القَفرُ مِن أَرواقِها وَالطَيرُ مِن
طُرّاقِها وَالوَحشُ مِن عُوّادِها
48. This praise, though I have not attained, rather
It is an arena from which they removed the honor of its steed
٤٨. تَجري لَها حَبَبُ الدُموعِ وَإِنَّما
حَبُّ القُلوبِ يَكُنُّ مِن أَمدادِها
49. Shall I say your benevolence has flourished, while you
Are the flourishing of every region of its lands?
٤٩. يا يَومَ عاشوراءَ كَم لَكَ لَوعَةً
تَتَرَقَّصُ الأَحشاءُ مِن إيقادِها
50. Or shall I gain more loftiness for you in my praises
Where are the mountains from the hilltops and their plateaus?
٥٠. ما عُدتَ إِلّا عادَ قَلبي غُلَّةٌ
حَرّى وَلَو بالَغتُ في إِبرادِها
51. How to praise the stars when they rise
Above the eyes to the extent of their distances?
٥١. مِثلُ السَليمِ مَضيضَةٌ آناؤُهُ
خُزرُ العُيونِ تَعودُهُ بِعِدادِها
52. The dawning of the sun has made describing it needless
Its splendor, its brilliance, and its remoteness
٥٢. يا جَدُّ لا زالَت كَتائِبُ حَسرَةٍ
تَغشى الضَميرَ بِكَرِّها وَطِرادِها
٥٣. أَبَداً عَلَيكَ وَأَدمُعٌ مَسفوحَةٌ
إِن لَم يُراوِحها البُكاءُ يُغادِها
٥٤. هَذا الثَناءُ وَما بَلَغتُ وَإِنَّما
هِيَ حَلبَةٌ خَلَعوا عِذارَ جَوادِها
٥٥. أَأَقولُ جادَكُمُ الرَبيعُ وَأَنتُمُ
في كُلِّ مَنزِلَةٍ رَبيعُ بِلادِها
٥٦. أَم أَستَزيدُ لَكُم عُلاً بِمَدائِحي
أَينَ الجِبالُ مِنَ الرُبى وَوِهادِها
٥٧. كَيفَ الثَناءُ عَلى النُجومِ إِذا سَمَت
فَوقَ العُيونِ إِلى مَدى أَبعادِها
٥٨. أَغنى طُلوعُ الشَمسِ عَن أَوصافِها
نِجَلالِها وَضِيائِها وَبَعادِها