
With my determination the horizons fill

بمجال عزمي يملأ الملوان

1. With my determination the horizons fill
And in it the passages of time meander

١. بِمَجالِ عَزمي يُملَأُ المَلَوانِ
وَتَضَلَّ فيهِ بَوائِقُ الأَزمانِ

2. A tender determination suckling the teats of spearheads
Where it suckles the pure milk of resoluteness

٢. عَزمٌ رَضيعُ لِبانِ أَطرافِ القَنا
في حَيثُ يَرضَعُ مِن نَجيعِ لَبانِ

3. How many fiery sermons have I split open their conscience
And shed in their blood the blood of agonies

٣. كَم مِن حَشى خَطبٍ شَقَقتُ ضَميرَهُ
وَأَرَقتُ في دَمِهِ دَمَ الأَضغانِ

4. And the night tearing its shirt from the dawn
I almost mended it with the striking of my horse

٤. وَاللَيلُ مُنخَرِقُ القَميصِ عَنِ الضُحى
قَد كِدتُ أَرقَعُهُ بِنَقعِ حِصاني

5. And its stars appear to be the faces of warriors
Veiled by helmets with chin straps

٥. وَكَأَنَّ أَنجُمَهُ وُجوهُ خَرائِدٍ
سُتِرَت مِنَ القَصطالِ بِالأَردانِ

6. And I emerged at the rear of their ranks after
Drowsiness had seized the turbans of the riders

٦. وَخَرَجتُ عَن أَعجازِهِ مِن بَعدِ ما
جَذَبَ النُعاسُ عَمائِمَ الرُكبانِ

7. In a skirmish, the expert polished its blades
It never desisted from abundant showers of blows

٧. في مَهمَهٍ صَقَلَ المُحولُ مُتونَهُ
لَم يَصدَ قَطُّ بَوابِلٍ هَتّانِ

8. A land is a horse from the touch of life
And the land praises it unlike any horse

٨. أَرضٌ حَصانٌ مِن مُلامَسَةِ الحَيا
وَالأَرضُ تَحمَدُ مِنهُ غَيرَ حَصانِ

9. Then with the rain a small cloud drizzled over it
And quenched the thirst of barrenness with sprinkling

٩. ثُمَّ اِرتَمَت بِالغَيثِ فيهِ غَمامَةٌ
وَسَقَت غَليلَ الجَدبِ بِالتَهتانِ

10. So the live folded the coolness of emaciation and blossomed
The rags of the plain below the branches

١٠. فَطَوى الحَيا بُردَ النُحولِ وَنَشَّرَت
رِمَمُ الصَعيدِ غَدائِرَ الأَغصانِ

11. And it seemed the breaths of the morning breeze in its embrace
Spill tears of sorrow into the ponds

١١. وَكَأَنَّ أَنفاسَ الصِبا في حُجرِها
يَسفَحنَ دَمعَ المُزنِ في الحُجرانِ

12. A tear, when it overflowed, depicted eyes
Where it settled among the betrayals

١٢. دَمعاً إِذا ما فاضَ صَوَّرَ أَعيُناً
حَيثُ اِستَقَرَّ بِهِ مِنَ الغُدرانِ

13. And you see among its leaves does roaming
Below the gazelle the fawns scattered

١٣. وَتُريكَ مِن أَوراقِهِنَّ أَهِلَّةً
تَحتَ الغَزالَةِ شُرَّدَ الغِزلانِ

14. And how many knots of rhetoric have I tied with a sermon
Which untied by its decisiveness the knots of events

١٤. وَلَكَم عَقَدتُ عُرّى الخِطابِ بِخُطبَةٍ
حَلَّت بِفَيصَلِها عُرى الحِدثانِ

15. I have an ambition I have set out to meet at the spearheads
In pursuit of a day of struggle and wager

١٥. لي هِمَّةٌ أَقطَعنَها قِصَدَ القَنا
في قَصدِ يَومَي مَعرَكٍ وَرِهانِ

16. If it fought the horizon of the sky it would separate
Between the Pleiades in it and the tail of Scorpio

١٦. لَو حارَبَت أُفقَ السَماءِ لِفَرَّقَت
بَينَ الثُرَيّا فيهِ وَالدَبَرانِ

17. The title of my heroism is that my song rants
And the shame of my enemy is that my tongue is long

١٧. عُنوانُ بِأَسي أَن يَصولَ مُهَنَّدي
وَرَدى عَدُوّي أَن يَطولَ لِساني

18. Do not join me with time, for it
Is a rod that scratches its pair with its pair

١٨. لا تَجمَعَنّي وَالزَمانَ فَإِنَّهُ
عَودٌ يَحُكُّ جِرانَهُ بِجِراني

19. I observe this world shunning
An abode and the desolation of mankind

١٩. إِنّي لَأَلحَظُ ذا الأَنامَ مُجانِباً
عَن مُقلَةٍ وَحشِيَةِ الإِنسانِ

20. I pace with the fervor of a knight whose sword
Splits the flock of doves when the groups meet

٢٠. أَسطو بِجَأشِ فَتىً يُفَرِّقُ سَيفُهُ
جَيشَ الحِمامِ إِذا التَقى الجَمعانِ

21. Of the kin of Adnan whom it sufficed
That the son of Moses is from the sons of Adnan

٢١. مِن آلِ عَدنانَ الَّذينَ كَفاهُمُ
أَنَّ اِبنَ موسى مِن بَني عَدنانِ

22. Descending when the spears collide
And the whites of their eyes burst from their eyelids

٢٢. النازِلينَ إِذا تَقارَعَتِ القَنا
وَالبيضُ خارِجَةٌ عَنِ الأَجفانِ

23. Cramming the mouths of valleys when they are aroused
United by the excellence of the brave

٢٣. يَحشونَ أَحشاءَ الوِفاضِ إِذا هُمُ اِح
تَزَموا بِفَضلِ ذَوائِبِ الشُجعانِ

24. They wore turbans after they saw their swords
Will ever humiliate the crowns of kings

٢٤. لَبِسوا العَمائِمَ مُذ رَأوا أَسيافَهُم
أَبَداً تُذِلُّ مَعاقِدَ التيجانِ

25. Whenever Hussein called them with his steeds
Their ears were crowded in obedience to him

٢٥. يَإِذا الحُسَينُ دَعاهُمُ بِجِيادِهِم
حُشِدَت إِلَيهِ مُصِرَّةَ الآذانِ

26. Frequent in rising, transforming,
The words of eloquence from honest resolutions

٢٦. مُتَواتِراتٍ في الطُلوعِ مُغيرَةً
لَفظَ السَواغِبِ مِن نَوى قُرّانِ

27. A lion through whom the spears shed the blood of spears
With the blood of the people of polytheism and oppression

٢٧. لَيثٌ بِهِ سَفَكَ الطَعانُ دَمَ القَنا
بِدِماءِ أَهلِ الشِركِ وَالطُغيانُ

28. When they were terrified by the breaking in the assaults
He made hearts the amulets of breastplates

٢٨. لَمّا فَزِعنَ مِنَ التَحَطُّمِ في الطُلى
جَعَلَ القُلوبَ تَمائِمَ الخِرصانِ

29. Were it not for him, the wolf would not be imprinted for contention
Nor would the spear be cut off for a stabber

٢٩. لَولاهُ ما طُبِعَت ظُبىً لَتَقارُعٍ
أَبَداً وَلا قُطِعَت قَناً لِطِعانِ

30. By God, your day at Ghadir, it is a day
In which the sons of Ghaylan are enflamed

٣٠. لِلَّهِ يَومُكَ في غُوَيثٍ إِنَّهُ
يَومٌ بِهِ يُشجى بَنو غَيلانِ

31. With the fortress, when the spears summoned their breastplates
And took refuge in the souls of the horsemen

٣١. بِالحِصنِ إِذ دَعَتِ القَنا خِرصانَها
وَتَحَصَّنَت في أَنفُسِ الفُرسانِ

32. The waters of their faces diminished in fear of devastation
So it was as if they spilled into the eyelids

٣٢. غاضَت مِياهُ وُجوهِهِم خَوفَ الرَدى
فَكَأَنَّها فاضَت إِلى الأَجفانِ

33. You woke them with a hand that topples with the wolves
And a hand that pounds on the tops of lances

٣٣. صَبَّحتَهُم بِيَدٍ تُطَوِّحُ بِالظُبى
وَيَدٍ تَدُقُّ عَوالِيَ المُرّانِ

34. Sinewy, shaking its blade, taking it
In stabbing, and recurrent to the kinsmen

٣٤. لُدناً تَهُزُّ طَعينَها فَتَخالُهُ
في الطَعنِ وَثّاباً إِلى الأَقرانِ

35. You cut off the breaths of the doves in its course
Until they fell into madness and bodies

٣٥. قَطَّعتَ أَنفاسَ الحِمامِ بِجَريِها
حَتّى كَبا في الهامِ وَالأَبدانِ

36. As if the spears went astray in the fray
Until they bent, dodging every wing

٣٦. فَكَأَنَّما الأَرماحُ ضَلَّت في الوَغى
حَتّى اِنثَنَت تَستافُ كُلَّ جَنانِ

37. And the horses stumbling between the tips of the spears
Dyed with the blood of sincere hearts

٣٧. وَالخَيلُ تَعثُرُبَينَ أَطرافِ القَنا
مَصبوغَةً بِدَمِ القُلوبِ الآني

38. The arrows concealed their feathers so it was as if
They armed themselves for you with the darkness of night

٣٨. سَتَرَ السِهامُ فُروجَها فَكَأَنَّما اِد
دَرَعَت إِلَيكَ مَدارِعَ الظِلمانِ

39. If the breaths of the winds rose
In its pounding, they would have flown with the vultures

٣٩. لَو أَنَّ أَنفاسَ الرِياحِ تَصاعَدَت
في نَقعِها طارَت مَعَ العِقبانِ

40. You penetrated the darkness toward them with columns
That probed the hearts of the fires

٤٠. خُضتَ الظَلامَ إِلَيهِمُ بِسَنابِكٍ
خاضَت قُلوبَ مَواقِدِ النيرانِ

41. And you frightened them an awful fright in their night with swords
And joined the bonds of dawn with flashes

٤١. وَفَرَيتَ وَفرَةَ لَيلِهِم بِصَوارِمِ
وَصَلَت عُرى الإِصباحِ بِاللَمَعانِ

42. The darkness submitted and you set up the necks of the enemies
Facing the attainment of subjugated ones

٤٢. حَسَرَ الدُجى فَنَصَبتَ أَعناقَ العِدا
قُبَلاً لِنَيلِ رَواكِعِ الشَريانِ

43. So you left them lifeless in every desolate place
And it was as if they were thunderstruck on the chins

٤٣. فَتَرَكتَهُم صَرعى بِكُلِّ مَفازَةٍ
وَكَأَنَّما صُعِقوا عَلى الأَذقانِ

44. The eagles hide their bodies with their descent
From the sights of the fox and the falcon

٤٤. تُخفي النُسورُ بِزَفِّها أَجسادَهُم
عَن ناظِرِ الرَيبالِ وَالسِرحانِ

45. Their claws ripped open the wounds as if
With ripping they probe the impact of every fang

٤٥. نَبَثَت مَناسِرُها الجِراحَ كَأَنَّها
بِالنَبثِ تَسبُرُ وَقعَ كُلِّ سِنانِ

46. Until you returned with youths who pulverized the spears
And threw with every skillful flexible sword

٤٦. حَتّى رَجَعتَ بِفِتيَةٍ قَصَفوا القَنا
وَرَمَوا بِكُلِّ حَنِيَّةٍ مِرنانِ

47. If they were able and reached every cultivated one
Who in stabbing poisons every bane

٤٧. لَو أَمكَنوا وَصَلوا بِكُلِّ مُثَقَّفٍ
يَسِمُ الطُلى في الطَعنِ كُلَّ بَنانِ

48. A lion whom the lions copied, their steeds
Incited with attack, strike, and stab

٤٨. أُسدٌ بَرى الإِسادُ نَحضَ جِيادِهِم
بِالكَرِّ وَالتَضرابِ وَالتَطعانِ

49. If they were tied together in the battle
They would be for him a replacement for citadels

٤٩. لَو عُقِّدَت بَعضاً بِبَعضٍ في السُرى
كانَت لَهُ بَدَلاً مِنَ الأَرسانِ

50. Your event, O son of Adnan, which
Pulled with the wolf of religion and faith

٥٠. يَهني بَني عَدنانَ وَقعَتُكَ الَّتي
جَذَبَت بِضَبعِ الدينِ وَالإيمانِ

51. If the cutting blades of the enemies were not loosened they would have tied
With the bonds of hearts the saddlebags of sorrows

٥١. لَو لَم تُحَلَّ طُلى الأَعادي عَقَّدوا
بِعُرى القُلوبِ سَبائِبَ الأَحزانِ

52. Its string was tied so its knots were from honest speech
And its bags were from a craft and meanings

٥٢. قُدها فَغُرَّتُها مِنَ الكَلِمِ الجَني
وَحُجولُها مِن صَنعَةٍ وَمَعانِ

53. It is a seed I speckled it from my conscience
White oozing the thickness of thirst

٥٣. هِيَ نُطفَةٌ رَقرَقتُها مِن خاطِري
بَيضاءُ تَنقَعُ غُلَّةَ الظَمآنِ