1. I swore by the flags of Mina thronging with pilgrims,
And by all that valley and spacious camp contained,
١. حَلَفتُ بِأَعلامِ المُحَصَّبِ مِن مِنىً
وَما ضَمَّ ذاكَ القاعُ وَالمَنزِلُ الرَحبُ
2. And by every camel-leader tugging his camel's rope,
When the litters are relieved of their noble burdens,
٢. وَكُلِّ بِجاوِيٍ يَجُرُّ زِمامَهُ
إِذا ما تَراخَت في أَزِمَّتِها النُجبُ
3. And by the pilgrims' chant as their voices rose and fell,
While the hill-tops round were wrapped in their glacial shrouds,
٣. وَتَرجيعِ أَصواتِ الحَجيجِ وَقَد بَدا
وَقورُ النَواحي تَستَبِدُّ بِهِ الحُجبُ
4. And by the awe of the Day of Sacrifice, when the victim falls,
With every precious life that is ended to ransom men,
٤. وَرَوعَةِ يَومِ النَحرِ وَالهَديُ حائِرٌ
وَكُلِّ دَمٍ أَودى بِجُمَّتِهِ الرَكبُ
5. Beyond all doubt it is equal, the near and the far alikely unmoved by the turns of fortune.
My tears flow down without cease from a suffering eye,
٥. لَقَد جَلَّ مابَيني وَبَينَكَ عَن قِلىً
سَواءٌ تَدانى البُعدُ أَو بَعُدَ القُربُ
6. And a fiery passion burns in my heart that will not be quenched,
My heart is distracted when my glance lights on the campsite -
٦. وَلي دَمعُ عَينٍ لا يُرَنِّقُ ساعَةً
وَنارُ غَرامٍ بَينَ جَنبَيَّ لا تَخبو
7. Then my glance starts forth when the heart grows calm.
When, if you stripped my body of its shirt, the folk
٧. وَقَلبٌ يَمورُ الطَرفُ إِن قَرَّ في الحَشا
وَطَرفٌ إِذا سَكَّنتَهُ نَفَرَ القَلبُ
8. Would say, 'He bears the very mark of love.'
Why am I blamed for the passion that lives in my heart,
٨. وَجِسمٌ إِذا جَرَّدتَهُ مِن قَميصِهِ
عَلى الناسِ قالوا هَكَذا يَفعَلُ الحُبُّ
9. Consumed by yearning and reproach each hour?
While I give you pure friendship, sincere and undefiled,
٩. فَما لي عَلى ما بي أُعَنَّفُ في الهَوى
وَيَرمِضُني العَذلُ المُؤَرِّقُ وَالعَتبُ
10. And show you pure affection - great is my distress!
When I absent me from your abode but an hour
١٠. عَلى حينَ أُعطيكَ الوَفاءَ مُصَرَّحاً
وَأُصفيكَ مَحضَ الوُدِّ ما عَظُمَ الخَطبُ
11. I am mute; I have neither serious thought nor sport.
Oh would that I knew, did you pass a night in the vale
١١. وَكُنتُ إِذا فارَقتُ دارَكَ ساعَةً
صَمَتُّ فَلا جِدٌّ لَدَيَّ وَلا لِعبُ
12. Where the dust settles thickly over its sandy floor,
Moistened by rain-clouds, while the wind blew fresh and cool,
١٢. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَبيتَنَّ لَيلَةً
بِمَيثاءَ يَلطى في أَباطِحِها التُربُ
13. Turning it green as the spring's first shoots appear?
Did the terrors of darkness affright you when the pickets
١٣. تَطَرَّقَها ماءُ الغَمامِ وَدَرَّجَت
بِها الريحُ مُخضَرّاً كَما نُشِرَ العَصبُ
14. Were startled by riders who came and went in haste?
Did you wish for water, and did we supply it in plenty,
١٤. وَهَل أَذعَرَن قَلبَ الظَلامِ بِفِتيَةٍ
تَهاوى بِهِم قودُ السَوالِفِ أَو قُبُّ
15. Pouring it freely from our leather water-bags?
Have you a house where you make your dwelling, and where
١٥. وَهَل أَرِدَن ماءً وَرَدنا بِمِثلِهِ
جَميعاً وَفي غُصنِ الهَوى وَرَقٌ رَطبُ
16. I might spread the letters and books that I suffer to keep?
I aspired to the heights, if for an hour I aspired,
١٦. وَهَل لي بِدارٍ أَنتَ فيها إِقامَةٌ
فَأَنشُرَ ما تَطوي الرَسائِلُ وَالكُتبُ
17. But mine was a heart that followed the highest way.
١٧. سَلَوتُ المَعالي إِن سَلَوتُكَ ساعَةً
وَما أَنا إِلّا مُغرَمٌ بِالعُلى صَبُّ