
Suleiman, your hands guided me to riches

سليمان دلتني يداك على الغنى

1. Suleiman, your hands guided me to riches
And gave me a resolute purpose, tempting and grand

١. سُلَيمانُ دَلَّتني يَداكَ عَلى الغِنى
وَأَجرَيتَ لي عَزماً أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلا

2. You propped up my ribcage as it struggled, and built for me
A stronghold with the reins of the sky as its heights

٢. مَدَدتَ بِضَبعي جاهِداً فَعَقَدتَ لي
مَصاداً بِأَعنانِ السَماءِ وَمَعقِلا

3. You elevated me until I thought
I would cross the Milky Way’s expanse in a leap

٣. وَعَلَّيتَني حَتّى ظَنَنتُ بِأَنَّني
سَأَعبُرُ مِن عَرضِ المَجَرَّةِ جَدوَلا

4. So how could I leave you unequipped
Oh Lord without provisions to reach my destination

٤. فَكَيفَ اِرتِحالي عَنكَ غَيرَ مُزَوَّدٍ
وَيا رُبَّ زادٍ لا يُبَلِّغُ مَنزِلا

5. I have no journey except to pack my bags
And see in them only a few traces of supplies

٥. وَلا سَيرَ إِلّا أَن أَشُدَّ حَقيبَةً
أَرى ضِمنَها مِن ضامِرِ الزادِ أَبحَلا

6. Unless you provide me your affection as provision, for I
Descend upon the army of departure relying on you

٦. وَإِلّا فَزَوَّدني وَدادَكَ إِنَّني
أَسُلُّ عَلى جَيشِ الطَوى مِنكَ مُنصُلا

7. I did not become the war of fate until I saw it
Fight those who woke and slept jaded

٧. فَما صِرتُ حَربَ الدَهرِ حَتّى رَأَيتُهُ
يُحارِبُ مَن أَمسى وَأَصبَحَ مُرمِلا

8. And whenever a land rejected me
I fled to the bare hills and sought refuge

٨. وَكُنتُ إِذا ما ناكَرَتنِيَ بَلدَةٌ
فَزِعتُ إِلى الجُردِ العَناجيجِ وَالمَلا

9. And whoever is outcast among you like me
Should not be ashamed as days change

٩. وَمَن كانَ مَهجوراً كَما أَنا فيكُمُ
فَما يَستَحي الأَيّامَ أَن تَتَبَدَّلا