1. The splendor of the kingdom is from this splendor,
And the light of glory is from this illumination.
١. بَهاءُ المُلكِ مِن هَذا البَهاءِ
وَضَوءُ المَجدِ مِن هَذا الضِياءِ
2. And there is nothing higher than the peaks of glories,
More deserving than the perspiring in the highest.
٢. وَما يَعلو عَلى قُلَلِ المَعالي
أَحَقُّ مِنَ المُعَرِّقِ في العَلاءِ
3. The shepherds do not care for one with a sword,
If he is not a shepherd of shepherds.
٣. وَلا تَعنُ الرُعاةُ لِذي حُسامٍ
إِذا ما لَم يَكُن راعي رُعاءِ
4. The kingdoms were never assembled like the past,
Fate completes its decree over the decree.
٤. وَما اِنتَظَمَ المَمالِكَ مِثلُ ماضٍ
يَتِمُّ لَهُ القَضاءُ عَلى القَضاءِ
5. If the gamblers start early,
It rains on them on the day of reward.
٥. إِذا اِبتَدَرَ الرِهانَ مُبادِروهُ
تَمَطَّرَ دونَهُم يَومَ الجَزاءِ
6. If he sought dew, his hands came out
Like the dripping of dew from the midst of clouds.
٦. وَإِن طَلَبَ النَدى خَرَجَت يَداهُ
خُروجَ الوَدقِ مِن خَلَلِ الغَماءِ
7. Beware if he puts on the garment with spots,
Beware if he wears the banner.
٧. حَذارِ إِذا تَلَفَّعَ ثَوبَ نَقعٍ
حَذارِ إِذا تَعَمَّمَ بِاللِواءِ
8. Beware of the son of Ghytalah the Submissive,
Who seals the horizons from the strong white.
٨. حَذارِ مِنِ اِبنِ غَيطَلَةٍ مُدِلٍّ
يَسُدُّ مَطالِعَ البيدِ القَواءِ
9. If he casts upon the edges of a mouth,
His angry hands, frightened of lances.
٩. إِذا أَلقى عَلى لَهَواتِ ثَغرٍ
يَدَي غَضبانَ مَرهوبِ الرُواءِ
10. The clashes of armor pass from him,
Like the crackling of flames from embers.
١٠. تَمُرُّ قَعاقِعُ الرِزينِ مِنهُ
كَمَعمَعَةِ اللَهيبِ مِنَ الأَباءِ
11. And a hammer upon glancing moments, sharp
Making viewers sick with bashfulness.
١١. وَمِطراقٍ عَلى اللَحَظاتِ صِلٍّ
مَريضِ الناظِرَينِ مِنَ الحَياءِ
12. He crouched like an ostrich, so if he rose high,
He went like an arrow that missed its shooting.
١٢. تَنَكَّسَ كَالأَميمِ فَإِن تَسامى
مَضى كَالسَهمِ شَذَّ عَنِ الرِماءِ
13. No remedy saves the bitten one when
He has become with an illness, what illness!
١٣. وَما يُنجي اللَديغَ بِهِ تَداوٍ
وَقَد أَمسى بِداءٍ أَيِّ داءِ
14. Nor does the stiffness of men hunt game
More than sounds in the anklets of women.
١٤. وَلا قُضُبُ الرِجالِ الصيدِ فَضلاً
عَنِ الأَصواتِ في حَليِ النِساءِ
15. And a day of fighting the enemies is dreadful,
In which the slow are distinguished from the quick.
١٥. وَيَومُ وَغىً عَلى الأَعداءِ هَولٌ
تُمازُ بِهِ السِراعُ مِنَ البِطاءِ
16. I shot their horses until they scattered
With the hands of the short and the thirsty blades.
١٦. رَمَيتُ فُروجَهُ حَتّى تَفَرّى
بِأَيدي الجُردِ وَالأَسَلِ الظِماءِ
17. Some of darkness as if they were lions
Upon hills, their necks like hyenas.
١٧. فَمِن غُلبٍ كَأَنَّهُمُ أُسودٌ
عَلى قُبٍّ ضَوامِرَ كَالظِباءِ
18. And some of whiteness as if their knights
Were passing the palms over the brilliance.
١٨. وَمِن بيضٍ كَأَنَّ مُجَرِّديها
يُمِرّونَ الأَكُفَّ عَلى الأَضاءِ
19. Flanks that the striking of valleys
Never left at all a place for escape.
١٩. نَواحِلَ لَم يَدَع ضَربُ الهَوادي
بِها أَبَداً مَكاناً لِلجُلاءِ
20. And from falling he moaned in the highlands,
And disgrace that stayed in the bareness.
٢٠. وَمِن هاوٍ تَرَنَّحَ في العَوالي
وَعارٍ قَد أَقامَ عَلى العَراءِ
21. And another leaned like the bending branches,
His forelock dripping with fresh paint.
٢١. وَآخَرَ مالَ كَالنَشوانِ مالَت
بِهامَتِهِ شَآبيبُ الطِلاءِ
22. And I returned after I had concealed the war from him
To the ladder of desires and gifts.
٢٢. وَعُدتُ وَقَد خَبَأتُ الحَربَ عَنهُ
إِلى سِلمِ الرَغائِبِ وَالعَطاءِ
23. For there is a day for virtues and gifts,
And a day for zeal and refusal.
٢٣. فَيَومٌ لِلمَكارِمِ وَالعَطايا
وَيَومٌ لِلحَمِيَّةِ وَالإِباءِ
24. You lead the horses, brighter than their spears,
With forelocks like torches of brilliance.
٢٤. تَقودُ الخَيلَ أَرشَقَ مِن قَناها
شَوازِبَ كَالقِداحِ مِنَ السَراءِ
25. With raids like the pack of wolves, recurring
Upon the enemies, clear enmity.
٢٥. بِغاراتٍ كَوَلغِ الذِئبِ تَترى
عَلى الأَعداءِ بَيِّنَةِ العَداءِ
26. Determinations like the winds passed, blowing
Over countries, close and distant.
٢٦. عَزائِمُ كَالرِياحِ مَرَرنَ رَهواً
عَلى الأَقطارِ مِن دانٍ وَناءِ
27. And a heart like the courageous leaping up with resolve,
And pulling the highest with the pull of a rope.
٢٧. وَقَلبٌ كَالشُجاعِ يَسورُ عَزماً
وَيَجذِبُ بِالعُلى جَذبَ الرَشاءِ
28. And a palm like the clouds pouring until
It spreads over the land with supplies and water.
٢٨. وَكَفٌّ كَالغَمامِ يَفيضُ حَتّى
يَعُمُّ الأَرضَ مِن كَلَإٍ وَماءِ
29. And a face that the water of beauty flooded over it,
And the mark of brightness shone upon it.
٢٩. وَوَجهٌ ماجَ ماءُ الحُسنِ فيهِ
وَلاحَ عَلَيهِ عُنوانُ الوَضاءِ
30. It rivals the moon of the nights in brilliance,
And surpasses it with an increase of brilliance.
٣٠. يُشارِكُ في السَنى قَمَرَ الدَياجي
وَيَفضُلُهُ بِزائِدَةِ السَناءِ
31. You stripped the one clothed in majesty of it,
Hastily, the garment of arrogance.
٣١. وَمُعتَلِجِ الجَلالِ نَزَعتَ عَنهُ
عَلى عَجَلٍ رِداءَ الكِبرِياءِ
32. So he became exiting from all glory,
Like a stick of wood stripped of bark.
٣٢. فَأَصبَحَ خارِجاً مِن كُلِّ عِزٍّ
خُروجَ العودِ بُزَّ مِنَ اللِحاءِ
33. And you held back the reins of his blessings, and they were
A cover not muddied by vileness.
٣٣. وَحُزتَ جِمامَ نِعمَتِهِ وَكانَت
غِماراً لا تُكَدَّرُ بِالدِلاءِ
34. With an opinion that fate proceeded from,
So it went forward like an incisor tooth to the meeting.
٣٤. بِرَأيٍ ثُقِفَ الإِقبالُ مِنهُ
فَأَقدَمَ كَالسِنانِ إِلى اللِقاءِ
35. If a relative hints to you then cut off
With the edge of the sword the kinship of the closest.
٣٥. إِذا أَشِرَ القَريبُ عَلَيكَ فَاِقطَع
بِحَدِّ السَيفِ قُربى الأَقرِباءِ
36. And if your relatives fail you, be among those
Who lean to brotherhood with affection.
٣٦. وَكُن إِن عَقَّكَ القُرَباءُ مِمَّن
يَميلُ عَلى الأُخوَّةِ لِلإِخاءِ
37. For how many a brother unsuitable for association,
And stranger worthy of companionship!
٣٧. فَرُبَّ أَخٍ خَليقٍ بِالتَقالي
وَمُغتَرِبٍ جَديرٍ بِالصَفاءِ
38. And do not draw near the envious one, for that is a disgrace
Incurable with gentleness.
٣٨. وَلا تُدنِ الحَسودَ فَذاكَ عُرٌّ
مَضيضٌ لا يُعالَجُ بِالهِناءِ
39. Sufficient for you are the turns of fortune, enough is
The sharp and polished blade of resolve.
٣٩. كَفاكَ نَوائِبَ الأَيّامِ كافٍ
طَريرُ العَزمِ مَشحوذُ المَضاءِ
40. The Trustee of the Hidden looks after His confidant
Against the spreading disease.
٤٠. أَمينُ الغَيبِ لا يوكى حَشاهُ
لِآمِنِهِ عَلى الداءِ العَياءِ
41. He stood facing the heroes until
Every famous one weakened.
٤١. أَقامَ يُنازِلُ الأَبطالَ حَتّى
تَفَلَّلَ كُلُّ مَشهورِ المَضاءِ
42. Facing war, he embraces the highlands
And hugs the corpses from the blood.
٤٢. إِزاءَ الحَربِ يَعتَنِقُ العَوالي
وَيَغتَبِقُ النَجيعَ مِنَ الدَماءِ
43. If it is said he hesitated, you see in him
Yearnings leaping to the encounter.
٤٣. إِذا ما قيلَ مَلَّ رَأَيتَ مِنهُ
نَوازِعَ تَشرَئِبُّ إِلى اللِقاءِ
44. So test me and you will find me a sword of resolve,
That makes its west strong and eastern lightning.
٤٤. فَجَرِّبني تَجِدني سَيفَ عَزمٍ
يُصَمِّمُ غَربَهُ وَزِنادَ راءِ
45. And it marched opening every slaughter,
Like the start of dawn in a spring of water.
٤٥. وَأَسمَرَ شارِعاً في كُلِّ نَحرٍ
شُروعَ الصَلِّ في يَنبوعِ ماءِ
46. If your hands cling to it protectively,
You will fill your hands with the treasure of effort.
٤٦. إِذا عَلِقَت يَداكَ بِهِ حِفاظاً
مَلَأتَ يَدَيكَ مِن كَنزِ العَناءِ
47. It gives you the right without hypocrisy,
And purifies your integrity without ostentation.
٤٧. يُعاطيكَ الصَوابَ بِلا نِفاقٍ
وَيَمحَضُكَ السَدادَ بِلا رِياءِ
48. Moving on the day you send it to war,
And dignified on the day you seek its judgement.
٤٨. جَريٌّ يَومَ تَبعَثُهُ لِحَربٍ
وَقورٌ يَومَ تَبحَثُهُ لِراءِ
49. If the qualified are slaves to it,
Then it suffices the qualified without dispute.
٤٩. إِذا كانَ الكُفاةُ لِذا عَبيداً
فَذا كافي الكُفاةِ بِلا مِراءِ
50. O Bahaa al-Dawla al-Mansur, I called you
After some of my prayers,
٥٠. بَهاءَ الدَولَةِ المَنصورَ إِنّي
دَعَوتُكَ بَعدَ لَأيٍ مِن دُعائي
51. And I thought your richness would flow to me
With what was made clear of melody.
٥١. وَكُنتُ أَظُنُّ أَنَّ غِناكَ يَسري
إِلَيَّ بِما تَبَيَّنَ مِن غِناءِ
52. So why am I like a stranger behind a people,
Who if tested, would have been behind me?
٥٢. فَلِم أَنا كَالغَريبِ وَراءَ قَومٍ
لَوِ اِختُبِروا لَقَد كانوا وَرائي
53. Far from your protection while I have rights
That are binding you fulfill my dependencies.
٥٣. بَعيدٌ عَن حِماكَ وَلي حُقوقٌ
قَواضٍ أَن يَطولَ بِهِ ثَوائي
54. Have I worn out only to show with my composition
When my afflictions sufficed me?
٥٤. أَأَبلى ثُمَّ يَبدو بِاِصطِناعي
كَفاني ما تَقَدَّمَ مِن بَلائي
55. And I warded off the fence of Baghdad on foot
With the merit of resolve and the disobedient soul,
٥٥. وَذَبّي عَن حِمى بَغدادَ قِدماً
بِفَضلِ العَزمِ وَالنَفسِ العِصاءِ
56. The morning the regions were shaded by it,
Drenched, dripping with blood.
٥٦. غَداةَ أَظَلَّتِ الأَقطارُ مِنها
مُضَرَّجَةً تَبَزَّلُ بِالدِماءِ
57. A smoke that the winds ignited from it
Spanned between the flat lands and the sky.
٥٧. دُخانٌ تَلهَبُ الهَبَواتُ مِنهُ
مَدى بَينَ البَسيطَةِ وَالسَماءِ
58. I endured the soul, then over the afflictions
To the furthest exhaustion and suppression.
٥٨. صَبَرتُ النَفسَ ثُمَّ عَلى المَنايا
إِلى أَقصى الثَميلَةِ وَالذَماءِ
59. Hoping that the wicks of my speculation would win
And the powers of my hope twist in success.
٥٩. رَجاءً أَن تَفوزَ قِداحُ ظَنّي
وَتَلوي بِالنَجاحِ قُوى رَجائي
60. And I have a right over you, and that is my sincerity,
Old in your consent and this is my praise.
٦٠. وَلي حَقٌّ عَلَيكَ فَذاكَ جِدّي
قَديمٌ في رِضاكَ وَذا ثَنائي
61. And it is the way of kings in the nights
To reward the loyal one for loyalty.
٦١. وَمِن شِيَمِ المُلوكِ عَلى اللَيالي
مُجازاةُ الوَليِّ عَلى الوَلاءِ
62. This fast will show a rift from you,
Spacious and flowing the garment.
٦٢. سَيَبلو مِنكَ هَذا الصَومُ خِرقاً
رَحيبَ الباعِ فَضفاضَ الرِداءِ
63. You fast but do not abstain from gifts
And bestowing desires and love.
٦٣. تَصومُ فَلا تَسومُ عَنِ العَطايا
وَعَن بَذلِ الرَغائِبِ وَالحِباءِ
64. Lo, so be happy with it and with every day
That the dawn elevates to evening.
٦٤. أَلا فَاِسعَد بِهِ وَبِكُلِّ يَومٍ
يُفَوِّقُهُ الصَباحُ إِلى المَساءِ
65. And may the time remain forever, for you are most deserving,
O people of the world, to bare survival.
٦٥. وَدُم أَبَدَ الزَمانِ فَأَنتَ أَولى
بَني الدُنيا بِعارِيَةِ البَقاءِ
66. My seriousness has brought my wishes near,
Dear neighbor, land of demise.
٦٦. عَلَيَّ الجَدُّ مُقتَرِبَ الأَماني
عَزيزَ الجارِ مَطروقَ الفِناءِ