1. It is as if you had not led noble youths of ‘Awwam
Bearing pure swords that pierce all armour
١. كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَقُد بِعُوَيرِضاتٍ
أَبا العَوّامِ فِتياناً قِطاطا
2. And you had not borne against the foe among them
Sharp blades and pledges that destroy protection
٢. وَلَم تَحمِل عَلى الأَعداءِ مِنهُم
قَنىً لَدناً وَأَيماناً سِباطا
3. Whenever the scout warned them of danger
They saw the ardour and liveliness of youth
٣. إِذا المَنجودُ نَبَّهَهُم طُروقاً
رَأى زَعلَ الشَبيبَةِ وَالنَشاطا
4. Rushing to take their stand with Al-Samhari
Having donned fine garb and shining mail
٤. قِيامَ السَمهَريِّ تَبادَروها
وَقَد لَبِسوا المَخيلَةَ وَالشَطاطا
5. You had not loosed mailed steeds
Whose flanks the caves and meadows would bruise
٥. وَلَم تَسُقِ الجِيادَ مُسَوَّماتٍ
تُجَشِّمُها المَغاوِرَ وَالوِراطا
6. Sending them racing wildly to the waters
Plunging in todrink deeply of its freshness
٦. وَتُرسِلُها العَرَضنَةَ صادِياتٍ
مُبادَرَةً إِلى الماءِ الغُطاطا
7. With them you would strike the throat of every pass
As if you loosed your arrows in torrents
٧. تُصيبُ بِها فَواغِرَ كُلِّ ثَغرٍ
كَأَنَّكَ تُرسِلُ النَبلَ المِراطا
8. When the confederates parted and dawn broke
While the full moon still shone brightly
٨. فَلَينَ مَفارِقَ المَعزاءِ وَخداً
كَفَلي الأَنمُلِ اللِمَمَ الشَماطا
9. You folded up your cloak after camping
As if you spread out carpets on the sand
٩. وَمَن جَعَلَ الدَليلَ لَهُ اِبنَ لَيلى
فَلَن يَخشى الضَلالَ وَلا الغِلاطا
10. You led raids into lands without a guide
As if their vastness was but a little ground
١٠. وَناجِيَةٍ تُساقِطُها حَسيراً
سِقاطَ حُسامِكَ البُدنَ العِباطَ
11. You returned driving their livestock before you
Like ants crawling upon the smooth floor
١١. وَتُطلِقُ رَحلَها وَالفَجرُ طِفلٌ
وَقَد أَكَلَ البَوانِيَ وَالمِلاطا
12. With a black steed whose flanks
Were clad in the darkness of night
١٢. وَشاذِبَةٍ طَوَيتَ بِها اِعتِسافاً
بِساطَ الدَوِّ إِنَّ لَهُ بِساطا
13. The stars hung from its sides
As if the night had adorned it with jewels
١٣. ذَوارِعَ لِلبِلادِ بِغَيرِ حادٍ
تَخالُ فُضولَ أَنسُعِها سِياطا
14. You pierced its darkness with your band
Until you saw the folds of its sides
١٤. وَعُدتَ بِهَ تُساوِكُ مِن وَجاها
دَبيبَ النَملِ يَنتَعِلُ البَلاطا
15. And every brave warrior who donned his coat of mail
Made the sheath for his blade his inner cloak
١٥. وَمُنخَرِقٍ كَأَنَّ عَلى رُباهُ
مِنَ الظُلمِ الأَكِنَّةِ وَاللِياطا
16. With an attacking band you crowded the foe
Exchanging thrusts ofyour deadly blades
١٦. تَعَلَّقَتِ النُجومُ بِجانِبَيهِ
كَأَنَّ اللَيلَ أَلبَسَها القِراطا
17. Their blades sought to tear your skin
Whenever their tongues uttered vile insults
١٧. طَعَنتَ ظَلامَهُ بِالرَكبِ حَتّى
رَأَيتَ لَهُ اِنجِياباً وَاِنعِطاطا
18. On a day of terrible carnage
When the cauldron of war boiled over
١٨. وَكُلُّ فَتىً تَبَطَّنَ بَيتَ نَبعٍ
وَصَيَّرَ غِمدَ قاطِعِهِ إِباطا
19. You scattered their ranks as buzzards scatter
While the spearpoint mixed the fray
١٩. أُغَيلِمَةٍ زَحَمتَ بِها الأَعادي
تَعاطى بِالذَوابِلِ ما تَعاطى
20. You offered the cup but the coward refused it
While the valiant gladly drank his share
٢٠. تَخالُ عَلى عَوامِلِها إِذا ما
وَرَدنَ الطَعنَ أَلسُنَها السِلاطا
21. You made the pools of blood in it an omen
To the white ships demanding payment
٢١. وَيَومٍ لِلوَقيعَةِ ذي أُوارٍ
كَكيرِ القَينِ أُوقِدَ فَاِستَشاطا
22. In their skulls the peaks scrape
As your swords scraped the whetstones
٢٢. فَرَقتَ جُموعَهُ فَرقَ العَناصي
وَقَد مَزَجَ الطِعانُ بِهِ اِختِلاطا
23. After your day, every proud boaster
Claims, as if you were but a fantasy
٢٣. تُعاطى كَأسَهُ فَتَعُبُّ فيها
وَيُحتَقَرُ الجَبانُ فَلا يُعاطى
24. But where is the swift flight from death
If the cloak trips or loosens?
٢٤. جَعَلتَ طُلى العِدى فيهِ اِقتَراحاً
عَلى بيضِ القَواضِبِ وَاِشتِراطا
25. When he entered upon the path
You saw him taking long strides
٢٥. تُغَلغِلُ في جَماجِمِها العَوالي
كَما غَلغَلتَ في اللُمَمِ المِشاطا
26. And I, when I grasped his shoulders
In the distress of the strait, he relieved my burdens
٢٦. تَتَرّى بَعدَ يَومِكَ كُلُّ خَطبٍ
كَأَنَّكَ كُنتَ لِلجُلّى رِباطا
27. How often did the routed call to him
And he hastened, not breaking his pace
٢٧. أَلا أَينَ السَريعُ إِلى المَنايا
إِذا المِعزالُ عَرَّدَ أَو تَباطا
28. Say to the deserter who slithers away
Plunge into the fray immersed and choking
٢٨. إِذا وَلَجَ الرِواقَ رَأَيتَ مِنهُ
طَويلَ الباعِ قَد غَمزَ السِماطا
29. The tides of war drew away his blade
And the long days of peace drew you to comfort
٢٩. وَكُنتُ إِذا أَخَذتُ بِمَنكِبَيهِ
غَداةَ الضيقِ فَرَّجَ لي الضِغاطا
30. Though they carried goodness to you unasked
You guarded it closely and selfishly
٣٠. وَكَم بَزلاءَ صيحَ بِها إِلَيهِ
تَطاطَ لَها تَجُزكَ فَما تَطاطا
31. Their protection encompassed you while the tongues
In the valleys cried like seeking birds
٣١. فَقولا لِلمُنَفَّضِ مِذرَوَيهِ
خُضِ الأَمرَ اِنغِماساً وَاِنغِطاطا
32. When at dawn the foe entered your homes
They left not a basin in your homes
٣٢. مِراسُ الحَربِ أَسحَبَهُ العَوالي
وَطولُ الأَمنِ أَسحَبَكَ الرِياطا
33. The peaks rend your skins
As if the spears clothe them in patches
٣٣. هُمُ حَمَلوا لَكَ الإِحسانَ عَفواً
فَدونَكَهُنَّ وَلغاً وَاِستِراطا
34. Each grim-faced one among you
Passes the night sighing and groaning
٣٤. حَمَوكُم وَالأَسِنَّةُ في الهَوادي
وُقوعَ الطَيرِ تَبتَدِرُ اللِقاطا
35. He gathered you when your power waned
From the blows of spears and the hail of swords
٣٥. غَداةَ خَلا بِدارِكُمُ الأَعادي
فَلَم يَدعوا لِحَوضِكُمُ لِياطا
36. He led the charge with your heroes until you were
Like stars, the nearest of you to the high stars
٣٦. تُشَقِّقُ في جُلودِكُمُ العَوالي
كَأَنَّ الطَعنَ يُلبِسُها الرِهاطا
37. And a death omen hovered above you
For every bird that takes flight must land
٣٧. بِكُلِّ قَرارَةٍ مِنكُم لَحيمٍ
يُقَضّي اللَيلَ زَفراً وَاِنتِحاطا
38. No men of Quraysh remain
And I was named among them but now decline
٣٨. أَجَمَّكُمُ وَلاقى عَن عُلاكُم
عِضاضَ الطَعنِ وَالضَربِ الخِلاطا
39. They enjoyed the fruits of this glory for a time
With the fangs of heroes and in delight
٣٩. وَقَدَّ بِبوعِكُم حَتّى غَدَوتُم
وَعالي النَجمِ أَقرَبُكُم مَناطا
40. The mortal stroke culled them from us
Choosing the best, the ripe fruit
٤٠. وَحَلَّقَ مَضرَحيٌّ كانَ فيكُم
وَإِنَّ لِكُلِّ طائِرَةٍ سِقاطا
41. They passed away, from each dire strait
When honour demands it, unveiled
٤١. فَلا تَبعُد رِجالٌ مِن قُرَيشٍ
وُسِمتُ بِهِم فَلَم أَعَدُ العِلاطا
42. They avoided me, and their avoidance shook me
For when they went, they cut the ties
٤٢. رَعوا تَلَعاتِ هَذا المَجدِ لَسّاً
بِأَنيابِ العَوامِلِ وَاِنتِشاطا
٤٣. تَخَيَّرَهُم حِمامُ المَوتِ مِنّا
خِيارَ الزائِدِ اِعتَرَضَ النِماطا
٤٤. تَدعوا كَالسُلوكِ وَهَت قُواها
مُروقاً بِالنَوائِبِ وَاِنخِراطا
٤٥. مَضوا مِن كُلِّ أَغلَبَ مُستَميتٍ
إِذا ما العارُ جَلَّلَهُ أَماطا
٤٦. نَأَوا عَنّي فَضَعضَعَني نَواهُم
وَما كانوا فَقَد قَطَعوا النِياطا