
He called from the black valleys of Jima

دعا بالوحاف السود من جانب الحمى

1. He called from the black valleys of Jima
A love-sick man, I hastened when he called me

١. دَعا بِالوِحافِ السودِ مِن جانِبِ الحِمى
نَزيعُ هَوىً لَبَّيتُ حينَ دَعاني

2. My friends were astonished at my weeping and denied
My response when the two ears did not hear

٢. تَعَجَّبَ صَحبي مِن بُكائي وَأَنكَروا
جَوابي لِما لَم تَسمَعِ الأُذُنانِ

3. So I said: Yes, the ear did not hear a call
Rather my heart is hearing and my soul

٣. فَقُلتُ نَعَم لَم تَسمَعِ الأَذنُ دَعوَةً
بَلى إِنَّ قَلبي سامِعٌ وَجَناني

4. And O Yemeni caravan, inform
My dear one in the high plain that I am suffering

٤. وَيا أَيُّها الرَكبُ اليَمانونَ خَبِّروا
طَليقاً بِأَعلى الخَيفِ أَنِّيَ عاني

5. Make his meeting with me difficult or make my meeting with him difficult
Perhaps I met without being blamed

٥. عِدوهُ لِقائي أَو عِدوني لِقاءَهُ
أَلا رُبَّما دانَيتُ غَيرَ مُداني

6. Thirsty she-camels do not meet at the soft sand
Heading to the water, marked with anklets

٦. وَما حائِماتٌ يَلتَقينَ مِنَ الصَدى
إِلى الماءِ قَد موطِلنَ بِالرَشَفانِ

7. In his ribs it increases for them with misfortune
Sniffing the air of mischief and separation

٧. يَزيدُ لَها بِالخِمسِ بَينَ ضُلوعِها
تَنَسُّمُ ريحِ الشيحِ وَالعَلَجانِ

8. When it is said this water did not possess for them
A confluence of peers or equals

٨. إِذا قيلَ هَذا الماءُ لَم يَملِكوا لَها
مَعاجاً بِأَقرانٍ وَلا بِمَثانِ

9. More intensely to the loved ones from me and among them
A creditor when I solicited debts from me

٩. بِأَظمى إِلى الأَحبابِ مِنّي وَفيهِمُ
غَريمٌ إِذا رُمتُ الدُيونَ لَواني

10. So my friend, unload my luggage for I
Saw Layla in other than what you two see

١٠. فَيا صاحِبَي رَحلي أَقِلّا فَإِنَّني
رَأَيتُ بِلَيلى غَيرَ ما تَرَيانِ

11. And O you who mixed fresh butter oil in the evening
I see you in the belly of two wine-skins

١١. وَيا مَزجِيَ النِضوِ الطَليحِ عَشِيَّةً
تُراكَ بِبَطنِ المَأزِمَينِ تَراني

12. Shall I, forgetting, recite the arrow with which
That gazelle attacked and hit me

١٢. وَهَل أَنا غادٍ أَنشُدُ النَبلَةَ الَّتي
بِها عَرَضاً ذاكَ الغَزالُ رَماني

13. There remained of the days of gathering to Mina
To the ritual stoning ground none but wishes

١٣. فَلَم يَبقَ مِن أَيّامِ جَمعٍ إِلى مِنىً
إِلى مَوقِفِ التَجميرِ غَيرُ أَماني

14. My sickness is blamed on Iraq greedily
But how can I be cured when the healer is Yemeni?

١٤. يُعَلَّلُ دائي بِالعِراقِ طَماعَةً
وَكَيفَ شِفائي وَالطَبيبُ يَماني