1. O Abi Ali be steadfast though the disputants prolong the contention
You will hit the mark if they make mistakes
١. أَبا عَليٍ لِأَلَدِّ إِن سَطا
وَلِلخُصومِ إِن أَطالوا اللَغطا
2. And lights that uncover their veilings
You uncovered the secret of the veiled virgins
٢. تُصيبُ عَمداً إِن أَصابوا غَلطا
وَلُمَعٌ تَكشِفُ عَنهُنَّ الغِطا
3. And made plain what was crooked in speech
You were overbearing until the carried became the carrier
٣. كَشفَكَ عَن بَيضِ العَذاريَ الغِطا
وَمُصعَبٍ لِلقَولِ صَعبِ المُمتَطى
4. The duration of his sojourn has made him envy
And walkers by steps not by slips
٤. عَسَفتَ حَتّى عادَ مَجزولَ المَطا
دامي المِلاطِ رَحلُهُ قَد أَغبَطا
5. Distracted from you, they cut the tie
As you saw the horses galloping the turf
٥. وَسائِراتٍ بِالخُطى لا بِالخِطا
شَوارِدٍ عَنكَ قَطَعنَ الرُبُطا
6. You made every ear in it ring
Our understandings have attained the rank of the arrivers
٦. كَما رَأَيتَ الخَيلَ تَعدو المَرَطى
أَلبَستَ فيها كُلَّ أُذنٍ قُرُطا
7. And problems that no propose roused to the effort
Their inaction with a saying, when inactive
٧. قَد وَرَدَت أَفهامَنا وِردَ القَطا
وَمُشكِلاتٍ ما نَشَطنَ مَنشَطا
8. It discriminated amidst its confusedness what was mixed
It divested between the adorned combs
٨. عِطالُها بِمِقوَلٍ إِذا عِطالُها
مَيَّزَ مِن دَيجورِها ما اِختَلَطا
9. The emulators went astray and were not entangled
They inclined to emulate an elegant one who stepped forth
٩. غَلَّلَ ما بَينَ العِقاصِ المُشُطا
ضَلَّ المُجارونَ وَما تَوَرَّطا
10. An old man who shakes the earth if he crawls
The riding beast licked the spotted spider
١٠. مَلّوا مُجاراةَ فَنيقٍ قَد مَطا
قَرمٌ يَهُدَّ الأَرضَ إِن تَخَمَّطا
11. They frequent the crevasse that lay between
Neither panicking nor exulting
١١. مَلَّ المَطِيُّ القَرَبَ العَنَطنَطا
تَطَرَّفوا الفَجَّ الَّذي تَوَسَّطا
12. They were the obstacle, and you were the exceller
At hastening the people recognize the laggard
١٢. لا جَزِعاً أَودى وَلا مُغتَبِطا
كانوا العَقابيلَ وَكُنتَ الفَرَطا
13. A time was pleased with you, then angered
The days did not seek any wantonness from us
١٣. عِندَ السَراعِ يَعرِفُ القَومُ البِطا
أَرضى زَمانٌ بِكَ ثُمَّ أَسخَطا
١٤. ما أَطلَبَ الأَيّامَ مِنّا شَطَطا