
We prevail, then the nights prevail over us,

نغالب ثم تغلبنا الليالي

1. We prevail, then the nights prevail over us,
And how much does the archer remain upon the arrows?

١. نُغالِبُ ثُمَّ تَغلِبُنا اللَيالي
وَكَم يَبقى الرَمِيُّ عَلى النِبالِ

2. We aspire that an obstinate litigant may grow weary of litigation,
One who does not grow bored of postponing.

٢. وَنَطمَعُ أَن يَمَلَّ مِنَ التَقاضي
غَريمٌ لَيسَ يَضجَرُ بِالمَطالِ

3. Do you see how our nights drag us by the forelocks
And stumble upon the mountains?

٣. أَتَنظُرُ كَيفَ تَسفَعُ بِالنَواصي
لَيالينا وَتَعثُرُ بِالجِبالِ

4. The torrent brings down the crest of every lofty dune
As collateral for the valleys and sands.

٤. يَحُطُّ السَيلُ ذُروَةَ كُلِّ طَودٍ
رُهوناً بِالجَنادِلِ وَالرِمالِ

5. These are the tyrannical days of destinies
And the sequels matched to the beginnings.

٥. هِيَ الأَيّامُ جائِرَةُ القَضايا
وَمُلحِقَةُ الأَواخِرِ بِالأَوالي

6. They drive the flowers away, so if we approach,
They strike the springs with ropes.

٦. يُمَنّينَ الوُرودَ فَإِن دَنَونا
ضَرَبنَ عَلى المَوارِدِ بِالحِبالِ

7. We furnish dwellings for the stay,
And impending death spurs us on to travel.

٧. نُطَنِّبُ لِلمُقامِ قِبابَ حَيٍّ
وَيَحفِزُنا المَنونُ إِلى الرِحالِ

8. We roam secure, though death lurks
Among the anklets and sandals.

٨. وَنَسرَحُ آمِنينَ وَلِلمَنايا
شَباً بَينَ الأَخامِصِ وَالنِعالِ

9. And while one dons ease like a garment,
It abandons him, fleeing after the shadows.

٩. وَبَينا المَرءُ يَلبَسُها نَعيماً
تَهَجَّرَ ضاحِياً بَعدَ الظِلالِ

10. Plague laments the thousands in the long-columned house
Of the chaste maidens, the family of Ma`add;

١٠. نَعى الناعونَ واضِحَةَ المُحَيّا
أَلوفَ البَيتِ ذي العَمَدِ الطِوالِ

11. It laments a herd of white-faced noble ladies
Of refined manners and burnished temples.

١١. مِنَ البيضِ العَقائِلِ مِن مَعَدٍّ
بَنَينَ قِبابَهُنَّ عَلى الجَلالِ

12. In it lies the handiwork of al-Qayn's sword
Raised upon the blades.

١٢. نَعَوا ظُبَةً لِأَبيَضَ مَشرَفيٍّ
قَديمِ الطَبعِ عاديِّ الصِقالِ

13. When the stallion sires his progeny,
He guarantees nobility for the foals.

١٣. لِسَيفِ الدَولَةِ العَرَبيِّ فيها
صَنيعُ القَينِ قامَ عَلى النِصالِ

14. The valleys of al-Muzayn were fertile only because
They were irrigated by the flowing waters.

١٤. إِذا ما الفَحلُ أَنجَبَ ناتِجاهُ
فَقَد ضَمِنَ النَجابَةَ لِلسِخالِ

15. Short women in the houses of glory
Have their compatibility with long glory augmented.

١٥. وَما طابَت غَوادي المُزنِ إِلّا
أَطَبنَ وَقائِعَ الماءِ الزُلالِ

16. Every chaste woman inclines at dusk
To the riverbank of generosity.

١٦. قَصايِرُ في بُيوتِ العِزِّ تُنمى
مَناسِبُها إِلى المَجدِ الطَوالِ

17. As if their bedrooms were seashells
Fortified, clasped unto adornments.

١٧. وَكُلُّ عَقيلَةٍ لِلجودِ تُمسي
عَطولَ الجيدِ حالِيَةَ الفِعالِ

18. They excelled in chastity and altogether surpassed
In their place beyond count.

١٨. كَأَنَّ خُدورَها أَصدافُ يَمٍّ
مُحَصَّنَةٌ ضُمِمنَ عَلى لَآلِ

19. They conquered the beauty of creation until
They left creation oblivious of beauty.

١٩. طَهُرنَ نَباهَةً وَبَرَرنَ طَولاً
وَهُنَّ وَراءَ مَعدودِ الحِجالِ

20. Theirs is the lineage of highborn ladies,
Pursued unto the heights in days of strife.

٢٠. غَلَبنَ عَلى جَمالِ الخُلقِ حَتّى
تَرَكنَ الخَلقَ مَنسيَّ الجَمالِ

21. The pedigree ascribes the mares as noble
If they trace their line to the majestic courser.

٢١. لَها نَسَبُ العِتاقِ مُرَدَّداتٍ
إِلى الغاياتِ أَيّامَ النِضالِ

22. They were brought down by Death, their bridles handed over
To the halters.

٢٢. تُعَدُّ النوقُ مِن شَرَفٍ فُحولاً
إِذا اِنتَسَبَت إِلى العَودِ الجُلالِ

23. Their glory was but a borrowed splendor
Like a loan in the right hand from the left.

٢٣. عَمائِرُ مِن رَبيعَةَ أَنزَلَتهُم
أَعالي المَجدِ أَطرافُ العَوالي

24. A people like yours, Time does not bring back,
Nor do nights beget one like your father.

٢٤. هُمُ الرَأسُ الَّذي رَفعَت مَعَدٌّ
قَديماً لا يُطَأطَأُ لِلفَوالي

25. In their tombs lies spilled the drink
Of the rainclouds' udders from the rain-laden sky.

٢٥. فُحولُ المَجدِ جَعجَعَها المَنايا
وَأَسلَمَها الزِمامُ إِلى العِقالِ

26. Indeed, their graves altogether
Lie atop the summit of glories and grandeur.

٢٦. وَلَم يَكُ عِزُّهُم إِلّا اِختِلاساً
كَصَفقٍ بِاليَمينِ عَلى الشِمالِ

27. Water those graves, for in them lie
The water-bearers for the powerless.

٢٧. كَقَومِكِ لا يُعيدُ الدَهرُ قَوماً
وَمِثلِ أَبيكِ لا تَلِدُ اللَيالي

28. With hands that withhold the meadows as honor
And secure from the striking of swords.

٢٨. أُريقَت في قُبورِهِمُ اللَواتي
بِبَطنِ القاعِ أَذنِبَةُ النَوالِ

29. Thunderclouds wherein is the rumbling of thunder,
The neighing of the courser, the clanging of swords.

٢٩. لَقَد رُسَّت حَفائِرُهُم جَميعاً
عَلى هامِ المَكارِمِ وَالمَعالي

30. They came galloping like the rush of steeds
On nights of glory, tilting valiantly.

٣٠. سَقى تِلكَ القُبورَ فَإِنَّ فيها
سُقاةَ العاجِزينَ عَنِ البِلالِ

31. The era of their house watered its life
And gave life with ostriches and swords.

٣١. بِأَيدٍ تَحبِسُ الأَورادَ عِزّاً
وَتَأمَنُ مِن مُلاطَمَةِ السِجالِ

32. When their women undertake endeavors,
What then is my surmise and yours of the men?

٣٢. غَمائِمُ لِلرُعودِ بِها أَزيزٌ
رُغاءُ العَودِ رازَمَتِ المَتالي