
When the horses are at my abode, I do not depart,

أنا للركائب إن عرضت بمنزل

1. When the horses are at my abode, I do not depart,
And when contentment obeys me, I do not move on.

١. أَنا لِلرَكائِبِ إِن عَرَضتُ بِمَنزِلِ
وَإِذا القَنوعُ أَطاعَني لَم أَرحَلِ

2. I never sought the miserly giver for any need,
And I make do with the generous, though he be dusty.

٢. لَم أَطلُبِ المُثري البَخيلَ لِحاجَةٍ
أَبَداً وَأَقنَعُ بِالجَوادِ المُرمِلِ

3. I see the one who turns away the base as one
Blind of vision, slaughtering other than the joint.

٣. وَأَرى المُعَرِّضَ بِاللَئيمِ كَأَنَّهُ
أَعشى اللِحاظِ يَحُزُّ غَيرَ المَفصِلِ

4. And how many a master whose wrath is not curbed
By long censure or the toil of rebuke -

٤. وَلَرُبَّ مَولىً لا يَغُضُّ جِماحَهُ
طولُ العِتابِ وَلا عَناءُ العُذَّلِ

5. He prevails over you while you suffer his people
Like the sword that takes the softness from the polished.

٥. يَطغى عَلَيكَ وَأَنتَ تَلأَمُ شَعبَهُ
كَالسَيفِ يَأخُذُ مِن بَنانِ الصَيقَلِ

6. I weep for a life pulled by fate,
Pulled like the rope from the long wellwheel.

٦. أَبكي عَلى عُمرٍ يُجاذِبُهُ الرَدى
جَذبَ الرِشاءِ عَنِ القَليبِ الأَطوَلِ

7. I created with a loose rope in a confused night,
Hoping the Rope-thrower will lift it.

٧. أَخلِق بِحَبلٍ مُرسَلٍ في غَمرَةٍ
أَن سَوفَ يَرفَعُهُ بَنانُ المُرسِلِ

8. I was not disturbed by meetings, nor did I see
Worry in the separation of the burden-bearing camel.

٨. ما كُنتُ أَطرَبُ لِلِقاءِ وَلا أَرى
قَلَقاً لِبَينِ الظاعِنِ المُتَحَمِّلِ

9. I divert my rein from indulging passion,
And I turn away from remembering the amorous gazelle.

٩. أَلوي عِناني عَن مُنازَلَةِ الهَوى
وَأَصُدُّ عَن ذِكرِ الغَزالِ المُغزِلِ

10. And I visit the outskirts of encampments, and below them
A piercing that makes the dusty rags quiver.

١٠. وَأَزورُ أَطرافَ الثُغورِ وَدونَها
طَعنٌ يُبَرِّحُ بِالوَشيجِ الذُبَّلِ

11. Shall I attain the sweetness of union, and beneath it -
The bitterness of estrangement and the smoothness of the pampered?

١١. أَأَنالُ مِن عَذبِ الوِصالِ وَدونَهُ
مُرُّ الإِباءِ وَنَخوَةُ المُتَدَلِّلِ

12. I never drank a sugared draft willingly,
Nor did I desire a cup made of Oleander wood.

١٢. ما كُنتُ أَجرَعُ نُطفَةً مَعسولَةً
طَوعَ المُنى وَإِناؤُها مِن حَنظَلِ

13. Aqilah of the living, rise above me
With whatever you wish of the fresh gathered.

١٣. أَعَقيلَةَ الحَيّينِ دونَكِ فَاِرفَعي
ما شِئتِ مِن عَذَبِ القِناعِ المُسبَلِ

14. Alas! Her glances cannot reach you, for between us
Is a slope like the trunk of the approaching cloud.

١٤. هَيهاتَ تَبلُغُكَ اللِحاظُ وَبَينَنا
هَضبٌ كَخُرطومِ الغَمامِ المُقبِلِ

15. The homes of others are open to hospitality,
But only yours, in misfortune, has spacious quarters.

١٥. أَوطانُ غَيرِكِ لِلضِيافَةِ طَلقَةٌ
وَسِواكِ في اللأواءِ رَحبُ المَنزِلِ

16. And when the Commander of the Faithful hosts me,
I hope my descent is upon the excellent steed.

١٦. وَإِذا أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ أَضافَ لي
أَمَلي نَزَلتُ عَلى الجَوادِ المُفضِلِ

17. With the obedient auspicious one I achieve my goal,
And rise up so high none can vie with me.

١٧. بِالطائِعِ المَيمونِ أُنجِحَ مَطلَبي
وَعَلَوتُ حَتّى ما يُطاوَلُ مَعقَلي

18. A warrior - when war presented its difficulties
His spear dampened its severity with stabbing.

١٨. قَرمٌ إِذا عَرَتِ الخُطوبُ مُراحَهُ
أَدمى غَوارِبَها بِنابٍ أَعضَلِ

19. One who penetrates behind the enemy, and his knowledge
That the coward, when he walks, does not penetrate.

١٩. مُتَوَغِّلٌ خَلفَ العَدوِّ وَعِلمُهُ
أَنَّ الجَبانَ إِذا سَرى لَم يوغِلِ

20. And when the men share the spoils of war,
He distributes the inheritance with separation by lot.

٢٠. وَإِذا تَنافَلَتِ الرِجالُ غَنيمَةً
قَسَمَ التُراثَ لَها بِحَدِّ المُنصُلِ

21. Firm against the clamor of tribulations as if
He came to crack the armor with the whips.

٢١. ثَبتٌ لِهَجهَجَةِ الخُطوبِ كَأَنَّما
جاءَت تُقَعقِعُ بِالشِنانِ لِيَذبُلِ

22. The view of Al-Rashid and awe of Al-Mansur in
The beauty of Al-Amin and blessing of Al-Mu'takil.

٢٢. رَأيُ الرَشيدِ وَهَيبَةُ المَنصورِ في
حُسنِ الأَمينِ وَنِعمَةِ المُتَوَكِّلِ

23. Your noble fathers when they passed away
Took with them all vainglory and pretentiousness.

٢٣. آباؤُكَ الغُرُّ الَّذينَ إِذا اِنتَمَوا
ذَهَبوا بِكُلِّ تَطاوُلٍ وَتَطَوُّلِ

24. They treaded as the centuries treaded, and their knowledge
That the last will tell of the first.

٢٤. دَرَجوا كَما دَرَجَ القُرونُ وَعِلمُهُم
أَن سَوفَ يُخبِرُ آخِرٌ عَن أَوَّلِ

25. A lineage ascribed to you seized by its elders,
For ages from Al-'Abbas without being linked.

٢٥. نَسَبٌ إِلَيكَ تَجاذَبَت أَشياخُهُ
طِوَلاً مِنَ العَبّاسِ غَيرَ مُوَصَّلِ

26. This caliphate - its reins are in your hands,
While besides you others flounder in a gloomy night.

٢٦. هَذي الخِلافَةُ في يَدَيكَ زِمامُها
وَسِواكَ يَخبِطُ قَعرَ لَيلٍ أَليَلِ

27. You won it beyond all people, indeed,
Only a precursor takes off the burdensome garment.

٢٧. أَحرَزتَها دونَ الأَنامِ وَإِنَّما
خَلَعَ العَجاجَةَ سابِقٌ لَم يَذهَلِ

28. With perils that twist necks from beneath the spearheads
A neck adorned with battle ornaments.

٢٨. بِحَوادِرٍ يُعنِقنَ مِن تَحتِ القَنا
عَنَقاً يُعَرِّدُ بِالذِئابِ العُسَّلِ

29. Proud warriors when war came to a head,
They dug up a day darker than pitch.

٢٩. غُرٌّ مُحَجَّلَةٌ إِذا اِحتَضَرَ الوَغى
نَقَّبنَ عَن يَومٍ أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلِ

30. Repulsed - so which resolve did not constrict
A vein, and which determination did not waver?

٣٠. دُفِعَت فَأَيُّ الحُزمِ عَنها لَم يَضِق
عَرَقاً وَأَيُّ اللُجمِ لَم يَتَصَلصَلِ

31. The darkness peeled away its covering and the
Sides of that towering ascendant became exposed.

٣١. سَلَخَ الظَلامُ إِهابَهُ وَتَهَلَّلَت
جَنَباتُ ذاكَ العارِصِ المُتَهَلَّلِ

32. With your face there rose a prophetic innocence
Like the sun filling the viewer's eye.

٣٢. طَلَعَت بِوَجهِكَ غُرَّةٌ نَبَويَّةٌ
كَالشَمسِ تملَأُ ناظِرَ المُتَأَمِّلِ

33. And when an irrigated land grew with your reconciliation with the foe,
You donated its soil to the harvester.

٣٣. وَإِذا نَبَت بِكَ في مُسالَمَةِ العِدى
أَرضٌ وَهَبتَ تُرابَها لِلقَسطَلِ

34. And horsemen who did not seek refuge in a pass,
Unless you rose over them fully armed.

٣٤. وَفَوارِسٍ ما اِستَعصَموا بِثَنيَّةٍ
إِلّا طَلَعتَ عَلَيهِمُ في جَحفَلِ

35. The mounted beasts scattered us as if
Each terrain relished our return.

٣٥. شَرَدَت بِنا ذُلُلُ الرِكابِ كَأَنَّما
يَذرَعنَ بُردَةَ كُلِّ قاعٍ مُمحِلِ

36. And the retinues stood with their departure before us
Extending the necks of their water-skin carriers.

٣٦. وَالآلُ يَنهَضُ بِالشُخوصِ أَمامَنا
وَيَمُدُّ أَعناقَ القِنانِ المُثَّلِ

37. From every ascending camel its neck rose
As if it were a guide for the approaching camel.

٣٧. مِن كُلِّ رابِيَةٍ تَرَفَّعَ جيدُها
فَكَأَنَّهُ هادي حِصانٍ مُقبِلِ

38. And a snarling lion whose roar seemed to strike
The hearing with the growling of the lioness.

٣٨. وَمُعَرَّسٍ هَزِجِ الوُحوشِ كَأَنَّما
طَرَقَ المَسامِعَ عَن غَماغِمِ مِرجَلِ

39. The wastelands grazed our flanks and hastened
To the bone, devouring the fat of twisted ropes.

٣٩. عَرَكَت جَوانِبَنا الفَلاةُ وَأَسرَعَت
في العَظمِ وَاِقتاتَت شُحومَ البُزَّلِ

40. And to you one deceived by his mount swooped down,
Blown by the hands of the mount to perdition.

٤٠. وَإِلَيكَ طَوَّحَ بِالمَطيِّ مُغَرِّرٌ
عَصَفَت بِهِ أَيدي المَطيِّ المُضلِلِ

41. So he came to you consuming the desolate lands in haste,
While shade was between his trot and canter.

٤١. فَأَتَتكَ تَلتَهِمُ الهَواجِرَ طُلَّحاً
وَالظِلُّ بَينَ خِفافِها وَالجَروَلِ

42. With light scouts woken in every saddlebag,
Filled, and every skin of water, overfilled.

٤٢. وَخَفائِفاً فُجِعَت بِكُلِّ حَقيبَةٍ
مَلأى وكُلِّ مَزادِ ماءٍ أَثجَلِ

43. And on the saddlebags were dishevelled headbands
Twisted with hair, then unbraided.

٤٣. وَعَلى الرِحالِ عَصائِبٌ مُلتاثَةٌ
تَلوي بِشَعرٍ ثَمَّ غَيرِ مُرَجَّلِ

44. Your tent ropes stretched out, then the wishes swore
To not be coiled except by your ropes.

٤٤. عَلِقَت حِبالَكَ ثُمَّ أَقسَمَتِ المُنى
أَن لا لُوينَ بِغَيرِ حَبلِكَ أُنمُلي

45. A hope sat wasting away in the courtyard of your house,
As if in the courtyard of a torrent valley.

٤٥. أَمَلٌ جَثا بِفِناءِ دارِكَ قاطِناً
وَكَأَنَّهُ بِفِناءِ وادٍ مُبقِلِ

46. And a supplicant rubbing your hands as if
The clouds of the lofty covered him.

٤٦. وَمُجَلِّلٌ يُندي يَدَيكَ كَأَنَّما
غَطّاهُ عُرفُ العارِضِ المُتَهَدِّلِ

47. Alas - how many favors you adorned him with,
Overflowing like the hems of the embroidered cloak.

٤٧. أَرجوكَ لِلأَمرِ الخَطيرِ وَإِنَّما
يُرجى المُعَظَّمُ لِلعَظيمِ المُعضِلِ

48. So he rose and circled like an eagle to the heights,
While his enemy plunged headlong to the depths.

٤٨. وَأَرومُ مِن غُلَواءِ عِزِّكَ غايَةً
قَعساءَ تَستَلِبُ النَواظِرَ مِن عَلِ

49. And in his love - if he were an ancient friend
Or a seed that passed with a festering disease.

٤٩. كَم رامَها مِنكَ الجَبانُ فَراوَغَت
شَقّاءَ يَلعَبُ شِدقُها بِالمَسحَلِ

50. The one with a twisted sneer - his forehead yielded to you
Unacceptable and unreceiving.

٥٠. تُدمي قُلوبَ الحاسِدينَ وَتَنثَني
فَتَرُدُّ عادِيَةَ الخُطوبِ النُزَّلِ

51. When he saw you, his steps grew short
In fear, and he clamored in the outer hall.

٥١. ضاقَ الزَمانُ فَضاقَ فيهِ تَقَلُّبي
كَالماءِ يَجمَعُ نَفسَهُ في الجَدوَلِ

52. By God - you have left a lasting impression
By the hands of a maker of impressions without peer.

٥٢. هَذا الحُسَينُ إِلى عَلائِكَ يَنتَمي
شَرَفاً وَيَنسِبُ مَجدَهُ في المَحفِلِ

53. You ennobled us beyond all people, indeed -
The righteousness of a kinsman is the act of favor.

٥٣. أَسلَفتَهُ وَعداً عَلَيكَ تَمامُهُ
وَسَيُدرِكُ المَطلوبَ إِن لَم يَعجَلِ

54. You drew us like al-Jurayy drew to the heights,
And if a lofty one ascended, he did not descend.

٥٤. فَاِسمَح بِفِعلِكَ بَعدَ قَولِكَ إِنَّهُ
لا يُحمَدُ الوَسميُّ إِلّا بِالوَلي

55. For you are most right to lead and guide,
And most zealous in guarding the Prophet's son.

٥٥. فَلَعَلَّنا نَمتاحُ إِن لَم نَغتَرِف
ماءَ المُنى وَنُعَلُّ إِن لَم نُنهَلِ

56. The dust of your gifts is ransomed
By the gifts of others with ample uddered sheep.

٥٦. كَم وَقفَةٍ ناجَيتَهُ في ظِلِّها
وَالقَولُ يَغدُرُ بِالخَطيبِ المِقوَلِ

57. If not for your cloud of generosity, a rider would complain
Of deserts with his camel knelt at the watering place.

٥٧. ثَبَّتَّ فيها وِطاءَهُ وَوَراءَهُ
جَزَعٌ يُقَلقِلُ مِن قُلوبِ الجَندَلِ

58. And worthier of praise is one who initiates kindness
That reaches wombs not reached before.

٥٨. إيهٍ وَكَم مِن نِعمَةٍ جَلَّلتَهُ
تَضفو كَهُدّابِ الرِداءِ المُخمَلِ

59. My master - who can I hope to see you, and how can I
Attend your house while the enemy is at a distance?

٥٩. فَسَما وَحَلَّقَ كَالعُقابِ إِلى العُلى
وَعَدوُّهُ يَهوي هُوِيَّ الأَجدَلِ

60. Look at me with some of your glance, a look
That raises my sight and elucidates my words.

٦٠. وَبِوُدِّهِ لَو كانَ قَرناً سالِفاً
أَو نُطفَةً ذَهَبَت بِداءٍ مُغيِلِ

61. For now I am not pleased while you afford me
The contentment of the ascetic and reserve of the reserved.

٦١. وَمُشَمِّرِ العِرنَينِ خَرَّ جَبينُهُ
لَكَ غَيرَ مَقبولٍ وَلا مُستَقبَلِ

62. Hope, O Commander of the Faithful, we have the freedom
To not sleep away from wishful thinking.

٦٢. لَمّا رَآكَ تَقاصَرَت خُطَواتُهُ
جَزَعاً وَجَعجَعَ بِالرِواقِ الأَوَّلِ

63. With a mouth - when speech lifts its veil -
Giving tidings even if not asked.

٦٣. لِلَّهِ أَنتَ لَقَد أَثَرتَ صَنيعَةً
بِيَدَي مُعَمٍّ في الصَنائِعِ مُخوَلِ

64. And a hand - if you wring its passing cloud -
Pouring clear honeyed drink upon you.

٦٤. شَرَّفتَنا دونَّ الأَنامِ وَإِنَّما
بِرُّ القَريبِ عَلاقَةُ المُتَفَضِّلِ

65. You erase the myths of afflictions as the north wind
Erased the burdensome clouds.

٦٥. وَجَذَبتَنا جَذبَ الجَريرِ إِلى العُلى
وَإِذا اِرتَقى مُتَمَطِّرٌ لَم يَنزِلِ

66. No fearful protector of your support takes shelter in a spear
If he wished to pierce with the bare blade.

٦٦. فَلَأَنتَ أَولى بِالإِمامَةِ وَالهُدى
وَأَذَبُّ عَن وَلَدِ النَبيِّ المُرسَلِ

67. This Caliph does not deviate from the guidance
If the night of the wakeful affliction sleeps.

٦٧. أَغبارُ دَرٍّ مِن عَطائِكَ تُفتَدى
مِن دَرِّ غَيرِكَ بِالضُروعِ الحُفَّلِ

68. When I rallied to his victory at the joined battle,
He repelled time, with my ankles fettered.

٦٨. لَولا غَمامُ نَداكَ أَصبَحَ راكِبٌ
يَشكو الأُوامَ وَقَد أَناخَ بِمَنهَلِ

69. In it are my eulogies, as if I had poured
All my arrows in that target.

٦٩. وَأَحَقُّ بِالإِطراءِ باعِثُ مِنَّةٍ
وَصَلَت مِنَ الأَرحامِ ما لَم يوصَلِ

70. With each rhyme when I released it,
It yanked the rein of the hurried rider.

٧٠. مَولايَ مَن لي أَن أَراكَ وَكَيفَ لي
بِحُضورِ دارِكَ وَالعَدوُّ بِمَعزَلِ

71. And I gained from its breeze and vicinity
The most sublime of boons and most protected refuge.

٧١. اِنظُر إِلَيَّ بِبَعضِ طَرفِكَ نَظرَةً
يَسمو لَها نَظَري وَيُعرِبُ مِقوَلي

٧٢. فَالآنَ لا أَرضى وَأَنتَ مُمَوِّلي
بِرِضى القَنوعِ وَعِفَّةِ المُتَجَمِّلِ

٧٣. نُعمى أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ حَريَّةٌ
أَن لا نَنامَ عَنِ الرَجاءِ المُهمَلِ

٧٤. بِفَمٍ إِذا رَفَعَ الكَلامُ سِجافَهُ
أَوحى بِنائِلِهِ وَإِن لَم يُسأَلِ

٧٥. وَيَدٍ إِذا اِستَمطَرتَ عابِرَ مُزنِها
دَفَقَت عَلَيكَ مِنَ الزُلالِ السَلسَلِ

٧٦. تَمحو أَساطيرَ الخُطوبِ كَما مَحا
مَرُّ الشَمالِ مِنَ الغَمامِ المُثقَلِ

٧٧. لا يَحتَمي بِالرُمحِ باعُ مُؤَيَّدٍ
لَو شاءَ طاعَنَ بِالسِماكِ الأَعزَلِ

٧٨. هَذا الخَليفَةُ لا يَغُضُّ عَنِ الهُدى
إِن نامَ لَيلُ القائِمِ المُتَبَتِّلِ

٧٩. لَمّا أَهَبتُ بِنَصرِهِ لِمُلِمَّةٍ
دَفَعَ الزَمانَ وَقَد أَناخَ بِكَلكَلي

٨٠. واليتُ فيهِ مَدائِحي فَكَأَنَّما
أَفرَغتُ نَبلي كُلَّها في مَقتَلِ

٨١. مِن كُلِّ قافِيَةٍ إِذا أَطلَقتُها
عَطَفَت عِنانَ الراكِبِ المُستَعجِلِ

٨٢. وَظَفِرتُ مِن نَفَحاتِهِ وَجِوارِهِ
بِأَجَلِّ نَعماءٍ وَأَحرَزِ مَوئِلِ