1. The turns of fate, do they hope for their difficulties?
And ask about one whose tribe has made him grey,
١. تُرى نُوَبُ الأَيّامِ تُرجي صِعابَها
وَتَسأَلُ عَن ذي لِمَّةٍ ما أَشابَها
2. And is there a cause for greyness after this?
For your wont, O hue of youth, is its wont.
٢. وَهَل سَبَبٌ لِلشَيبِ مِن بَعدِ هَذِه
فَدَأبُكَ يا لَونَ الشَبابِ وَدابُها
3. We drank from the days a bitter cup,
Passed around by hands we do not refuse its sipping.
٣. شَرِبنا مِنَ الأَيّامِ كَأساً مَريرَةً
تُدارُ بِأَيدٍ لا نَرُدُّ شَرابَها
4. We reproach them though the blame is innate in them,
And who reproaches the patchwork has wearied of blaming it.
٤. نُعاتِبُها وَالذَنبُ مِنها سَجيَّةٌ
وَمَن عاتَبَ الخَرقاءَ مَلَّ عِتابَها
5. And they said fate's arrows go astray and hit true,
So how did we encounter them, O people prone to calamity?
٥. وَقالوا سِهامَ الدَهرِ خاطٍ وَصائِبٌ
فَكَيفَ لَقينا يا لِقَومٍ صَيابَها
6. The seed of life refused pearls to a resolute rival,
And he who suffers no misery milks it.
٦. أَبَت لِقحَةُ الدُنيا دُروراً لِعاصِبٍ
وَيَحلُبُها مَن لا يُعاني عِصابَها
7. Yet noble souls succeed in impregnating bliss,
While feeble souls lose even its drippings.
٧. وَقَد يُلقِحُ النَعماءَ قَومٌ أَعِزَّةٌ
وَيَخسَرُ قَومٌ عاجِزونَ سِقابَها
8. Whenever the expanses of schemes narrowed,
I called upon Ibn Hamd, so he answered the call.
٨. وَكُنتُ إِذا ضاقَت مَناديحُ خِطَّةٍ
دَعَوتُ اِبنَ حَمدٍ دَعوَةً فَأَجابَها
9. A brother to me, if my requests overwhelmed me,
He flung at me the objects of wishes, hitting them.
٩. أَخٌ لي إِن أَعيَت عَلَيَّ مَطالِبي
رَمى لِيَ أَغراضَ المُنى فَأَصابَها
10. When the sublime grew obscure, not to be guided,
I knocked with him, not with dear friends, at its door.
١٠. إِذا اِستَبهَمَت عَلياءُ لا يُهتَدى لَها
قَرَعتُ بِهِ دونَ الأَخِلّاءِ بابَها
11. With him the burden of intense sorrows lightened over me,
And he made its remoteness and estrangement desirable to me.
١١. بِهِ خَفَّ عَنّي ثِقلُ فادِحَةِ النُوى
وَحَبَّبَ عِندي نَأيَها وَاِغتِرابَها
12. Eighty nights on the back of the she-camel, navigating them,
Two friends whom its darknesses clothe in their robes.
١٢. ثَمانونَ مِن لَيلِ التَمامِ نَجوبُها
رَفيقَينِ تَكسونا الدَياجي ثِيابَها
13. With the Kaaba's bright stars we take omens,
Whenever we see them, we await their setting.
١٣. نَؤُمُّ بِكَعبِ العامِريِّ نُجومَها
إِذا ما نَظَرناها اِنتَظَرنا غِيابَها
14. We line up the hands of the Pleiades, then judge
Where in their necks the pointer directs them.
١٤. نُقَوِّمُ أَيدي اليَعمَلاتِ وَراؤَهُ
وَنَعدِلُ مِنها أَينَ أَومى رِقابَها
15. As if we are the channels' pipes, lined by them,
Teeth that have marched forth, marching their immuno-deficiency.
١٥. كَأَنّا أَنابيبُ القَناةِ يَؤُمُّها
سِنانٌ مَضى قُدماً فَأَمضى كِعابَها
16. Like hungry wolves you saw them when need descended,
Smelling its dust when the wilderness dismounted.
١٦. كَذِئبِ الغَضا أَبصَرتَهُ عِندَ مَطمَعٍ
إِذا هَبَطَ البَيداءَ شَمَّ تُرابَها
17. Do not heal Ibn Layla's eye from the speck with Layla's eye,
Doubt makes the edges of its mounts unclear to it.
١٧. بِعَينِ اِبنِ لَيلى لا تُداوى مِنَ القَذى
يُريبُ أَقاصي رَكبِهِ ما أَرابَها
18. You see it abject between the crevices of its saddlebags,
Like bundled up patchwork they pressed over it its loads.
١٨. تَراهُ قَبوعاً بَينَ شَرخَي رِحالِهِ
كَمَذروبَةٍ ضَمّوا عَلَيها نِصابَها
19. So we pass by some garments, critiquing them, and some tribes,
Barking our dogs through them.
١٩. فَمِن حِلَّةٍ نَجتابُها وَقَبيلَةٍ
نَمُرُّ بِها مُستَنبِحينَ كِلابَها
20. And from some lightning we swoop down onto it, and from a gust
That reminds us of its days and its youth.
٢٠. وَمِن بارِقٍ نَهفو إِلَيهِ وَنَفحَةٍ
تُذَكِّرُنا أَيّامَها وَشَبابَها
21. I yearn for the days of youth and a tribe,
That fluttered from me at dawn its ravens.
٢١. وَلَهفي عَلى عَهدِ الشَبابِ وَلِمَّةٍ
أَطَرَّت غَداةَ الخَيفِ عَنّي غُرابَها
22. And from a house of loved ones we water its palm trees
With spring water or revive its sides.
٢٢. وَمِن دارِ أَحبابٍ نَبُلُّ طُلولَها
بِماءِ الأَماقِيَ أَو نُحَيّي جَنابَها
23. And from a friendly rural caravan,
Entrusting us their tree branches and somberness.
٢٣. وَمِن رِفقَةٍ نَجديَّةٍ بَدَويَّةٍ
تُفَوِضُنا أَشجانَها وَاِكتِئابَها
24. And we remind it of longing until it pines
And stretches at the edges of pining its neck.
٢٤. وَنُذكِرُها الأَشواقَ حَتّى تُحِنَّها
وَتُعدي بِأَطرافِ الحَنينِ رِكابَها
25. Whenever longing challenges our hearts one day,
We offer it our breaths and fervor.
٢٥. إِذا ما تَحَدّى الشَوقُ يَوماً قُلوبَنا
عَرَضنا لَهُ أَنفاسَنا وَاِلتِهابَها
26. And we tire of the canteens, such delight as if
We saw Iraq or alighted at its abodes.
٢٦. وَمِلنا عَلى الأَكوارِ طَربى كَأَنَّما
رَأَينا العِراقَ أَو نَزَلنا قِبابَها
27. We yearn for our homelands but what augments our travel
Hinders us − we did not count its reckoning.
٢٧. نُشاقُ إِلى أَوطانِنا وَتَعوقُنا
زِياداتُ سَيرٍ ما حَسِبنا حِسابَها
28. And how many nights we spent enduring its horrors
And tore its gravel when the deluge roared.
٢٨. وَكَم لَيلَةٍ بِتنا نُكابِدُ هَولَها
وَنَمزُقُ حَصباها إِذا الغَمرُ هابَها
29. Our cheeks' illumination peeled from its darkness,
Illumination of cheeks smeared with their kohl.
٢٩. وَقَد نَصَلَت أَنضاؤُنا مِن ظَلَمِها
نَصُلُ بَنانِ الخَودِ تَنضو خَضابَها
30. And a migrant who casts the sparks of its firewood
Onto the riders, our camels' shoes struck its flints.
٣٠. وَهاجِرَةٍ تُلقي شِرارَ وَقودِها
عَلى الرَكبِ أَنعَلنا المَطيَّ ظِرابَها
31. When it tempted us after thirst with its water
And the sand dunes deceived us, it made its mirage disappoint us.
٣١. إِذا ماطَلَتنا بَعدَ ظَمءٍ بِمائِها
وَعَجَّ الظَوامي أَورَدَتنا سَرابَها
32. The companions craved flowers and the saliva was dry,
No saliva but the sun casts its spittle.
٣٢. تَمَنّى الرِفاقُ الوِردَ وَالريقُ ناضِبٌ
فَلا ريقَ إِلّا الشَمسُ تُلقي لُعابَها
33. Until we stopped at the two stopping places, and
Mecca greeted us with its banners and plateaus.
٣٣. إِلى أَن وَقَفنا المَوقِفَينِ وَشافَهَت
بِنا مَكَّةٌ أَعلامَها وَهِضابَها
34. We spent the night at a gathering and the camel halted,
Hoping we will find Mina and its pebbles.
٣٤. وَبِتنا بِجَمعٍ وَالمَطيُّ مُوَقَّفٌ
نُؤَمِّلُ أَن نَلقى مِنىً وَحِصابَها
35. And we circumambulated the Ancient House veiled,
Seeing by it our deeds and rewards.
٣٥. وَطُفنا بِعادِيِّ البِناءِ مُحَجَّبٍ
نَرى عِندَهُ أَعمالَنا وَثَوابَها
36. And we visited the Messenger of God, then afterward
The graves of men whose afflictions we did not ask.
٣٦. وَزُرنا رَسولَ اللَهِ ثُمَّ بُعَيدَهُ
قُبورَ رِجالٍ ما سَلَونا مُصابَها
37. And we crossed by the sword of the sea and the sea roared
With its surges until we tread its shores.
٣٧. وَجُزنا بِسَيفِ البَحرِ وَالبَحرُ زاخِرٌ
بِلُجَّتِهِ حَتّى وَطِئنا عُبابَها
38. Ordeals that make grey hairs conspicuous in every tribe,
And make one forget the days of youth and its playfulness.
٣٨. خُطوبٌ يُعِنَّ الشَيبَ في كُلِّ لِمَّةٍ
وَيُنسينَ أَيّامَ الصِبا وَلِعابَها
39. May God lodge those who shared the stirring up
Of the camels' saddles, its organization and disarray,
٣٩. عَسى اللَهُ أَن يَأوي لِشُعثٍ تَناهَبوا
هِبابَ المَطايا نَصَّها وَاِنجِذابَها
40. And felt with their hands the fever of the path's ailments
Upon the camel litters' staves and patches.
٤٠. وَجاسوا بِأَيديها عَلى عِلَلِ السُرى
حِرارَ أَماعيزِ الطَريقِ وَلابَها
41. May each magnifier cast them unto Baghdad
When he sees its walls and domes.
٤١. فَيَرمي بِها بَغدادَ كُلُّ مُكَبِّرٍ
إِذا ما رَأى جُدرانَها وَقِبابَها
42. So how many calls did I send in time of distress
To Him, and patience was his long reply.
٤٢. فَكَم دَعوَةٍ أَرسَلتُها عِندَ كُربَةٍ
إِلَيهِ فَكانَ الطولُ مِنهُ جَوابَها