
The night slips between the pool and twisted tree,

الليل ينصل بين الحوض والعطن

1. The night slips between the pool and twisted tree,
And lightning reveals the coolness of the bending branch.

١. اللَيلُ يَنصُلُ بَينَ الحَوضِ وَالعَطَنِ
وَالبَرقُ يُسدي بُرودَ العارِضِ الهَتِنِ

2. My eyes grow weary looking at the one with whom
I walked, a human weighed down by sorrow and grief.

٢. وَالجَفنُ يَفتُرُ عَن طَرفٍ صَحِبتُ بِهِ
إِنسانُهُ مُثقَلُ العِطفَينِ بِالوَسَنِ

3. On a night that promised separation, it stole
From my eyes traces of the soot of grief.

٣. في لَيلَةٍ أَوعَدَت بِالبَينِ فَاِختَلَسَت
مِنَ العُيونِ بَقايا غُبَّرِ الوَسَنِ

4. Until I saw I had an anguished eye
That divided its tears between the lids and pupils.

٤. حَتّى نَظَرتُ وَلَي عَينٌ مُؤَرَّقَةٌ
تُقَسَّمُ الدَمعَ بَينَ الرَبعِ وَالظُعُنِ